The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 135: dream the massacre

Chapter 135: dream the massacre

A pair of eyes blinked open in a completely dark room, as it squinted to adapt to the low light intensity. The owner of this pair of eyes shakingly stood up, as he fumbled around with his hands to get hold of anything nearby to support himself.

Everywhere around him was filled with absolute darkness, that he could not even see his palms. After getting more control of his senses, he finally started looking around but he could not see anything due to the extreme darkness.

Why is this room so dark? Where am I? He soliloquized in a soft low tone, confused, as he tried to think of how he ended up here.

As he thought, he suddenly squinted his eyes again as a bright source of light suddenly emerged at a place far from where he stood. He heaved a sigh of relief, as the sudden emergence of light in such darkness calmed his nerves.

The light was not bright enough to illuminate where he stood, but at least it served as a beacon of direction to him.

Despite the location of the light being far, he was able to faintly notice that it was fluctuating irregularly. Sometimes it would become brighter, at other times it would suddenly become dimmer.

From the faint light reaching his location, he was finally able to locate the walls around him. After supporting himself with the nearest wall surface, this was when he was able to get a better outlook of where he was.

It was a long corridor that leads deep into the darkness on opposite ends. The source of light that appeared, was coming from one of the ends of the corridor.

Is this not the corridor of the military base? The person soliloquized in the darkness, as a faint but blurry memory suddenly tried to emerge back into his brain. He quickly closed his eyes, as he tried to catch that blurry memory.

After trying hard but not recalling the memory in detail, he decided to rest his brain and leave it behind. He made the most logical decision he could make at the moment, as he started walking closer to the light source ahead.

Though it seemed just like something here, the distance to the light from his position was actually long. He was continually surprised, as all his distance estimates were repeatedly passed without him drawing near to the light.

Despite this, he persevered and continued walking forward for hours, as he made sure to keep track of time in his head. As he walked forward, he could not help but think that these walls were getting more familiar.

After what seemed like an eternity, he finally came before the light source. He heaved a huge sigh of relief, as he leaned against the wall to rest his aching leg muscles a little.

On seeing the light source at a closer distance, he was finally able to see what it came from. He was surprised as this light was actually being projected into the corridor from an open door. The light was coming from the other side of the door.

It was now that he noticed that the light was not just white. As it fluctuated, it sometimes changed to red like the color of blood, then yellowish-orange like the color of an explosion.

At times, it changed to blue like the color of an energy eruption before it would morph back to the regular white color.

This sight did not intimidate him, it only made him more curious as he now really wanted to know what lied beyond this door.

He did not know if he was under the influence of anything, but he was feeling kind of weird. He felt an unnatural kind of confidence that he could never feel before on normal occasions.

Am I high? He could not help but ask himself again, as he struggled to control his staggering breath.

After recovering his breath, he decisively walked forward to the door as he extended his hands outwards to open it directly.

As soon as the door opened, he was surprised as the loud sound of explosions suddenly overwhelmed his hearing organ, rendering him stunned for a second.

It was at this very second that stray bullets and explosions overtook him, shredding his body to pieces instantly. He could only watch astonished, as he immediately died from the huge firepower.

He was horrified, as he saw his physical body being shredded and burnt to ashes before his eyes. He was even more horrified when he saw his new illusory manifestation floating without a body in the air.

What am I? Where is this? He questioned in alarm, as his brain could not make sense of what was happening. He did not know what gave him the courage, but he suddenly felt all the horror leave him like it was never there.

He finally looked down to see what exactly was happening. He finally understood as he saw soldiers shooting at each other viciously, while explosions rocked the large hall where they fought at.

Are these people fighting a war? He could not help but soliloquize, as he temporarily forgot about his abnormal illusory form.

Wait, these people look familiar. He muttered again, surprised as he faintly felt a sense of familiarity on seeing these people. He tried to think more about it, but just like the last time, he could not get a complete memory.

He decided to just ignore it, as he focused back on the battle. He squinted his eyes, as he tried to get as many details as possible from it.

It was at this moment that a change finally came into the battlefield. With the sound of barriers breaking, a huge blurry-looking animal suddenly appeared on the battlefield from a place he could not pinpoint.

Before the warring soldiers could observe it, it directly started a massacre. It sided with no one, as it killed every soldier who came near it.

With momentum and force like a stampede of rhinos, strength like that of a leviathan, this blurry-looking animal made blood rain on the battlefield. Blood and body parts were the only things left in its wake, as it wreaked havoc on every side.

The soldiers finally started directing attention to it on seeing its strength, but it didnt matter as it barged through all obstacles with its horrifyingly thick skin.

How can an animal be so strong? He questioned in alarm and awe, as the animal wreaked havoc in every corner of the battlefield.

His figure suddenly froze, as he looked on with a horrified expression. He did not know why, but the animal suddenly turned as he looked him in the eye.

What??? He was completely shocked and emotionally shaken, he could no longer control himself. He messed himself up in fear, directly wetting his illusory trousers as his illusory form started shaking unstably.

Pop!! With a soft pop sound, he finally disappeared from the battlefield, still confused about why he was even there in the first place.

Clark finally woke up, as he immediately jumped up to look at his surrounding alertly. His face was covered with a thick sheen of sweat, making him feel sticky all over.

He heaved a sigh of relief, as he saw no soldiers fighting and no abnormally strong animal massacring them. He slumped and supported himself with the walls of the room, as he tried to recollect his thoughts.

After glancing at the still sleeping soldiers, he finally calmed his nerves before silently finding a place to sit down and think.

He was surprised, as, after so many years of silence, he finally had a dream again. Though the dream was not really clear, it was better than his initial dreams where everything was blurry. He came to this corner, as he wanted to quietly brainstorm and see if he could understand it better.

He did not know the implications of this dream, but he knew that all the groups of soldiers will surely fight when they get hold of what they came here for. But what was that blurry-looking animal that emerged at the end? This was his dilemma.

After hours of brainstorming, he was still unable to understand what he saw exactly. He just decided to forget it, as a soldier just woke up.

On looking clearly, he was surprised and excited as the soldier who woke up was none other than Captain Oxford. After thinking it over, he quickly went over to meet him.

After exchanging greetings, he quickly told him everything that they did and the decisions Captain Jack took after he passed out. He hesitated for a bit, but he still decided to tell him about his dream.

Captain Oxford was surprised but he just told him to not think too deeply about it nor tell anyone else.

Despite saying it so casually, he actually took the dream seriously. He already experienced a lot of things in this life, he was not about to just ignore it despite it seeming insignificant.

The main reason why he told Clark not to tell anyone else, was because he did not want to spread panic. Yesterday's battle was not a pleasant thing to remember, it still affected the soldiers immensely. Adding such an ominous dream would only worsen things.

After discussing some other matters, they both returned back to sleep as it was not morning yet. They already grew close from this encounter, as one saved the others life while the other broke through because of it.

Morning finally came, as all the soldiers promptly woke up to continue their journey inside the military base. Though the military base was isolated from the outside world and they could not see direct sunlight, the feeling of morning still lingered in the air.

After arranging all their possessions, they finally embarked on their journey again under the lead of Captain Oxford. They moved with much more confidence than before, as their safety was practically guaranteed with the upgraded form of their Captain.

They left the room swiftly, as no other exobeast nor mechanical soldier emerged to confront them.

Though they came out battered and lost 3 soldiers from the last battle, they were not defeated. They did not lose courage, instead, they took their Captain who broke through as an example to motivate themselves.

Even in the darkest nights, there is still a beacon of light that shines to show a clear path. Though it's small, its still valuable. Light cannot exist without darkness, that is just nature.

This quote was good to describe their situation, as, in their darkest hour, their leader broke through which acted as their beacon of light and hope.

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