The CEO's Wife Is A Demon God's Daughter

Chapter 845 Set On Fire

Three days later, Zhen-Zhen and the twins were brought back to the Davis Mansion. Grandpa Lu prepared a Welcome Party for them.

They invited the whole Davis family. Everyone was so excited to meet the new members of the family– Little Cassie and Little Tian.

Tristan was carrying Cassie while Zhen-Zhen was carrying Tian. They were being escorted by Thomas and Alice, Zhen-Zhen's adoptive parents.

Zu Wan, Titania, and Ella were following them behind. Grandpa Lu, Isabelle, and Lucas were in the dining hall together with the other members of the Davis Family.

Aside from the family, their friends were also invited. The four pairs of couples were present– Matthew and Sophia, Clifford and Bianca, Yuri and Brandon, Andrew and Alveena. They were the first people who welcomed Tristan and Zhen-Zhen upon entering the mansion.

Alveena's baby bump was now visible. She's four months pregnant. Just like Tristan and Zhen-Zhen, Andrew and Alveena decided to reschedule their wedding ceremony.

As they agreed, Tristan's and Zhen-Zhen's wedding should come first. While Andrew and Alveena would follow the next year.

"Oh, the twins are so cute. They are bigger than the other newborn babies!" Sophia exclaimed upon seeing the twins who were being carried by their parents.

Andrew and Alveena exchanged glances with one another. The excitement could be seen in their eyes. They wondered what their baby would look like once he or she would be born. Would he or she inherit Andrew's and Alveena's appearance as well just the way the twins looked exactly the same as their parents?

Little Tian looked like Tristan when he was a kid while Little Cassie inherited her mother's appearance. The mixture of their genes came out beautifully. Once they grew up, the twins would surely capture the hearts of men and women.

Meanwhile, Bianca couldn't help but glance at Clifford. She suddenly felt jealous seeing how nice and happy to have children of her own. Alveena was already pregnant, and now Zhen-Zhen gave birth to her twins.

As if Clifford sensed Bianca's gaze, he turned to his side, meeting her eyes. Clifford smirked cheekily and whispered something to Bianca.

"Do you want us to make our own babies as well?" Clifford huskily said while teasing Bianca.

Bianca's face turned red in an instant as she blushed in embarrassment. She immediately elbowed Clifford to shut him up.

"Stop that, Cliff!" Bianca squinted her eyes on him.

Clifford just let out a soft chuckle, wrapping his hand around Bianca's waist. Bianca could only crumple her face while pouting her lips.

For three months, their relationship had improved and she was discovering more about Clifford's attitude and behavior.

Who would have thought that the overly serious and cold CEO would be shameless and have a playful side too?

Clifford was no longer the indifferent cold CEO that they knew. He was also naughty sometimes especially when it came to teasing Bianca.

Brandon could only shake his head because of the display of affection Clifford was showing towards Bianca.

He just shrugged his shoulders, smiling broadly before focusing his attention back to Yuri. As for them, their trial relationship was working out smoothly.

Brandon was a very sweet boyfriend to Yuri. They were slowly falling for each other for real. They were just enjoying their time together as a couple. They were taking it slowly, getting to know each other more.

Matthew and Sophia, on the other hand, were now working together at Heavenly Star Enterprise. Matthew refused his grandfather's offer of becoming the CEO of their company.

He was happier working with Heavenly Star Enterprise. And he just wanted to live a simple life together with his loved one. He was just waiting for Sophia to graduate this month. Matthew was also planning to propose to her.

The four pairs of couples were so glad to meet the twins. They got inspiration from Zhen-Zhen and Tristan. They were both strong and happy with whatever challenges came their way.

They hoped to have that strong bond and relationship with their current partners. But aside from the four couples, there were other four people who envied Tristan and Zhen-Zhen.

The Twins, Blake and Jake, Mark and Daniel we're also there to see their cute niece and nephew. Well, these four men were still single so they couldn't relate to those wonderful couples in front of them. They sucked at having a relationship with women!

"Sigh! Why do I feel the pressure now? Both Tristan and Andrew have their own family," Jake lamented to his twin brother and his two cousins.

Blake just raised his eyebrow while giving his twin brother a weird look. "You said you don't like commitment. Why are you complaining now?"

Mark and Daniel also bobbed their heads, questioning Jake the same thing.

Jake just took a deep breath as he pointed his finger to Tristan and Zhen-Zhen who were both carrying their cute little angels.

"Do you see them? Who wouldn't get jealous to have a family of my own? They look so happy and complete."

Blake, Mark, and Daniel followed Jake's line of sight. They had to admit that Jake had a point. Tristan and Zhen-Zhen looked good together. They matched each other perfectly. And now, they had two beautiful angels, completing the family of four.

"Sigh, I think we must take our relationship seriously," Mark suggested.

"It's you who don't take relationships with women seriously!" Daniel spat back on his cousin, letting out a soft chuckle.

Mark smacked Daniel's forehead and said, "You are the one who changes girlfriends every month!"

The two started to argue. Blake and Jake could only watch them helplessly.

Little Tian who was comfortably lying on Zhen-Zhen's arms suddenly felt annoyed by the noises created by Mark and Daniel.

As the two continued arguing, suddenly the hems of their shirts were set on fire, causing a ruckus inside the mansion.

"Aaahhh! I'm on fire!!!" Both of them screamed as there was a blue fire on their shirt.

Everyone's attention was caught by their loud scream.


Tristan, Zhen-Zhen, and Zu Wan exchanged glances with one another. The three were thinking about the same thing, moving their gaze to Little Tian who was staring at Mark and Daniel with his glaring eyes.

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