The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1324: The short-lived cousin of the heroine of Wan Yuan House (5)

Chapter 1324: The short-lived cousin of the heroine of Wan Yuan House (5)

Chapter 1324 The short-lived cousin of the heroine of the Ten Thousand Yuan Household (5)

How is it? Is the house I picked good?

Lu Xiaoyan opened the dormitory door, put down her luggage, and said with a slightly proud expression:

"I asked Master Zhao. We are the only two women in our hotel. Unless we recruit more people later, we will not arrange for more people to stay in this room. This room is just for the two of us. Is it spacious enough?"

Xu Yin looked around. There were two windows in the north and south. The previous residents used a wooden wall to separate the inner and outer rooms. Lu Xiaoyan liked the south-facing windows. Even if it was close to the door, she still chose the outer room. What was left for Xu Yin was An inner room with windows facing north.

The furniture is very simple: a small long table by the window, a wooden bed next to it, and a washbasin and a storage rack at the end of the bed.

They are all old furniture. The legs of the long table and shelves are still a little lame, and they are a little wobbly when touched with broken tiles.

However, Xu Yin is very satisfied with this kind of dormitory compared to Datongpu where there are many people.

Lu Xiaoyan's outer room is almost the same layout, except for the addition of a double-door wardrobe with a coat mirror, which Lu Xiaoyan bought at a flea market. The coat mirror is also newly replaced. The original mirror is mottled, damaged and rusty. Can't take photos of people.

If you have clothes to hang, Ill make some room for you. Lu Xiaoyan endured the pain and said.

As long as you can keep your idle position, you will suffer a little loss in life.

Xu Yin smiled and waved her hands: "I don't have many clothes."

Lu Xiaoyan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then took the initiative to say: "Let me take down the door curtain for you and wash it. It looks a bit dirty."

There is no door on the wooden wall that separates the inside and the outside, but a curtain is drawn.

The door curtains are the same as the curtains. They are made of blue and white-flowered dyed fabric with imperfections. They may not have been taken down since they were hung up, so they look gray.

When Lu Xiaoyan moved in two days ago, the weather was not good, it was either cloudy or light raining, and the curtains in her own room were not taken down and washed.

Taking advantage of the good sunshine today, the two of them took down all the door curtains and curtains and took them to the water room for washing.

"I'll wash, I'll wash, you go do other things!" Lu Xiaoyan rolled up her sleeves and grabbed the wash basin.

Xu Yin didn't argue with her. She went back to the room, took out a handful of chicken feathers, dusted the ceiling and walls, wiped the furniture, and repaired the legs of the long table and shelves.

After doing this, I plan to wipe the windows both inside and outside.

Opening the window, I found a long stretch of wasteland behind the house, covered with thatch. The thatch was so high that it almost blocked the window. It was in sharp contrast with the neat flower bed in front of the south window.


She killed a large mosquito with her sharp eyesight and quick hands.

Lu Xiaoyan fixed the door curtains and brought the wash basin back and placed it at the entrance. It was almost the hotel's business hours and she had to rush back to work.

Xiao Xu, please leave it alone. Ill come back and wash it in the afternoon.

Xu Yin took the time to ask: "Sister Xiaoyan, can the wasteland outside my window be used to grow some vegetables?"

"Ah? What about the base of the back wall? The thatch is almost as tall as a person, so how can you plant it? If you have the ability, it's no problem! Anyway, it's just going to be left uncultivated."

This sentence will do the trick.

After she left, Xu Yin took the starched door curtains and curtains to the water room to wash them, and then hung them to dry on the balcony between the building and the bungalow. There were many ropes for drying clothes and quilts.

Some are marked and some are not.

Those with a mark indicate that they have owners and cannot be used casually; those without a mark were left by previous residents and became public after they moved out.

Xu Yin saw that the public ropes were a little worn, and the dander would easily get on the curtains if they were dried directly. So she simply found a new rope with a stronger load-bearing capacity from the system warehouse, picked two trees in the corner with a suitable distance between each other, and pulled one .

She is very strong and can stretch the rope as tight as possible, so that the heavier clothes will not hang down when hanging. After pulling the rope, she will use a short cotton rope to tie a buckle every 30 centimeters on it. When she goes back to dry the clothes, she will Clothes hangers and trouser hangers are hung on these buckles and will not be blown away or blown together even if there is a strong wind. Finally, put some adhesive tape on it and write "08". Hang the door curtains and curtains on the ropes you just pulled, and put a clip on each end to prevent them from being blown away by the wind.

After finishing her work, she took out a pair of sickles and a hoe, put down her sleeves, fastened her trouser legs, put on her mask and gloves, walked around from the toilet and water room to the back of the house, and cut clean the piece of thatch facing her room. , then use a **** to dig out the roots and loosen the ground.

She was very strong and was used to doing these farm jobs. It took less than an hour to finish the work. The weeds were removed and the ground was loosened. Seeing that it was still early, she brought a bucket of water and watered the ground. Through the window, I sprinkled a handful of mint seeds, which are common but most effective in repelling mosquitoes, along the window.

The north window only gets sunlight when the sun sets, and does not get direct sunlight in the hot summer, so it is suitable for the growth of mint.

On the side of the courtyard wall, a small vegetable plot was opened.

Late spring is a good time to sow radish, pepper, cucumber, and eggplant. When the cucumber needs to be built on a shelf, it should be placed closest to the wall root, followed by eggplant, radish, and pepper from the outside.

It is also convenient to transplant the peppers into pots later.

After finishing my work, I went to the water room to wash my face, took a basin of water and returned to the dormitory. I threw a small hot spring stone into the basin. In an instant, the cold water turned into warm water. I took a comfortable bath and changed my body. Clothes, I took the clothes I wore when working and washed them.

When I went to dry it, I found that the rope I had just pulled was occupied by someone else. The door curtains and curtains were randomly transferred to a relatively loose rope nearby, and the edges almost hung to the ground.

Xu Yin squinted at this scene. People of all ages love to take advantage.

The person who occupied her rope has not left yet. She is a thin, mean-looking middle-aged woman who is smoothing the sheets that have just been hung up.

Xu Yin walked over and said, "Auntie, I pulled this rope. You hung it in the wrong place."

"Did you pull it?" The other party looked at her with disdain with triangular eyes, "You said it was yours, and I said it was mine. Does the rope have a name? Why don't you call it and see how it responds?"

Just as Xu Yin was about to speak, several more women came over carrying wash basins.

Lao Zhus wife, have you taken advantage of someone elses rope again?

"Bah! Whose rope should I take? I asked Lao Zhu Xin to pull it." The other party said boldly.

Xu Yin laughed angrily and stopped arguing. She turned around and asked the women eating melons: "Aunts, which of these ropes did you pull?"

Several women didnt know why, but they still answered:

This one belongs to me.

These two pieces belong to my family.

My family is that one.

Xu Yin stepped forward and tightened the ropes one after another so that the wet clothes would not hang down.

Several women looked at each other in surprise and thanked Xu Yin one after another:

Sister, I didnt know you were so strong and could tighten the rope so tightly!

My guy said no one can pull the clothesline straight, so I have to pull him over after get off work today to take a look.

Xu Yin smiled: "I am born with great strength."

Then he walked back to his own rope and slightly loosened the knot tied to the tree.

This knot was learned from Comrade Xiao Jin in a small world, and few people know how to solve it.

The rope was a little loose, and the sheet hanging on it, which was still dripping with water, almost hung to the ground. This made the woman curse and run to the tree to tighten the rope, but no matter how hard she tried, the rope buckle would not move at all.

Xu Yin smiled toothily at her: "See? This is my rope. Although it doesn't bark like a puppy, only I can untie its knot."

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