The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1322: The short-lived cousin of the heroine of Wan Yuan House (3)

Chapter 1322: The short-lived cousin of the heroine of Wan Yuan House (3)

Chapter 1322 The short-lived cousin of the heroine of the Ten Thousand Yuan Household (3)

Even though he doesnt believe in his daughters painting skills, it is still a way to find a relative. If he can take this opportunity to find his son, whom he has not seen since birth, Xue Taohuas lifelong wish will be fulfilled.

Therefore, these days, she is fully expecting her daughter to draw a portrait of her son, thinking about it in everything she does, even talking about it with her coworkers at work.

The co-workers were also enthusiastic and helped her with ideas, introduced drivers for long-distance travel, and helped her contact the mimeograph room...

After the factory leaders heard about it, they took the initiative to ask her to find out the situation. When they learned that it was indeed the case, they immediately said that the factory would bear the cost of mimeographing, so that she could relax and find her son.

Xue Taohua was so happy that when she got home, she said to Xu Yin: "Daughter, don't worry about painting. The factory will help us with the mimeographing matter."

Xu Yin:

Ms. Xue, your mobility is good! Faster than me!

In any case, the tense relationship between her mother and the aunt next door, and between Maimang and Maimang, has eased. At least it is a good thing that they no longer quarrel over trivial matters all day long.

Xu Xiqiao has been working the night shift these days. There are few night shift workers. The printing and dyeing workshop where he works is very dusty. He wears a mask during work. He rarely chats with his co-workers. He gets off work at six in the morning and just has a few drinks when he gets home. After making rice and porridge, I fell asleep, so I didn't know about it.

Until the end of the night shift and the day off, he had a solid sleep. Just when he woke up, he heard his wife screaming. He thought something big had happened, so he ran out of the bedroom while wearing slippers and tying his trousers: "What happened?"

Old Xu, look at this portrait, does it look like our son?

Xue Taohua was so excited that her hands were shaking. She held up the portrait that her daughter had just finished and showed it to the man:

These eyebrows, nose, and corners of the mouth look like both you and my father. Do you think this is what our son looks like?

Xu Xiqiao was stunned when he saw the portrait clearly: "This, this is our son? Our son was found? Where is he? When was he found? Why didn't I know?"

Xue Taohua hit him angrily and funny: "What a sweet dream! If I really find it back, I won't be happy? This is the portrait of my son that my daughter drew using our family photo. Do you think it looks like it?"

Happiness for nothing.

However, Xu Xiqiao's eyes were wet when he held the painting and said, "If my father were still here, he would definitely recognize his grandson when he saw this portrait. I will show it to my mother to make her happy." Happy."

Xue Taohua took the portrait back and said, "I still need to get the mimeograph. Print it and show it to mom. Don't damage it."

She was worried that the old lady would hold the portrait and cry endlessly while her grandson cried, thus soiling the good painting. It took my daughter several days to finish it. She had to go to work next, so there was no time to paint it again.

When it comes to going to work in a state-owned hotel, Xue Taohua takes the trouble to remind her daughter:

"When you go to work, don't be petty or irritating. Although your position is that of a salesperson, if you have the opportunity, learn a few of the master's specialties from the master. During the holidays, when the master is too busy, be diligent. Point, take the initiative to strike for him, dont act like an abacus ball, dialing it before moving."

In Xue Taohuas eyes, state-owned hotels are the best places to work. The work is free and easy, and many people want to get in. If the current chef hadnt been the niece-in-law of the master chef in Xu Xiqiaos workshop, how could they have met such a good thing?

Xu Yin said: "Mom, don't worry, I know how to do it."

"It's good to know." Seeing that the weather was good, Xue Taohua moved the extra mattresses at home to the balcony to bask in the sun. "Your work is far away from home. You can't go home every day after work. I don't know what's going on in the dormitory at your work." , its better to bring everything you need. Xu Yin has no objection to this.

Even if she doesnt have enough at home, she still has a system warehouse, so what does she need?

In the original article, the original person fell into the river and drowned. The vacancy in the state-owned hotel should have been used by outsiders - his cousin, who was closely related by blood, was supposed to go there.

However, her parents and her uncle's family were at odds. Not to mention the opportunity to work as a regular worker, they did not want to give up temporary jobs. Instead, Xu Wen devoted herself to developing her clothing business. It is said that her job in a state-owned hotel was later changed by fate. If you hold the wrong girl in your arms, you will be punished.

Her biological parents were the main culprits that caused the missing of her original eldest brother. After Xue Taohua heard about it, she was even more stimulated: My son was taken away by you and put up for adoption. His life and death are unknown. Your daughter was lucky enough to pick up the missing copy. It's my daughter's job.

But that family lived far away, and it was not easy to come to the door if she wanted to scold her. As a result, she was full of resentment and had nowhere to vent. She was like a firecracker, quarreling with the sister-in-law next door at every turn, and then pointed the finger at the heroine in the early stages of her business and gave her It caused a lot of stumbling blocks.

But this time, Xu Yin is here.

Although state-owned restaurants will only last a few years, by the mid-to-late 1980s, they will be squeezed out of competitiveness by private restaurants and food stalls that emerge one after another, and they will never regain their former glory.

But this is an opportunity that the original father got by giving him cigarettes and wine, and doing a lot of physical work for the master. Besides, the results have been good in the past few years, she will obey the couple's wishes and go to the state-owned hotel steadily. Go to work, survive, and try not to let any bad luck happen later.

At worst, wait until the situation is no longer possible before looking for other ways to make a living.

Roads are made by people. If a road is blocked or impassable, you can still get out of the broad road by changing another road.

The state-owned hotel is in the city center. From home, you have to take a shuttle bus, then change to two trams, and it takes two or three hours to get there.

Although state-owned hotels dont work in three shifts, they do have morning and evening shifts. The morning shift arrives at the store at 5:30, while the evening shift doesnt finish until it closes at 8:30 p.m.

No matter what class you work in, commuting every day is inconvenient. Fortunately, these days, state-owned units will arrange dormitories for their employees.

Xue Taohua saw that she had packed a lot of luggage, so she wanted to switch shifts with her coworkers and send her daughter to report to the unit.

"Your dad's job works three shifts and he can't be transferred out recently. Otherwise, I would be more relieved to have him accompany you."

Xu Yin weighed the two big bundles and said, "Mom, I can carry them. You don't have to accompany me."

Its hard for me to carry it, how can you possibly carry it?

As soon as she finished speaking, Xue Taohua saw her daughter lifting a bundle in each hand, with a dazed look on her face:

Can you really carry it? Then last time your grandma asked you to carry a bag of potatoes back, and you walked a few steps to rest for a while but you said you couldnt carry it and didnt want to carry it. Are you pretending to hold it together?


Since she can carry it, Xue Taohua will not accompany her.

A round trip to the city costs a lot of money. The key is that you dont have to find a coworker to change shifts. I just had to change shifts with a coworker a few days ago because my daughter fell into a river. Its inevitable that the coworker will have objections if I change my shift again.

Xu Yin felt no pressure when she reported in alone, and she could still get some necessary daily necessities according to the situation.

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