The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1330: The short-lived cousin of the heroine of Wan Yuan House (11)

Chapter 1330: The short-lived cousin of the heroine of Wan Yuan House (11)

Chapter 1330 The short-lived cousin of the heroine of the Ten Thousand Yuan Household (11)

At the end of each small world, the energy points will be emptied, and the remaining energy points will be wasted without spending them, so they are all converted into materials and skills by her.

But most skills are too expensive to redeem, only recipes are relatively cheap.

Now, in the skill book column of her system warehouse, most of the recipes are lying there, such as "Noodles and Various Flavors", "Home-cooked Side Dishes", "Cold Foods and Flavors", "Dessert Encyclopedia", "Royal Royal Cuisine", and "Healthy Soup Collection" , "100 Classic Stir-fried Dishes", "1000 Famous Dishes"... It can be said that it covers food recipes from all over the world, ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign.

But others dont know.

Master Zhao and Master Hong looked at each other and had no idea at all.

This is probably a gift, right?

Some people dont need a master to show them in, they can just look at it; some people are stunned when a ready-made master is placed in front of them.

The former is like Xu Yin, and the latter is like Master Hongs son and Master Zhaos younger brother.

Master Hong wanted to train his son to be a great chef so that he could take over his job later. However, the stupid boy didnt know how to do it. When he was asked to teach him how to knead and throw noodles, he ran away faster than a monkey;

Master Zhao's younger brother was no less generous. He was very active when asked to eat, but he couldn't get in no matter how much he was asked to learn.

The two shook their heads and smiled bitterly.

"Xiao Xu, from now on, I will leave all the cooking to you!" Master Zhao has completely figured it out at this moment. He can't hold it back, he can't hold it down at all. Instead of the two of them having conflicts in the future, it's better to divide the work and the cooking is hers. , the rest belongs to him.


Can you cook other dishes? For example, making soups, stews, frying, and roasting?

Xu Yin blinked, not knowing how to answer.

Master Zhao:

It seems that he will do this, but he is afraid of hurting him, so he is embarrassed to say it clearly.

"Okay." He waved his hand feebly, "I can see that Lao Hong and I can at best ask God to feed us the rice, but you are the one who is holding the bowl and holding the spoon to feed the rice!"

Master Hong laughed: "It's still the kind of chasing and feeding."

After talking about it, the atmosphere became more cheerful.

Master Hong took out a bottle of high-quality Shao Daozi from nowhere and said: "Come on, come on, it's rare to meet a descendant of the cooking god, let's have a drink."

Master Hong, where do you hide this wine? Why dont I know? Xiao Guo asked in surprise.

"Haha! You don't know much! How long have you been here? How long have I been working here?" Master Hong laughed, determined not to reveal the secret place where the wine was hidden.

Master Zhao also took out a bottle and said, "If you want to drink it, drink it to your heart's content!"

Xu Yin glanced at the two people's wine, turned around and took out a bottle of health wine from the bag: "Two masters, drinking strong alcohol at this late hour is harmful to your health. I have a bottle of health wine here that won't hurt your stomach or liver. Let's Lets have a drink together.

Lu Xiaoyan and Xiao Guo were dumbfounded: "Xiao Xu, why do you have one? No, is your little baggage so good at hiding things?"

Xu Yin smiled and said nothing, took out the wine cups and filled them for them.

This bottle of wine is from me as a tribute to the two masters. We will drink a glass with you, and you can keep the rest and drink it later.

Haha! Thats a good feeling!

In that room, after the young man with a flat head came out of the restaurant, he looked up at the night sky with twinkling stars, and the corners of his eyes were a little moist: "Somehow, from tonight's dishes, I tasted the dishes that Grandpa Rui made for us when we were young. the taste of."

"I still remember at that time, each of our families would hide and seek, and it turned out that it seemed that Fatty had enlarged the dog hole in Brother Rui's house. After that, every time we played hide and seek, we would go through the dog hole to Rui Ge. In my brother's garden, I can hide for half a day. One time I was spotted by Grandpa Rui, and I thought I was going to get scolded, but instead of being angry, he not only didn't get angry, but also let us eat." "There is nothing to say about the dishes made by Grandpa Rui. !

Arent you talking nonsense! I am a descendant of the royal chef.

"Why didn't Brother Rui inherit even a little bit of Grandpa Rui? I ate the food cooked by Brother Rui once when I went to the countryside. He seemed to have put all the seasonings he could lay hands on into the food. The taste... in short, it's hard to describe. , I didnt dare to let him touch the stove again.

How come you havent inherited it? That picky spirit is just like the reincarnation of Grandpa Turui.

I was a little embarrassed, and after saying that, I also imitated Rui Ge's impatient expression when eating vegetables: "The celery is too old and full of dregs! Can't you pick out ripe tomatoes? Why should such fresh fish be pickled?" Doesnt the hot sauce cost money? Leaving a few spoons behind will kill you?


The vivid imitation made everyone want to laugh but dare not laugh.

The young man with a flat head couldn't help but laugh out loud: "Okay, Brother Rui isn't here, so you can laugh if you want."

As soon as he finished speaking, a startling laughter came from the long alley, which frightened the house cats who were keeping watch at night. They were so frightened that they fled down from the walls and roofs, and disappeared into the grass.

"By the way, Brother Rui didn't inherit even half of Grandpa Rui's cooking talent, and neither did Uncle Rui or Aunt Rui... Do you really plan to reopen Ruifu Building after taking it back? What's the point? In my opinion, it's better to exchange Steel mill jobs.

The power plant is also good, and the power supply bureau has recently raised wages.

Perhaps Rui Ge just wants to keep this family business and prevent it from disappearing.

I dont know who said this, and everyone suddenly fell silent.

When they reached the end of the alley, the young man with a flat head took out a bunch of keys and opened the door to the small courtyard on the right: "You guys should wash up and go to bed first. You must be tired after coming back today. If you have anything to do, we'll talk about it tomorrow. I'll go deliver food to Brother Rui." ."

He carried two aluminum lunch boxes in a mesh bag and took a few steps to the door of the courtyard on the left. He turned the key and drove in: "Brother Rui! It's time to eat!"

Rui Xijin had just woken up. She was wearing loose linen pajamas and a pair of old cloth shoes on her feet. She came out of the back room, folded her arms on her chest, and said lazily: "I told you not to bring it to me, from the Red Star Hotel." Food, how many are delicious?"

"It wasn't that good before. Recently, a new chef came in and the food was pretty good. I ordered two light vegetarian dishes. Brother Rui, please try them. I asked the chef to cook them when I was almost done eating. They were still hot. On."

Wang Zhao said, opening the lunch boxes one by one, there was a box of steamed rice, a box of shredded potatoes and vegetarian dishes, separated by a piece of braised tofu.

Rui Xijin really had no appetite at first.

Perhaps his stomach has been spoiled by his family since he was a child. Ever since he went to the countryside, he has no appetite for anything he eats. Even if the food enters his stomach, it will be rejected and he will either vomit or have diarrhea. After five years in the countryside, he has lost more than 50 pounds. Jin, this is still supported by millet and pumpkin porridge.

Thanks to his good foundation, before going to the countryside, he was a fat man of 1.8 meters tall and 180 pounds in weight. He lost 50 pounds and still weighed 130 pounds. He was a little thinner, but he could still see. If you are already thin and lose 50 pounds and you are like a bamboo pole, can you still watch it?

But somehow, when Wang Zhao opened the lunch box and smelled the fragrance of the food, he miraculously felt hungry.

Taken the chopsticks and stopped talking nonsense, picked up the lunch box and started eating.

Brother Rui, is this dish to your liking?

"It's okay." After saying that, Rui Xijin spit out the braised tofu that had just entered her mouth. "This braised tofu is not good. The bean smell is too strong, and the braised tofu is not tasty enough."

Wang Zhao scratched his head: "This is braised by another master chef in the store. I use it to separate two dishes."

They are all vegetarian dishes, does it matter whether they are separated or not?

It seems to make sense, but he did it redundantly.

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