The Card Apprentice

Chapter 266: Preparing for War (XI)

Chapter 266: Preparing for War (XI)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

“Using fantasy card images to pass things down?” Professor Wen knitted his brow in thought. “That was the tradition in the period of the sects. Some of the sects at the time had really mastered low-grade fantasy cards and could use that style of passing things down. It was only an auxiliary method, though. In order to prevent the situation of accidentally passing things along by word of mouth, I don’t hear of anyone using it by now.”

“Mmmm, please continue.”

Not knowing if he had heard some urgency in Ru Qiu’s voice, Professor Wen stepped up his spirit. “The card masters of that time weren’t like contemporary card masters with our division into levels. After the Van Sant System was established, the division of card masters into levels was established. The division of labor among the levels also became clearer. Since imaging technology belonged to the one-star and two-star fantasy cards, the ones who now specialize in that aspect of the technology are low-grade card masters. The current style of transmission is also completely different from before, when the academic style of passing things down gave the legacies more vitality and continuity.”

Old Wen had said all of that in a single breath and found his throat was dry. From habit, he reached over to the table. What made him want to cry was that apart from the thoroughly evil four-star cards, there was nothing else on the table—especially his favorite Zhongxi tea.

The other professors nodded at how precise Professor Wen’s account was, but it was the first time the students had heard of it. They might have had the ability to make some outstanding high-grade cards, but with regard to such historical knowledge, they weren’t so rich. The Big Six were clearly different from the scholars at the ordinary academies. It was as though the ones who graduated from the ordinary schools with high abilities were like skillful craftsmen, while quite a few real artists would appear in the outstanding classes from the Big Six.

While the difference between them may have only been one level, the Big Six were always able to get their students to break through that line. The rest of the academies had a lot of difficulty getting to that point, which was another gap.

“So, do you know if there are still any sects having that skill? In other words, are there any who are used to such a skill?”

Old Wen was putting up with his dry throat while he searched carefully in his brain, and he shook his head. “I haven’t. It isn’t an advanced technology, and few contemporary people would do it that way. What’s wrong? Why did you think of that question, little Qiu?”

Old Wen’s questions were the questions on everyone’s mind, and they pricked up their ears. Ru Qiu had been at the side of that damned little guy for the past few days, and that question must have had something to do with him. Could Ru Qi have discovered something?

Ru Qiu remained silent for a second before saying in a lighter tone, “I just happened to think of it and couldn’t remember very clearly. Your knowledge is so profound, Professor Wen, that I thought to ask you. Have I disturbed you?”

The other card masters lost hope, and old Wen unfurrowed his brow and relaxed. He said with a laugh, “No, never! If you run across any issue later, little Qui, don’t hesitate to ask Professor Wen.”

“Thank you, Professor Wen. I’d better get to work!”

“Go ahead, go ahead,” Professor Wen rushed to say. After breaking the connection, he couldn’t help but curse. “That damned guy won’t even let such a child as little Qui go, which is really detestable!”

The other Origins Academy students helplessly looked at one another. Their teachers were so fond of Ru Qiu that they had long grown used to it. Weren’t they all working too? They had never seen any professor stand up for them.

A professor suddenly said, “There is something wrong in there! Think about it—little Qiu is now always by that little guy’s side. Unless he uses such a technique, why would little Qiu ask such an obscure question?”

“Right. My thoughts exactly!” The professors were all finely experienced and had quickly discovered what was suspicious.

“But why wouldn’t little Qiu tell us?” someone asked.

Professor Wen knew a little something about the inside scoop. “She certainly has a reason not to tell us!” He rubbed his chin and said as though thinking of something, “Could he actually be the legacy handed down from one of the sects?”

“Real or fake?”

“That can’t be. The time of the sects was long ago! That gang of disciples and apprentices of Heiner Van Sant later cut it off completely. How could it have been passed down?”

“I still think very possibly…”

* * *

In the small card making room, there was a sudden shout.

Ru Qiu was sitting there blinking her eyes, having just gotten the answer she’d wanted from old Wen. In front of her, the folding Yanbo card demonstration was playing over and over.

Only four people knew about the matter of the folding Yanbo card: Jiao Si, herself, Madam Pei, and the current president of the Origins Academy. She didn’t dare to let the information get out. Ru Qiu pursed her lips and gathered her brow. She hadn’t thought her counterpart would actually come to that. Her previous plan had come to naught!

What should she do?

* * *

Chen Mu was feeling pretty good. The problem of the folding Yanbo card could be crossed out in his mind. He had solved that important issue for now, which made him a lot more relaxed.

When he walked past a floor-to-ceiling window, Chen Mu saw quite a few construction card artisans floating outside the base. They had been invited by Bogner to retrofit the firing points into the fortress, and they were all busy. From his current position, he could clearly see the base’s external appearance changing shape in their hands bit by bit.

A sudden sort of pride welled up in him. Everything there was his. He had established it all! Chen Mu had finally realized that deep down, he actually did care. He cared that he had made all of it! It was probably that circumstance that influenced him to make some choices. He felt something budding in the deepest recesses of his heart.

Chen Mu suddenly found that he seemed to have some leisure. In the entire base, only one other person had the same leisure he did at that time—Wei-ah.

“Has the plump dog gotten better?” Chen Mu saw the dog lying by Wei-ah and didn’t know if it was from being sick or from its habitual laziness. Since he had first seen the dog, it had always been in that state.

“It’s gotten better.” Wei-ah took a look at Chen Mu. “Are you done being so busy?”

Chen Mu nodded. “Mmmm, I can relax for a while.”

“You haven’t trained for a long time,” Wei-ah said lightly.

Chen Mu was suddenly aware that the training Wei-ah was talking about was the resistance training. It had certainly been a long time since he had advanced such training.

Chen Mu was lying on the floor five minutes later, his brain in a daze.

“You’ve regressed quite a bit.” Wei-ah had knocked him over with no mercy. “You only lasted for 6.8 seconds!”

The dizzy feeling gradually cleared up, and Chen Mu gritted his teeth and crawled up from the floor. “Come again!”

* * *

In Pomelo, the balance of power had been restored between the Central Repository of the Classics and the Federation Comprehensive Academy. The two sides remained at a standoff, and they weren’t about to start fighting again. That had allowed many of the citizens of Pomelo to breathe a sigh of relief. But the clear-eyed people knew it was only the calm before the storm.

Some of the important people from the Central Island Firm were in the hands of the Central Repository of the Classics along with Ren Wenzhou. In order to prevent the Central Repository of the Classics from transferring them, all of the long-distance shuttle trains that connected to other cities were taken over by the Federation Comprehensive Academy, preventing anyone from leaving Pomelo.

That action made the citizens of Pomelo, who already felt panicked, even more panicked. Even the local wealthy were panicked. They knew in the eyes of the Big Six, they didn’t amount to anything. Once they started the war, they were afraid the card artisans of the Big Six wouldn’t pay attention to them even if they were looking them in the face.

The cost to hire card artisans in the city had soared. Those prices, which had turned all the ledger sheets red, even bothered Chen Mu. But, compared to the wealthy, Chen Mu was a lot calmer. The more chaotic things became, the better it would be for him.

That was particularly true of the current standoff because no one would come looking to bother him. The Central Repository of the Classics wouldn’t, and the Federation Comprehensive Academy was still less likely. When it came to Faya, they wouldn’t be stupid enough to show up just then.

Every day that passed meant the strength of the base was slightly increased. Before the battles cleared up, no one would be likely to bother them. Chen Mu was hoping the period could be stretched out—the longer the better. That would give them a little more time.

Once the battle cleared up, no matter who won, they would probably take the knife to him.

Jie Yanbai sneaking in had been a warning bell to Chen Mu. Ordinary people might not understand the matter of the numbered series of cards, but in the eyes of the big powers, it was certainly no secret.

They needed to seize the moment, but Chen Mu couldn’t really think of anything to do. He knew Bogner would be more accurate than he could be in determining the situation!

He at least seized the moment himself to train. To increase his power by a bit was still something.

By the fiftieth time he was knocked down by Wei-ah, Chen Mu had started to gradually find the rhythm and feel he previously had. Slowly, his resistance time grew longer and longer. After Chen Mu had found his objective, he demonstrated shocking toughness. Even Wei-ah, who had always had wooden eyes, occasionally flashed a hint of surprise.

Without knowing why, every time he saw the fine look of surprise in Wei-ah’s eyes, Chen Mu would feel a real sense of accomplishment.

But the training was cut short. He was no longer the solitary lad he had once been; he was now in charge of a team.

Bogner had come looking for him with something on his mind.

Seeing how black and blue Chen Mu’s face was, Bogner’s expression turned a little strange. The expressions on the people behind him also turned strange. Only then did Chen Mu notice the people behind him. They were the construction card artisans who had been retrofitting the base for firepower in its fortifications.

“Boss,” Bogner said after considering things for a moment. “The situation in Pomelo has gotten too tense. They are all concerned it will spill over to them. Seeing that President Jiao Si is here, they felt they could be protected here. They hope you might allow them to remain in the base for a while to get through this danger.”

The one in the lead then opened his mouth. “Generous Boss, to be able to be Bogner’s boss, we believe you must be someone amazing. We hope you could take us in for a while. In return, we would be obligated to serve you for that time. Your humble servant would like to transform your fortress into a Starfish Fort!”

“Starfish Fort?” Bogner was quite surprised. “You understand the Starfish Fort?”

“No!” The one in the lead shook his head. “I’m the only one who knows it, but I can guide them. I believe we can complete it without spending a lot of time.”

Hearing that, Chen Mu understood that the so-called Starfish Fort was certainly something good. If the base got damaged, it could quickly be repaired if they were there. He nodded without the least hesitation. “Ok. I agree!”

The group of construction card artisans was ecstatic. “That is very kind of you, gracious lord. You will certainly not regret your wise decision!” the leader vowed.

Chen Mu said to Bogner, “I turn it over to you.” Bogner nodded his understanding and immediately took the group to get everything ready.

Just then, Chen Mu’s apparatus sounded out.

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