The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1341: The short-lived cousin of the heroine of Wan Yuan House (22)

Chapter 1341: The short-lived cousin of the heroine of Wan Yuan House (22)

Chapter 1341 The short-lived cousin of the heroine of the Ten Thousand Yuan Household (22)

I met Wang Zhao when I was crossing the stone bridge.

The other party was overjoyed when he saw her: "Master Xu, are you going to the restaurant to work? I'll go back and get the lunch box right away!"

He ran for two steps and then stopped: "Master Xu, what are your thoughts?"

Before Xu Yin could speak, she added: "I'm not urging you, I'm just asking. Just think about it carefully and I won't disturb you anymore!"

This time I didnt pause again after I finished speaking, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Xu Yin couldnt laugh or cry.

She was running away so fast, even if she wanted to ask Master Zhao a few questions, she wouldn't have a chance.

These days, she often sees Master Zhao squatting in the back alley smoking a cigarette.

He used to smoke, but it was to relieve fatigue when he was tired. While smoking, he would chat with the neighbors, which was completely different from the current state of smoking a dull cigarette with his head down.

Master Zhao is indeed worried. According to the manager's recent attitude, he is likely to follow the advice given by Jin Xiuzhu: change the dining tables in the hotel to four-person tables, six-person tables or large round tables that can stew hot pot, instead of The traditional Eight Immortals table.

As a result, the restaurant will feature the new dishes dreamed up by Jin Xiuzhu, which makes Master Zhao a little uneasy.

What he is best at is frying and stewing traditional dishes. These innovative dishes that Jin Xiuzhu came up with are very sophisticated. In fact, they are better because of the novelty of the dishes. Once you master the method, anyone can use it. I have never followed Lao Hong to make them. Xiao Guo, the pastry chef, knows how to make hot pot bullfrog, and when it is ready, he serves it to the customers, and no one can tell the difference.

If this development continues, can he continue to hold the position of master?

A month ago, Xu Yin's appearance had already made him uneasy. But at that time, the two of them agreed on the division of labor. He was responsible for frying and stewing, and Xu Yin was responsible for stir-frying and steaming. They were fine.

Now there is Jin Xiuzhu. Lets say she is good at cooking. She cant even cook a stove. Lets say she is not good at it. She has come up with new dishes one after another, which has really made the Red Star Hotel famous. Otherwise, the manager would not know how to cook. Listening to her words, I plan to change the dining table.

In the future, will it be traditional masters like them who need to be replaced?

He is not like Lao Hong.

Lao Hongs family is a dual-income family. Like him, his wife receives a stable monthly salary and his son has grown up. Although he is unwilling to learn pastry from Lao Hong, he also joined a factory and worked as an apprentice in a lathe workshop. Both parents also retired from factories and had some pensions.

He is different. He has a son at an old age. The son is only twelve years old this year. He is in the developmental stage of a half-grown man who has a poor father, and he has a good appetite. His wife is also an advanced mother, and her health has not been good since giving birth to her little daughter. , he could only slowly do some manual work at home, and the family of four relied on his salary.

His hometown is in the countryside, and his parents lived by earning points from the land. Recently, I heard that household quotas are being implemented. It is said that in the future, you will no longer be able to earn work points. You will be assigned a farm to your family. Depending on the output, part of it will be handed over to the state, and the rest will be yours. Of course it is a good thing for families with a large labor force, but if there are only elderly people in the family, it would be good if they can work all year round and be self-sufficient without adding burden to their children. How can you expect them to help in turn?

As for the mother-in-laws family, although she is a county worker, she has many children. His wife has seven brothers and sisters. Even if the mother-in-law wanted to help, there were still seven pairs of eyes watching.

Master Zhao has something hidden in his heart, so it is inevitable that he will feel a little absent-minded when he goes to the stove. Something happened at noon that day. A family member of a patient in a nearby hospital complained, saying that a toad was mixed into the pork liver soup he bought for his father-in-law who was hospitalized.

Why is there a toad?

Oh, its the bullfrog that hasnt been skinned yet. It jumped out of the basket and into the soup pot. The store was busy during the lunch rush, so I didn't look carefully when the soup was being served, which was a bit scary.

Before this matter is put aside, at most the commission will be refunded, and the manager will not blame him too much.

The master chefs in state-owned restaurants all have very bad tempers. What are they afraid of if they just complain? They are the ones who provide the iron rice bowl. Can they be laid off?

But now, the manager called Master Zhao and severely reprimanded him for more than two hours. In the end, not only was his bonus for this month lost, but his salary was also deducted.

"...Old Zhao, you have been working in this position for more than ten years, how could you still make such a low-level mistake? Fortunately, I fell into an unskinned bullfrog today. You can use the reason that it jumped in on its own. What if it's a dead rat? The pest control department is not allowed to target our hotel? You know now... In short, if you, a master chef, are so negligent, what do the people below think? The deduction of your salary and bonus is to increase your vigilance. To prevent similar situations from happening again..."

Master Zhao wiped his face deeply: "Boss, I admit that my mind was a little distracted at the time, but Xiao Jin is responsible for the bullfrog. The living bullfrog should be in the backyard and should not enter the kitchen. Besides, it has been a few days. The bullfrog made a fuss even when it jumped into the soup pot. I am responsible, but doesnt she have any responsibility?"

"Hey! You are a senior chef, why are you arguing with a new comrade?" The manager picked up the tea cup and took a slow sip of tea. "Although Xiao Jin is messy, she has provided the restaurant with many new dish ideas. This month's turnover has increased a lot, which is all attributed to Xiao Jin. Two days ago, Secretary Liu accompanied the leaders from the capital to our restaurant for dinner. He praised several new dishes and asked the city government when he would be free. The master chef from the cafeteria comes to our store to study, what a face-saving thing it is! Even if Xiao Jin has a fault, the merits and demerits are equal to each other, right?"

Master Zhao came back from the manager's office and remained silent.

Others didnt dare to come forward and ask, but Jin Xiuzhu didnt know she was in trouble, so she walked over and asked:

"Master Zhao, what did the manager call you for? Is it because of the soup at noon? According to me, the patient's family members are also serious. Since they didn't drink a sip and it has no effect on the body, why are they so aggressive? It's inevitable for people. I made a mistake. I apologized and refunded the money. What do you think? Master Zhao, dont worry, if the manager fires you because of this matter, I will go and tell the manager..."

"Dismissal?" Master Zhao turned his head and stared at her for a moment, "I am a formal employee of a state-owned hotel. I have worked hard in this position for more than ten years. Who can dismiss me?"

He almost laughed in anger.

The former temporary workers didnt dare to express their anger when they saw their master. This temporary worker relied on the managers protection and usually ignored them if he was neither big nor small in front of them. At this time, he actually said that he should be dismissed.


Jin Xiuzhu then realized that formal workers in this era were holding an iron rice bowl and eating the country's rice. Unless they had done something heinous, there was no such thing as dismissal.

She smiled and said: "I made a mistake. What I meant was that if the manager..."

"The manager deducted my bonus salary this month." Master Zhao sneered and threw away the sweat towel in his hand, "What? Are you going to compensate me for this? That's right, that bullfrog came into the kitchen because of you. You should indeed bear the responsibility. Part of the responsibility.

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