The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 128: diary and research

Chapter 128: diary and research

After the experience of the previous room, the advancing group of soldiers was now extra cautious. Only the soft thudding sounds of their boots echoed in the corridor, as they moved forward while remaining alert.

They were ready to nullify any sudden ambush like the one of last time if it came. Even an animal hardly falls for the same trick twice, if the hunter refuses to employ new measures against it. They were not foolish enough to fall for the same trick twice.

Captain Oxford already prepared a lot of plans, strategies, and counter-measures to go through any unfavorable situation they find themselves in.

After knowing the preparations of their leader, the advancing group of soldiers were now more confident in surviving. Fighting a prepared battle, was completely different from fighting an abrupt, completely unprepared one.

Their confidence showed, as despite them passing through the same eerie-looking corridor, their expressions were not as tense. And their steps were steady, showing their decisiveness this time.

Unlike the last time, they did not experience the expected alarm notification appearing on the walls of the corridor. They were already before the door leading to the next room, but they waited for some time to see if a change would occur.

After not seeing a change in 2 minutes, Captain Oxford finally ordered his soldiers to storm inside the room. They already predicted that they would likely meet completely new circumstances, so they were not too surprised.

Under his leadership, a soldier quickly opened the door, as they all stormed into the room immediately after.

Whoosh!! Whoosh!! Their figures blurred, as they all swiftly moved with practiced fluid movements, they quickly formed a formation that was already decided on beforehand. The structure of the formation formed a shape like that of a bow and arrow.

Captain Oxford stood at the head of the formation, with his sword placed vertically on his front to protect against any sudden attacks.

His armor already covered his face, but from his stance, you could easily predict that his face was fearsomely tightened right now. He acted as the tip of the arrow, in this formation.

Captain Jack stayed in the middle of the formation, to act as the pivot maintaining the stability of the formation. He was just like the bow of the formation, which will control the battle from the middle.

His role was mainly to co-ordinate from the middle, to not let the soldiers fall from the formation when they encounter any unexpected situation.

Naturally, Clark garrisoned at the back with his exotic 2-form gun firmly grasped with both his hands. With his head held high, his legs firmly planted on the ground, his shoulders and back kept straight, he maintained a stable aim, pointing at the front of the formation.

On his lead, all the ranged soldiers stood in formation, acting as the arrow that would shoot at enemies from behind for the allied group of soldiers.

Overall, the soldiers formed a cohesive whole, as no holes to exploit were left in their formation. As high-grade soldiers, their execution of battle formations was already on another level entirely.

Silence pervaded in the cold room as the allied group of soldiers, maintained focus, searching for any hidden threat.

After already being in the formation for over a minute, they finally started recovering their calm a little, as the expected ambush did not happen. Despite being calm, they did not lower the level of their alertness. They kept their formation, as they finally had the time to observe their surroundings.

This room was similar to the one they just came from, with mechanical parts and metallic residues littered all around. Grey was the main color dominating the room, making it look like something from a picture in a black and white movie, from the 1970s.

They kept the formation for another 5 minutes before they started poking around for clues under the direction of their leading Captain.

After cautiously poking around for some minutes, they finally verified that the room was safe. This relaxed their tense nerves a bit, as they quickly embarked on a new mission to search for an exit. They did not want to waste any time in these suspicious rooms.

After looking over the whole room, they found that this room was different from the previous one. Unlike the first one, this rooms exit door was hidden from their view.

This was a complication that they did not want to face, but they had no choice. Under the orders of Captain Oxford, they were all dispatched out in batches of 2 to search thoroughly for the exit.

As they searched, they conveniently pocketed anything of value that was found. Though theyve not found any threat, for now, they still kept their alertness, as the death of their comrade was still fresh on their minds.

Captain, I found something. A Spartan soldier quickly reported back, as he handed a slightly worn-out diary over to his Captain.

[Military base- 103], was written with bold letters at the front of the diary cover. On seeing this, Captain Oxfords irises constricted, as he quickly located an elevated platform to sit on. He started reading the diary, as the soldier who brought it returned to search for the exit.

Dec. 28, 2163. I was brought today to the organizations secret military base. I was told that as the best engineer in this batch group of trainees, I will be the leader of the 2nd room engineering department.

I was extremely happy then. I did my best to make the best mechanical soldiers that I could make. I always used up all the materials they provided to me within 6 months

Aug. 13, 2165. After getting a lot of contribution points, I was finally promoted to the position I wanted. I finally became the leader of the 56th passages engineering department, after 2 years of relentless hard work

Nov. 27, 2165. I came into contact with the biological research team. This was when I knew the truth. I thought I was helping the organizations military force with my mechanical constructs, but they were just being used as guards to guard this special research team.

Dec. 3, 2165. It started today, I started hearing the screams coming out of the special research room daily. I was frightened and curious, but I succeeded in suppressing my impulse.

Oct. 1, 2167. Its over, the Seafarers alliance finally discovered the base. Orders came that we are evacuating, we are leaving all our research results behind.

Jan. 5, 2168. Blood rained today, as the preliminary fleet of the Seafarers alliance attacked the base. We lost a lot of good warriors. I dont know what will happen to me, the guards are coming to take me away.

Captain Oxford finally closed the diary, as he took in the information he just got. He was shocked, so this was actually a military research base? And he said this is the 56th passage, right? Passages to where?

From this little time that passed, his knowledge about this military base was completely unturned. He was not able to get most of the information, as the owner seemed to write only on the days he wanted.

The owner skipped a lot of days, so he didnt understand most of the events. As he thought, he was quickly drawn out of his ruminating mood, as a soldier made another discovery.

I think I just found it, one of the 1st rank high-grade soldiers of the Dawn kingdom announced, as all the others quickly converged back to his position.

Facing them was the normal grew colored metal walls of the room, there was no door facing them. No one said a thing, as they started their analysis on the wall while waiting for the soldier to explain his rationale.

After listening to the explanation of the soldier, the rest finally understood. He was one of the few technical-oriented soldiers from the Dawn kingdom, so the group respected his verdict.

According to him, his special detection device, detected an abnormal electric pulse when he came near this place. Such pulses were employed on electricity and A. I powered doors, so he suspected that a door was hidden behind the wall.

With the help of the other soldiers, the wall was successfully caved in by their weapons, as the reinforced door behind it finally came into view. The Dawn soldier was right, there was a door which security firewall was being overseen by an A. I behind the wall.

After inspecting the level of firewall that was protecting the door, the soldier confidently stated that he could crack it, but it would take time.

The others surrounded him, as he quickly went to work on cracking the code locking the door. Words moved across the projected monitor in a blur, as words were imputed into the monitor directly from his brain, through his implant.

This was one of the advantages of this era. Instead of stressing yourself by typing by hand, your implant can simply be personalized to your taste, to enable you to type directly from your brain, through a neural network.

Click!! A soft click sound finally sounded out, as a countdown started moving down on the timer in the door.

On seeing the timer, all the soldiers brandished their weapons, as they prepared for an ambush if any came. They were proven wrong again, as nothing came out to confront them.

This time the countdown time was 30 minutes, so they had some time to prepare before leaving. Using this opportunity, Captain Oxford finally showed the diary to the soldiers, while telling them what he read.

They were shocked, as they did not expect this to be a research military base. From what little the Captain said he got from the diary; they were able to conclude that the original owners of this military base were at least a super high-grade organization like the Roman empire organization.

The original owner of this base could even be one of the big 5. On the thought of this, goosebumps emerged all over their skin, as they worried about their safety.

If by any means, they found themselves in the secret military bases of any of the big 5. Then they were screwed, as they would definitely not be able to escape the measures employed against intruders there.

After knowing this much about where they were, they felt some kind of relief from getting so much knowledge. But they also felt tense and worked up, as the knowledge they just got was terrifying news.

Wom!! Wom!! Alarm sounds suddenly started ringing around the room when the countdown came down to 15 minutes remaining.

This succeeded in startling them, as they quickly wielded their weapons while entering their battle formation again. They were right After all, nowhere was safe in this military base.

The sound of boots of an advancing army reverberated, making the floor vibrate, as mechanical soldiers quickly started emerging from various corners of the room. The soldiers had no idea how those openings escaped their detection, but they got prepared to face the present.

Unlike the elite swordsman mechanical soldier of the first room, this room focused on stacking a lot of soldiers together, to implement the army style.

Mechanical soldiers relentlessly emerged from various hidden corners, as they all advanced, forming a black and grey metallic scenery that completely covered all corners of the room.

Despite all their preparations, the Spartan/Dawn alliance soldiers were still shocked and petrified on seeing the pursuing wave of black metal. The sight of so many mechanical soldiers was so intimidating and dark, that it looked like the descent of purgatory.

Is this judgment day?

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