The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 133: captain oxfords upgraded form

Chapter 133: captain oxfords upgraded form

Shockwaves repeatedly blasted out like rolling thunder from the point of contact, as Clark was thrown away from the fierce wind waves impact. He was shocked and excited, as he felt the skyrocketing aura of his Captain.

All the other soldiers were confused about what to do at the moment, they could only look on in awe at this legendary moment. A soldier breaking through in battle was definitely a legendary moment.

WOOF!! The exobeast was startled by the current strength being displayed by the human, it was confused but still barked in rage as it felt that its dignity was being trampled upon.

All the soldiers closed their ears, as the deep vocal cords of the bloodhound spread the sound outwards like a sonic disaster. Visible ripples appeared in the air, as the sound spread outwards like something under the influence of a spatial storm.

The metal walls of the room made the sound reverberate and echo more loudly, as they creaked weirdly and loudly in protest. Tables and chairs were overturned, debris flew about like the descent of an archmage was imminent.

The current scene looked so legendary, epic, and magical, that the soldiers could only close their ears while watching with awed expressions on their faces.

Despite it applying more strength and barking, Captain Oxford kept a determined expression on his face as he firmly held its jaws apart.

At this moment, greenish-red veins already took over more than half of his body. He growled deeply as his muscles contracted to gather more strength, he was currently at his peak powers.

Boom!! He finally did the impossible, as he used his now outrageous strength to topple the giant form of the exobeast. The sight of the giant exobeast falling looked so intimidating, making it look like the fearsome rush of an avalanche.

It landed with a loud sound, as all the debris nearby was thrown up again like something under the influence of a dangerous tornado.

Despite his expression being hidden behind his armors helmet, the soldiers were still able to deduce that their Captain was currently experiencing the pure bliss of wielding great power.

After toppling the exobeast, he felt fulfillment like never before as he also roared his own challenge at it.

For the past few minutes, he experienced the most disastrous battle of his life, apart from the Spartan/Mocan war. It was practically torture to him, as the exobeast wreaked havoc into their formation.

He could only watch helplessly as the first soldier died. The second followed, and he was still rendered helpless. After the death of the third soldier, he became desperate but he still could not do anything.

But when he saw that the next victim would be Clark, he threw all caution to the wind as he ran in between them immediately to at least buy some time for him.

His extreme loyalty to the Spartan republic would not let him leave such a talented soldier to die such a cruel and unfortunate death.

His plan paid off, as he successfully rescued Clark. But not only did it pay, but it also paid off in a way he never expected, he finally had a breakthrough after 20 years of remaining stuck in the 3rd rank.

He wanted to thank Clark for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity where he got to break his limits. Without him being in a dangerous situation, he could have never found this opportunity. But he knew that this was not the right time. He still had an exobeast to kill.

Despite him having a breakthrough, this bloodhound was not something he could casually kill. He quickly rolled to the side, as he took hold of his precious high-grade sword again.

Today, we dine in hell!!!. He yelled as he rushed forward to engage the bloodhound again.

After being overpowered in strength, the bloodhound finally knew that this human could now threaten it. There was nowhere for it to escape to, it could only use its intelligence to retaliate back as cleverly as it could.

Boom!! Boom!! The soldiers at the side were quickly reduced to mere spectators, as the 2 silhouettes in battle moved with extreme speed. Sword strikes and claw strikes collided repeatedly, as their position caved in from the shockwaves erupting from their battle.

After recovering, Clark quickly made a new decision after carefully observing the current ongoing battle.

He quickly located the soldier with the strongest sniper rifle in the room, as he took away his weapon without much resistance from him. He knew that as Captain Oxford broke through so abruptly, there would definitely be side effects.

The Captain just broke through, he did not have a 100% chance of killing the bloodhound alone. Following this logic, he quickly performed his malicious tinkering again as the sniper rifle became overloaded with energy.

He climbed the biggest elevated platform in the room, as he relaxed and calmly aimed at the battlefield. He was good at fighting a melee battle when required, but he still loved sniping from a distance more.

As Captain Oxford continued entangling with the bloodhound, he already noticed Clarks movements. He was relieved, as this exobeast was still a tricky opponent to face despite his current strength.

After biting and clawing repeatedly at its opponent without getting any meaningful result, the bloodhound finally started panicking. It sometimes thought of escaping, but the thick walls of the room could not be breached by its claws.

It suddenly barked loudly and tried to retreat, as it felt the same tingling sensation of danger again. Its decision was fast, but Captain Oxford was faster as he moved closer tyrannically.

His hand speed erupted fiercely, as he tried every method he could to restrain its movements. His figure only left afterimages behind, as the bloodhound hastily tried to defend.

BOOM!! It was at this moment that a bright blue light flashed on the battlefield, followed by a loud sound of impact. The energy beam moved so fast that the soldiers only became aware when blood erupted out from the exobeasts body.

The bloodhound whimpered in pain, as the enormous energy beam destroyed a significant part of its leg muscles. It felt unimaginable pain, as it tried without much success to stabilize its unsteady steps.

Boom!! Boom!! Bam!! Clark released 2 other deadly energy beams before the sniper rifle finally exploded with a loud sound after its energy systems were fried from the enormous energy overload.

The exobeast dropped down weakly in pain, as it barked resentfully at the soldier who shot at it. 2 other holes were already in its massive body, as blood poured out in waves from its neck and back.

Captain Oxford obviously was not about to waste such a heavenly opportunity, as he jumped up with his sword raised high above his head.

Boom!! Clang!! He landed momentously as shockwaves billowed out of his position, while his sword cut deeply into the bleeding neck of the bloodhound exobeast. Despite digging deep, its advance was halted as it got entangled in the steel-like bones of the bloodhound.

This only temporarily saved its life, as Captain Oxford jumped again while gathering his armors energy at his fists. With another loud sound reverberating, his fists slammed down heavily on the sword.

Ptui!! The exobeast terror, the first super dog, the super dog program subjects head was finally separated from its body, as blood flowed out like a river overflowing its banks.

After doing this deed, Captain Oxford felt satisfaction like never before as his armor finally dematerialized from his face, revealing his grinning and joyful expression.

As he grinned, the repercussions of his forceful breakthrough finally hit him hard as he staggered weakly. Weariness suddenly overwhelmed his whole body, as he felt it even strenuous to maintain a steady step.

Bam!! His burly figure finally dropped down unconscious, as his soldiers rushed forward swiftly to his position.

After checking his pulse, they were relieved as he was still alive. Though he was currently very weak, they were satisfied with him not dying.

After making sure that there were no complications, they finally had time to take in their surroundings as they looked at the destruction the battle brought to this room.

After an epic battle where they lost 3 good soldiers and their leader had a breakthrough, they finally emerged as the winners.

The scenery of the laboratory already took on another form, as only battle scars and marks of the various desperate explosions remained behind. Blood dyed the originally white floor red, making it look like the location where a zombie apocalypse took place.

Everything around indicated that they lost, the only thing saying otherwise was the dead body of the giant bloodhound lying down in a pool of its own blood.

This battle impacted their psyche enormously. Even as high-grade soldiers, they could still suffer from trauma. Losing 3 comrades in one battle was definitely not an encouraging situation.

If it was a mission involving the survival of their country, they would not hesitate to jump at death. But this mission was not, this was a contest originally above their league.

Captain Jack was already regretting his decision to come here fiercely, as of the 3 dead soldiers in the battle, 2 were his subordinates. He could only thank his luck for the unexpected breakthrough of his ally at the last moment.

After Clark came down, they finally took the body of their Captain to the corner to administer first aid treatments to him. They also needed the first-aid treatment, as, despite the protection of their armor, they all survived certain degrees of injuries.

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