The CEO's Wife Is A Demon God's Daughter

Chapter 603 Officially Breaking Off The Engagement

Grandpa Lu, Isabelle, and Lucas were already waiting in the dining area. Mark and Daniel were helping out in serving the food on the table.

Andrew was the one who welcomed Hannah's parents, guiding them in the dining area. After talking to Zhen-Zhen, Hannah proceeded to the dining area as well.

Zhen-Zhen went to their room first to see Tristan who changed his clothes first. FaMo was following her behind.

FaMo and Pam-Pam would stay away from  Hannah so they would not join them for tonight's dinner. Hannah was allergic to furry animals.

Mr. and Mrs. Miller were excited, thinking that the two families would now discuss the wedding of Andrew and Hannah.

p They thought they would be setting up the final date of Andrew's and Hannah's wedding.

Isabelle and Lucas were also thinking the same thing. But they wondered why Grandpa Lu was wearing a serious expression. From his expression alone, they could tell that he was upset and annoyed by something.

When Tristan and Zhen-Zhen arrived in the dining area, they started eating dinner.

"I heard that Andrew and Hannah have something to announce tonight. I couldn't wait to hear it," Mr. Miller said excitedly, breaking the silence.

"Honey, let's finish our dinner first." Mrs. Miller gave her husband a meaningful look.

"Alright. I'm sorry, I am just so excited."

Andrew and Hannah were very silent. Mark and Daniel just smiled awkwardly. They could see that Hannah's parents were looking forward to the announcement. But they were afraid that they would be disappointed in the end.

"Cough! Cough!" Grandpa Lu cleared his throat.

"Let's continue eating. The announcement can wait after dinner," Grandpa Lu said to them.

Tristan and Zhen-Zhen looked at Andrew and Hannah worriedly. They hoped Hannah's parents would respect Andrew's decision.

Meanwhile, Hannah was trying to figure out how she would make Zhen-Zhen drink the Crystaline potion. She had to mix it on her drinks without getting caught.

Several minutes had passed and everyone was done eating their fill. Grandpa Lu had decided to open the conversation first.

"We are gathered here tonight because Andrew had something to say to everyone, especially to the Miller Family. I hope you will listen and accept whatever announcement he will make tonight."

Lucas, Isabelle, and Hannah's parents looked at Grandpa Lu confusedly. They were puzzled by Grandpa Lu's cold tone. He had a dark expression since the start of the dinner.

Grandpa Lu couldn't hide his displeasure to Hannah as he recalled what she did abroad. She tried to seduce Tristan and played with the feelings of his two grandsons.

What he hated most was that Hannah tried to ruin Zhen-Zhen's and Tristan's marriage. Grandpa Lu was really enraged by her selfish and greedy actions.

He was glad that Andrew already loved someone else. If not, then Andrew would certainly get hurt after knowing the truth. He should have hated his brother once again.

Grandpa Lu hated the fact that Hannah was the main cause of conflict between Andrew and Tristan.

"Andrew, grandson, it is now the time to tell everyone," Grandpa Lu said, urging Andrew to speak up.

Hannah just clenched her fists. She could tell that Grandpa Lu already knew about Andrew's decision.

She still had conflicting thoughts about this. She didn't want to accept it. She didn't want to give up Andrew yet.

'There is still a way to make him stay by my side. I will agree tonight but I will take him back. I hope… I hope I get pregnant from our last intercourse,' Hannah thought to herself.

If she got pregnant, she would demand Andrew to take responsibility and marry her. She still had hope.

'Next week, I will do a pregnancy test to find out. But for now, I have to get rid of this witch, Lillie. I want to see Tristan suffer. I want to see the Davis Family regret accepting Lillie. I will show them her true color.'

Hannah glanced at Zhen-Zhen and Tristan. The hatred could be seen in her eyes but she concealed it right away when Andrew stood up to make his announcement.

He turned to face Hannah's parents.

"Uncle… Auntie, Mom, and Dad… Hannah and I were over. No wedding will happen. I am breaking off our engagement."

Isabelle and Lucas were taken aback when they heard that. But Mr. and Mrs. Miller were the ones who were utterly shocked.

"What??! What did you just say Andrew?!" Mr. Miller stood up, slamming the table.

"Hannah, what is the meaning of this?" Mrs. Miller asked Hannah.

However, Hannah just remained silent in her seat.

"Son, are you telling the truth? Don't prank us like this…" Lucas said, smiling sheepishly. He wanted to lighten the atmosphere.

"I  am not pranking you, Dad," Andrew promptly responded.

"I'm sorry but I can't marry Hannah. Everything changed between Hannah and me. We are not the same as before. I know this is partly my fault. But I can't no longer pretend that we are still in love with each other."

Mr. Miller clenched his fists. He was so mad.

"Hannah! Say something? Are you okay with this?" Mr. Miller asked his daughter with his stern voice.

Hannah didn't say a word. But her tears already fell from the corner of her eyes. Seeing his daughter cry, Mr. Miller approached Andrew.

"How dare you do this to my daughter?!! Why did you hurt my daughter?! You promised us that you would take care of her!"

Mr. Miller grabbed Andrew's collar.

"I'm sorry, Uncle. I'm sorry…" Andrew could only apologize to him.





Mr. Miller punched Andrew in the face twice. He didn't block those punches. He let Hannah's father punch him.

"Dad! Stop!" Hannah and Mrs. Miller stopped him from further punching Andrew.

Grandpa Lu narrowed his eyes at Mr. Miller. He was just controlling himself. He was enraged after seeing Mr. Miller beating Andrew as if it was his grandson's fault.

Lucas and Isabelle stood up, moving closer to Andrew. They wanted to protect him against Mr. Miller.

"Uncle, calm down," Daniel tried to speak up.

"Shut up! I'm not talking to you!" Mr. Miller scowled at him.

"This is the decision of Andrew. Please respect it. You can't force him to marry your daughter," Grandpa Lu had already spoken.

Mr. Miller laughed dryly. "How can you agree with this? After using my daughter, he is now throwing her away! He should take responsibility for my daughter. He already took her innocence! Why are you supporting him?"

"Andrew! Did you cheat on my daughter! I swear, I will ruin that woman! How can you hurt my daughter like this?" Mr. Miller yelled at him.

Andrew clenched his fists when Mr. Miller threatened to ruin Alveena. He would not let him hurt her.

"Dad! Stop it already!" Hannah tugged her father's arm.

"No! I will not."

"Mr. Miller, with all due respect but my brother is not the only one who is at fault here." Tristan could no longer stay quiet. He spoke up to defend his brother.

A cold glint flashed through Hannah's eyes as she glanced at Tristan.

'Is he planning to reveal what happened to us abroad in front of everyone?'

Hannah gritted her teeth. She hated Tristan and Zhen-Zhen. She thought they were laughing at her now.

"Stay out of this, Tristan! How dare you defend your brother?! You just want to get revenge against my daughter because she didn't choose you. She chose Andrew instead of you! And now, you are happy to see them breaking apart!"

"This is what you wanted, right?! You wanted to ruin their relationship! That's the reason why you asked your wife to seduce Andrew before!"

Tristan had the urge to punch Mr. Miller's mouth just to shut him up. He hated it when people talked badly about his wife.

Grandpa Lu was also displeased when Mr. Miller started targeting Zhen-Zhen as well. His expression darkened.

Seeing the angry expression of Grandpa Lu, Hannah had decided to step up.

"Dad! Please respect our decision. Don't create a ruckus here," Hannah begged her father.

"Mom, please bring Dad home. We will talk further about this. You need to calm down first."

Hannah wanted to send her parents away so that she could proceed to her next plan. She didn't want them to get shocked if they ever witnessed Zhen-Zhen unleashing her power.

"Honey, let's go home. Listen to our daughter."

Mr. Miller shot Andrew a sharp glare before turning around to leave.

"Mom, go home first. I will stay here for a while and talk to Andrew."

Mrs. Miller nodded her head before following her husband.

Mark and Daniel felt relieved when Mr. Miller had stopped creating ruckus.

"I would like to apologize for the actions of my father. Please understand him. He is just worried about me. I promised I will explain everything to them."

Hannah bowed her head, still clenching her fists. She needed to pretend in order to accomplish her goal tonight. She just had to make sure that Zhen-Zhen would drink the potion.

"I have one request… Since this might be the last time I will be coming here. Can I stay here tonight? I just want to be with Andrew one last time."

The members of the Davis Family were taken aback when they heard Hannah's request. It would be so awkward to stay here after what happened but she still wanted to stay.

For what reason?

"Don't get me wrong. I will stay in the guest room. I will not sleep in Andrew's room. I… I just want to…"

"Alright! You can stay here tonight, Hannah. You and Andrew should talk this out," Lucas agreed.

"Thanks, Dad… I mean Uncle." Hannah rejoiced inwardly.

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