The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1313: Living in the days of natural disaster (40)

Chapter 1313: Living in the days of natural disaster (40)

Chapter 1313 Surviving in the last days of natural disasters (40)

Before leaving, they cleared almost all the snow from the front, back and roof of the orphanage. They also dug a sloping drainage ditch. After the ice and snow melted into water, it flowed out along the drainage ditch, adding welfare benefits. The terrain of the courtyard was already high, but it did not bring much disaster to the house.

Saffron, camellia, kale and other flowers and plants that can withstand low temperatures and extreme cold were all collected by Xu Yin into the system warehouse before leaving.

Saffron has only been harvested once in two years, and the quantity is very small. The weather is -40 degrees below zero, and it is too cold to bloom. Although the quantity is small, the quality is better. Xu Yin stored these few milligrams of saffron separately. The roots of the plants are wrapped in soil so they can be planted again in the future.

At least a few milligrams of saffron were collected, but the camellia was taken into the system warehouse without even waiting for the flowering period.

Only the wall-creeper was confiscated at the time, and I thought it was about to die. Unexpectedly, it grew very well. Not only did it not die from the sun, it also covered half of the wall with lush greenery.

The children circled the yard and then went straight to the bunker to see Lao Bai and the others.

As soon as the entrance opens, oh! The smell is a bit strong!

Is the fresh air system faulty?

Hold your nose and go down to the bunker. Go to the equipment room first and find that there is no fault. The lighting, fresh air, and constant temperature systems are all running normally.

Wowoh my god!

Xu Dong and Xu Xi couldnt wait to go to the animal base next door to see Lao Bai and the two dogs. They were dumbfounded. Xu Dong even spoke the dialect he learned on TV.

Brother Ning! Yinyin! Come and see! Its terrible here!

Xu Xi was also stunned: "Why are there so many geese? Aren't they all Lao Bai's children? There are also many dogs!"

Xu Yin and Ning Jin ran over to take a look, and both twitched their lips.

With nothing to do, Lao Bai has been incubating eggs with the geese he hatched?

One goose hatches one nest a month, a dozen geese hatch half a year... sixty or more nests?

Its not that I dont know, its just that Im shocked.

No wonder the area where the geese live is full of crushed eggshells and rattling downy goslings...

Marshmallow and the little cow saw them and ran over barking, followed by their spouses and a bunch of fluffy puppies.

Having not seen each other for half a year, these two brothers have become fathers.

The sound of geese, dogs, and cats in the distance...

Xu Yin felt her brain suddenly swelled.

Fortunately, this animal base was dug relatively large at the beginning, and the activity area for geese, dogs, cats and other animals can be expanded even if it is not enough.

The four children took the time to work separately. The egg collector picked up eggs, the excrement collector picked up excrement, and those who needed it were cleaned. The next step was to wash their nests with water pipes.

Seeing that her friends had taken away all the dirty work, Xu Yin was responsible for the final disinfecting. At the same time, she also fed them a few mouthfuls of Linghu water to treat their illnesses and strengthen their health.

The high temperature will continue for a few more years, and these little guys will have to continue to live here.

After cleaning up the animal base, the children went to the planting area next door.

All the crops planted before leaving were ripe, and some were overripe and rotted in the ground. Everyone was busy working again.

Thanks to the fact that they have been doing farm work every day in the central city for the past six months, their hands are not only not raw, but have become more skilled. With the help of small agricultural equipment such as harvesters, they can harvest all crops such as rice, wheat, and corn.

For vegetables and fruits, check whether they are overripe. Those that are still edible are put into baskets, and those that are overripe are left in the ground for the time being, and will be fertilized later when there is time.

After finishing their work, the children returned to the bunker and took turns taking a bath. They sat down refreshed to take stock of the harvest of the past six months.

A total of 105 goose eggs were picked up, and 95 new goslings were added.

There are so many fish in the pond that I cant count them; I can just catch a pot of shrimps, and if I cant finish them all, I can dry them in the sun.

The harvested rice was weighed at 500 jins, wheat at 360 jins, and corn with ears at 450 jins.

A lot of the watermelons are overripe. I counted 25 of them that are edible. The overripe melon seeds can be saved as seeds.

Pumpkins can be eaten even when they are old. I collected 52 pumpkins in total.

"The edamame is very old. If you dry it in the sun, you can collect it and save the seeds or cook the soybeans and sprout them for eating." "Although the soybeans have not been weighed yet, based on the last harvest, it is at least a hundred kilograms. From now on, we will eat it every day." You can put some in your pocket to grow bean sprouts next time."

Xu Dong and Xu Xi took turns reporting.

The summary is

Lao Bai took the dozen geese he hatched and hatched more than a hundred goose eggs. In the end, 95 geese survived, and 105 eggs were left. Fortunately they came today, otherwise the team of geese would probably continue to grow.

Vegetables, melons and fruits are basically old. Those that bear fruit late can still be eaten, but those that bear fruit early are overripe and can only be used for retting.

On the other hand, legumes have a long growth period. Even when they are old, they can be used to save seeds or make soup without affecting the taste and nutritional intake. On the contrary, aged beans are more nutritious and comprehensive.

They couldn't take these supplies out for the time being, so they stored them in the warehouse next to the equipment room. However, they all came over and worked hard for a long time. They planned to use a small rice mill to grind a few kilograms of new rice to cook a pot of fragrant rice, and then stew it. A young goose rewarded himself, and the alarm bell that stayed outside went off, indicating that someone was approaching the orphanage, or was knocking on the door of the orphanage.

The four children quickly put on their old clothes, wiped a few handfuls of plaster on each other's faces, messed up their hair, loaded up the new rice ready for cooking, picked up the young goose about to be slaughtered, and left the stairwell.

Xu Dong and Xu Xi rushed into the kitchen with the young goose in their arms. Ning Jin pulled Xu Yin along the stairs to the second floor.

Bang bang bang

The door of the orphanage was knocked again.

Is no one here?

Xiao Ning

It turned out that Xiao Hu, who was under Professor Liu, came to find them.

Xu Yin and Ning Jin looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

Xiao Hu has been following Professor Liu since he was a graduate student. Like Professor Liu, they are both good-natured people. In other words, they are easier to deceive.

They looked at each other and smiled, then raised their voices and said, "Brother Hu, we are here! We will come down and open the door for you!"

The two of them ran downstairs, unbolted the door bolt, pulled the latch, and opened the door.

"I just called you a few times, but no one answered. I thought you weren't here. I was scared to death!" Xiao Hu, who came to see them, wiped the sweat from his brow, "The professor hasn't come back after seeing you for a long time. I'm very worried, let me come over and take a look, is there nothing wrong?"

"No, we are fine! We just haven't been back for half a year. I missed you so much that I walked around the yard. When you knocked on the door, Brother Hu, we might have been in the backyard and didn't hear you clearly."

Brother Hu, you are in for a treat! Xu Yin said, pulling him towards the kitchen. Let me tell you quietly, we caught a goose in the rotten hay at the base of the backyard wall

Xiao Hu thought they were teasing him. When he got to the kitchen, he saw a large iron pot on the half-collapsed earth stove. Water was boiling in the pot. Xu Dong and Xu Xi squatted on the ground and were working hard to pull out the pot. Wearing goose feathers

It was only belatedly that he realized: these four children had really caught a goose. And because he was sent out by the professor to find them, he was lucky enough to taste this goose meat.

Goose meat!

The goose is stewed in a fragrant iron pot!

How many years have I not had it?

Xiao Hu came back to his senses and found that he was drooling. He lowered his head and wiped the corners of his mouth in shame, and cleared his throat: "Ahem, is there anything I can do for you?"

Thats great, Brother Hu, come and pluck the goose feathers! Ill add some firewood!

Brother Hu, can you cook goose meat? Xu Xi asked him.

Xiao Hu hesitated for a few seconds: "Uh... I've eaten it, but I haven't done it."

He swore that these children definitely "cut" him, but there was no sound.

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