The CEO's Wife Is A Demon God's Daughter

Chapter 791 Prove It!

Bianca's jaw dropped when she heard Clifford's last remarks. She didn't know whether he was joking or not. But he looked so serious when saying those words.

The room was engulfed by an awkward silence. Clifford couldn't take his word back. He could tell that Bianca was surprised and she didn't expect to hear that from him.

Cough! Cough!

Clifford cleared his throat to break the silence. "Do you want dessert?" He asked her to change the topic.

Bianca just stared at him with amusement. They hadn't finished their food first and now Clifford was already talking about dessert?

Seeing her suspicious gaze, Clifford just took a deep breath.

"Never mind what I just said. I'm just joking. Don't take it seriously. Besides, I know I am more charming than them," Clifford said shamelessly.

Bianca tried her best to hold her laughter. Who would have thought that the cold CEO of the Sy Corp had this shameless side too.

"Hmm, I agree. You are more handsome than them." Bianca said before focusing her attention back to her food.

Clifford released the spoon and fork in his hand, his eyes fixed on Bianca. He didn't expect that Bianca would say that. He was caught off guard. His heart was unprepared for that.

Her words of praise made Clifford swoon, the flush creeping up his neck. He decided to continue eating, but there was a subtle smile playing across his lips.

Twenty minutes later, Clifford and Bianca finished their lunch. He was the one who cleaned the dining table and washed the dishes. He just told Bianca to stay put in the living area.

Bianca just watched his back, appreciating his kind gesture. Who would have thought that a mighty CEO like Clifford would serve her like this, doing household chores? She wanted to help him but he refused.

Clifford just finished cleaning up when the two heard the sound of the doorbell. Clifford and Bianca met each other gaze, wondering who came to visit her.

She seldom receives any visitors so she had no idea who was the person outside. Bianca was about to stand up to open the door when Clifford motioned her to just sit down.

"Let me do it," Clifford said, walking toward the main door.

When Clifford opened the door, a middle-aged woman greeted his sight. The woman looked surprised when she saw Clifford.

No one between them spoke, they were just staring at each other. Realizing that it was so rude not to let the visitor in, Clifford stepped to the side, inviting her to come.

"Are you looking for Bianca?" Clifford asked the woman.

At first, the woman thought she came to the wrong place but after the handsome man before her mentioned Bianca's name, she knew that she was in the right place.

"Yes, I'm looking for her. She's my daughter. Are you her boyfriend?" Bianca's mother asked Clifford blatantly.

Clifford stood frozen in his spot when Bianca's mother asked him if he was Bianca's boyfriend. No one expected that Bianca's mother would visit today. Fortunately, Bianca was discharged from the hospital today.

"Mom!!!" Bianca called her mother. She heard and recognized her voice.

Bianca's eyes widened in surprise. She had a bad feeling about this. She could smell trouble. She knew how nosy her mother could become.

"Oh! Here you are! I thought you were hiding from us. We haven't heard from you for the past weeks." Bianca's mother immediately walked over, to approach her.

Bianca hugged her, kissing her on the cheeks. While embracing her mother, she tried to warn Clifford not to tell her mother of what happened to her.

Clifford understood her so he just nodded his head.

"Mom, come here." Bianca pulled her toward the sofa. The mother and daughter duo sat down. Clifford remained standing at the door, contemplating whether to join them or just leave them as he didn't know how to interact with Bianca's mother.

"Son, why are you standing there. Join us here," Bianca's mother excitedly called Clifford, her eyes glowing with admiration. She was thinking that the handsome man inside her daughter's apartment was her boyfriend or suitor.

Either of the two, she would be glad! Finally, her daughter was dating someone. She didn't lose hope that Bianca would find a good guy to marry.

She just hoped that her husband-to-be would be able to convince Bianca to stop doing dangerous jobs because her daughter was not listening to them. This was one of the reasons why Bianca's mother was pushing her to date a man and find a man with whom she could settle down.

Bianca and Clifford exchanged meaningful glances with one another before he strode toward the sofa, joining the mother and daughter duo.

He was about to sit down on the opposite side but Bianca's mother motioned him to sit beside them. Not wanting to disappoint her mother, Clifford obediently did as she said.

Bianca had the urge to facepalm seeing how obedient Clifford was when it came to her mother's request.

'Gosh, my mother will be surprised once she learns that Clifford is my CEO Boss. How could she treat him casually.' Bianca shook her head helplessly.

"What's your name, young man?" Bianca's mother was focused on Clifford, instead of her daughter.

"I'm Clifford… Clifford Sy," he promptly responded.

"Oh, Bianca! Your man has a nice name!" She said to her daughter with her elated voice.

Bianca's eyes bulged out in horror while Clifford tried his best to maintain his composure. He wanted to laugh but he chose not to, or else, it would ruin the moment.

"Mom! Stop assuming things! He is not my man but my Boss! Remember what I've told you? We just came back today after our out-of-town business trip!" Bianca explained without missing a beat.

She needed to correct her mother's wrong assumption. What if Clifford would feel offended as her mother mistook him as her boyfriend?

"Your Boss?!" There was a hint of disappointment in her mother's voice. Her enthusiasm suddenly disappeared.

Meanwhile, Clifford also felt the same way. He somehow felt disappointed seeing Bianca's reaction. She denied it blatantly as if it was a sin to be paired up with him.

"I'm sorry about the misunderstanding, Mr. Sy. I really thought you were my daughter's boyfriend. Besides, who would think that a CEO Boss would be here in the house of just a mere bodyguard unless they have a special relationship." Bianca's mother darted her gaze between Clifford and Bianca, eyeing them suspiciously.

"Mom! We came from a long journey so he dropped me in my apartment together with my luggage. It will be rude if I do not invite him in." Bianca said as an alibi, signaling Clifford to support her claim.

But Clifford just pretended he didn't understand her message. For some reason, he didn't want to clear the misunderstanding right away, letting Bianca's mother think that they were a couple.

Bianca narrowed her eyes at Clifford when he ignored her. He remained tight-lipped, not wanting to explain.

'What's wrong with him? Why is he keeping his silence?' Bianca complained inwardly.

"Hmm, your Boss is very generous and thoughtful to send you here instead of letting you ride a taxi?" Bianca's mother was so persistent as she continued to insinuate something.

Clifford's lips twitched, fighting a smile while Bianca looked at him with disbelief. He agreed with her that he would play along but now he was not cooperating. Bianca had the urge to smack his head.

"Okay! If he is not your boyfriend, now tell me what happened with your blind date with Brandon Cullens? Are you and him going out exclusively now?"

Since Bianca insisted that nothing was going on between her Boss and her, her mother had no choice but to bring up Brandon.

She was curious about what happened with the date. She wondered if there was any progress between the two.

"Mom, this is not the appropriate time to talk about my personal life. My boss is still here!" Bianca wanted to avoid this topic using Clifford as an excuse. But her complaint only fell on deaf ears.

"What can you say about him? Do you like him? If not, do you want me to set you up with another man?" Bianca's mother asked her while secretly observing Clifford's reaction.

Clifford knew that Brandon and Bianca were only just friends. But he was worried that Bianca would use Brandon just to satisfy her mother. Furthermore, he didn't like the idea of her mother setting Bianca up with another man. So before Bianca could respond to her mother, Clifford suddenly butted in.

"Ma'am, I'm Bianca's boyfriend." Clifford's simple words made the entire living area fall into a deep silence.


"Is that true?" Bianca's mother spoke up, breaking the deafening silence.


Bianca remained speechless, just staring at Clifford and her mother.

"You are not pretending?"


"Hmm, then prove it! What if the two of you want to deceive me?" She challenged Clifford.

Clifford stood up, stopping in front of Bianca who was still baffled by his words. Then before she knew it, Clifford already lifted her chin as he bent down to claim her lips. Clifford kissed Bianca on the lips, in front of her mother.

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