The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1338: The short-lived cousin of the heroine of Wan Yuan House (19)

Chapter 1338: The short-lived cousin of the heroine of Wan Yuan House (19)

Chapter 1338 The short-lived cousin of the heroine of the Ten Thousand Yuan Household (19)

It just so happens that the manager has just returned from a meeting in the provincial capital. According to the latest policies and some rumors heard from colleagues, state-owned hotels in various places are gradually facing restructuring. The state allows private hotels such as Ruifu Tower to resume operations. For business, competition will probably be fierce in the future.

I dont know when it will be the turn for restructuring here, but the restructuring is certain, and it will happen sooner or later.

Restructuring means the transfer of state-owned enterprises to private enterprises. It is still unknown where these veteran cadres and employees will go.

The manager was worried when he heard Jin Xiuzhu, who had come to apply for a job, reported some novel dish names, and suddenly he felt blessed: Yes! He can make the state-owned restaurant better and strive to have an endless stream of customers every day. Seeing that he is so dedicated, the leaders will not kick him out as soon as the system is restructured, right? Even if he has to be transferred, considering that he works so hard and has hard work without any credit, he will be properly arranged, right?

In this way, Jin Xiuzhu was fulfilled.

But she only knows how to eat, and will only share with her fans where a new store has opened, and so-and-sos signature dish is okay... As for how to cook these dishes, after eating a lot, she can indeed have some conversations, but only for oral pleasure, so that She undoubtedly had a black eye when she went to the stove.

The manager didnt embarrass her, saying that as long as the dishes she came up with were creative and attractive to customers, it didnt matter whether she could cook them or not, as long as she worked alongside the master chef. After all, she was an unregistered temporary worker.

But I never imagined that this assassination would also include skinning a live bullfrog!

Jin Xiuzhu froze...

At noon that day, the state-owned restaurant launched a new dishgrilled bullfrog.

As soon as the business hours came, Wang Zhao, who came on time to pack Rui Ge's meals, sniffed: "It smells so good! What good dishes are there for lunch today?"

Griddle bullfrog!

Jin Xiuzhu, who had been retching after killing the bullfrog, was still a little pale. However, when a customer asked about today's special dish, she rushed to say, as if she was afraid that others would take the credit, "I came up with it. It was made by our master chef. It tastes great." One for each is good, do you want one?"

"Did your master make it?" Wang Zhao hesitated, "Which master made it? Master Xu or Master Zhao?"

Jin Xiuzhu said in surprise: "Who is Master Xu? Oh, you mean Xiao Xu? She is not a master. The master I am talking about is Master Zhao."

Seeing that Wang Zhao remained silent, Jin Xiuzhu continued to explain: "Master Zhao tried this new dish yesterday at noon, and even our manager thought it was delicious! Xiao Xu is not a chef yet, and she was away on her shift yesterday. In the store, I or Master Zhao need to teach her how to make it, so there is no time now."

Wang Zhao:

Silently handed two aluminum lunch boxes to Lu Xiaoyan, who had meaningful eyes: "Old rules, one box contains two dishes made by Master Xu, and one box of rice."

He paused for a moment, and the spicy smell he smelled on the tip of his nose was really tempting. He swallowed and said, "Well, pack me a copy of today's special dishes. I owe you the lunch box. I'll pay it back later."

Lu Xiaoyan flipped the abacus and quoted the price of three dishes and one meal. After receiving the money from Wang Zhao, she sent the lunch box to the kitchen in a familiar way.

Jin Xiuzhu seemed a little embarrassed.

However, when she was a food anchor in the past, she encountered a large-scale rollover scene where her beauty was lost during the live broadcast without being noticed by her, and she also encountered a social death situation where a trumpet was exposed. The scene was much more embarrassing than this. After experiencing strong winds and waves, this little embarrassment is nothing.

She smiled at Wang Zhao: "So you like to eat the dishes cooked by Xiao Xu? Is her cooking more delicious than Master Zhao? Or is it that the drunkard doesn't care about wine? ... Haha! You know it."

Wang Zhao:

This man is crazy!

When Lu Xiaoyan packed the dishes he asked for and handed the rice back to him, he avoided Jin Xiuzhu and asked in a low voice: "Is this person also an employee of your restaurant? The family member of which master chef? Is there something wrong with his brain?"

Lu Xiaoyan laughed out loud, brushing aside her previous prejudice against Wang Zhao, and had a heart-to-heart talk with him:

"The manager brought it here. I don't know if there's something wrong with my brain, but she's quite good at asking people. She should be the one to prepare the ingredients for the new dishes she came up with. In the end, Xiao Xu did most of the work. Poor Xiao Xu, I havent even had time to take a breath since I started working today. Wang Zhao got a little angry after hearing this: You guys are really wasting your resources!

Master Xu is such a great chef, so he asked her to serve as his assistant?

What waste of natural resources?

Jin Xiuzhu came close to the two of them again at some point.

She couldn't stay in the back kitchen, it was too hot, and she couldn't stand for a while without getting sweaty, so she was very active every time she served food. After serving the food, she would stay in the front hall for a while, leaning against the window to enjoy the cool breeze.

"What are you two talking about? Do you praise the deliciousness of the hot pot bullfrog? Bullfrog has never been taken seriously by the catering industry. It is indeed a waste of resources. There is also a dish that is a waste of resources. What do you guess it is? Can't guess it? It's crayfish! Isn't it? Surprised? Haha! Believe me, once you try spicy crayfish, you will definitely fall in love with it!"

Wang Zhao twitched the corner of his mouth, feeling more and more that there was something wrong with this man's brain. He winked at Lu Xiaoyan, picked up his lunch box and walked away casually.

Back in the Rui family courtyard, he laid out the food: "Brother Rui, it's time to eat!"

Rui Xijin was sorting out the business notes left by the old man last night. She was so absorbed in reading that she forgot about time. It wasn't until the big rooster next door Wang Zhao's family crowed that she realized that it was almost dawn, so she took a rest. Bleary-eyed.

He came out of the back room wearing old cloth shoes and wrinkled his nose slightly: "What does it smell like?"

Oh, are you talking about this dish? The new dish launched by Red Star Restaurant today is called hot pot bullfrog. It smelled very fragrant, so I packed a portion. Brother Rui, do you want to try it?

He didnt say it was made by Master Zhao, but he wanted to see if Brother Rui could eat it.

This dish smells really good, maybe Rui Ge will like it.

However, what did he say?

His brother Rui always has the most poisonous tongue.

The fat and tender frog leg meat wrapped in red oil was spit out intact by Rui Xijin within less than a second of entering the mouth.


Wang Zhao doubtfully picked up a piece of frog meat and put it in his mouth: "It's delicious, but a little spicy, Siha... it's so spicy, so spicy! Brother Rui, give me some rice!"

He only packed a box of lunch.

His family was steaming steamed buns at noon. When he went out, the steamed buns had just come out of the pot. He picked up two of them. He wanted to share one with Brother Rui, but Brother Rui said that he had just woken up and had no appetite, so he ate both steamed buns. Not hungry.

I bought the hot pot bullfrog just because I smelled it, but I didnt think about eating it like this.

Rui Xijin glanced at him and saw that he was so hot that tears and mucus came out of his nose. It was rare that he didn't have a sharp tongue. He took the lid of the lunch box and gave him some rice.

Then he pushed the whole portion of the fried bullfrog in front of him: "Didn't I say it was delicious? It's all yours! Don't waste it!"

Eat the clear blackened fish fillets and stir-fried bean sprouts slowly.

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