The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1274: Living in the days of natural disaster (1)

Chapter 1274: Living in the days of natural disaster (1)

Chapter 1274 Surviving in the last days of natural disasters (1)

In the last mission world, Xu Fupo Yin lived a very contented life.

She only cares about investing and not doing anything, especially after marrying Comrade Xiao Jin... Oh, when it comes to this matter, I have to say that the rules of "recognizing people" that she has figured out by herself have really not gone wrong so far -

On Teng Yujings household registration book, there is a former name that has never been officially used from beginning to endTeng Yujin.

It is said that it is to commemorate the late old man, because his name was given by the old man.

Teng's mother is of mixed Chinese and English descent, and her father is a hereditary Earl of England. She happened to be on vacation in England when Teng Yu was born. The old man had lived in China for a long time. The international long-distance signal at that time was not very good, so the old man said "Jin of Jin". , Teng's father heard a "scenery scene".

It was several years later when I realized that I had made a mistake.

The name has already been called out, and it would not be appropriate to change it. What's more, Teng Yujing inherited several multinational company shares, as well as manors, land and other movable and immovable properties donated by his grandfather when he was born. If I want to change my name, there are too many documents that need to be revised, so when I returned to my country to register my household registration, I filled in "Teng Yujin" in the column of my previous name to commemorate the old man.

With Teng Yujing, a business tycoon, as her husband, Xu Yin is even more happy to be a hands-off shopkeeper. The only thing that allows her to run around and worry about it is the Xu Qiao Foundation.

She helped children from poor families to go to high school and college, and invested in closed villages to revitalize the countryside; she donated books and experimental equipment to primary and secondary schools, and donated scientific research funds to university research institutes; later, when funds were abundant, she was half-finished by a bankrupt developer. The unfinished retirement apartment has been launched into a health care community that can make children feel at ease and the elderly feel at ease; the roads, bridges and tunnels she has funded can probably circle the earth.

The charity community has repeatedly used her deeds as an example, but she herself is so low-key that she rarely appears on important occasions such as charity galas that bring together elites from all walks of life.

Besides doing charity, the only thing worth Xu Yin's time and energy to run around is hoarding supplies.

Teng Yujing saw that she seemed to be very curious about the food and clothing prices around the world, so he simply invested in opening a membership-based shopping store with a full range of categories and high quality in Haicheng, and put it under Xu Yin's name.

It is larger than Sam's and Costco, and covers almost all food, daily necessities, clothing, home appliances, etc. from all over the world. It is the first and currently the only shopping paradise in the world that integrates international catering, entertainment, and supporting life services. .

It is closed one day a week and only serves Xu Yin.

Xu Yin:

Sister just wants to quietly stock up on some goods, what kind of trouble are you, a prodigal man, going to make!

Those who mobilize forces like this are not afraid of being laughed at or losing money?

If nothing else, the chefs he poached from all over the world who are good at cooking from various countries are a huge expense.

But the magic is magicits not a loss! Not only did it not lose money, it also became popular!

Domestic and foreign tourists who come to Haicheng regard this store as one of the tourist attractions. During the business period, the flow of people is overwhelming, especially in the international food and dining area. People queue up every minute. It is busier than the old snack street in Haicheng. Worse than that.

He had an urgent matter and flew abroad. Xu Yin was too lazy to cook, so she just wandered around her shopping paradise, eating, drinking and enjoying the essential oil spa in the entertainment service area. She couldn't finish shopping in three days.

When I saw something I was interested in, I packed it up and went home. I took the opportunity to stock up on a lot of goods produced from all over the world.

Just like this, they did charity and stocked up supplies. When they both had free time, they found a picturesque and undisturbed place for vacation. In short, they became a happy and happy rich woman.

Ding! Congratulations to the host for turning around the fate of cannon fodder in this world. The mission rewards are being settled, please wait...]

Ding! The mission reward has arrived, please check! ] Opening her eyes again, Xu Yin heard a familiar electronic sound.

She just woke up, her whole body was sore and weak, as if she had just been seriously ill, her eyelids were so heavy that she couldn't open her eyes, so she simply entered the personal center page of the system to check the rewards of the previous small world:

Energy point balance: 10,000.

Task progress bar: 82%.

Maximum time ratio: 8200:1

Random skills currently owned:

Permanent Divine Power

(can be stimulated)

Universal Voice Actor

Avoid water

Use the small to catch the big

Supernatural makeup skills

Dream Come True Dream Maker(non-permanent, can be used 3 times)

Look, she didn't have any extra tasks assigned to her in the last small world, and she started out as a rich woman with hundreds of billions of assets. It was relatively easy to change the fate of cannon fodder, even if she donated most of her family fortune before her death, and her only child abandoned Xiaojin. She only inherited the wealth created by her original parents during their lifetime despite the huge fortune given by her loving father. She was only rewarded with 10,000 energy points, and the progress bar only moved forward a small space.

So it seems that mission rewards are linked to difficulty? So it has to be a hellish start or a devil-level extra mission?

Its really terrible!

Xu Yin quickly fed herself a few health pills made with Linghu water that were suitable for any body type. Then she slowly sat up with her weak arms and barely opened her eyelids to look around.

The space is cramped, the light is dim, and the walls are rough and mottled. In addition to the small wooden bed that creaks when moved, there is only a wooden square stool that serves as a bedside table. There is a glass of water on the stool. The water cup is made of plastic, and the mouth of the cup may be filled with cracks after being used for a long time.

Xu Yin closed her eyes, pressed her sore temples, and took in the background of this life's mission.

From the end of the last mission world, when she drew three consecutive rounds of "natural disaster hoarding" hanging on the second-choice lottery board, she was mentally prepared to face the **** mode at the beginning.

Not to mention supplies, ranging from private jets to toothbrushes and towels... I dont know how many tens of billions have been stockpiled.

It can be said that Xu Hounguo Yin is fully prepared in both thoughts and actions.

However, after she finished absorbing the original plot, she felt bad.

This time she was dressed as a six-year-old retarded little girl who knew nothing but playing in the mud.

Still an orphan who was neither cared for by his father nor loved by his mother, and who was thrown into a small children's welfare home in Zhongyuan County at birth.

Fortunately, the director is a kind-hearted old lady. Even though there were not many enthusiastic people who donated money and the welfare home was unable to operate several times, she still gritted her teeth and survived, struggling to make a living with a dozen helpless children.

The original article begins with a torrential rain that lasted for three days. The orphanage was in disrepair and leaked everywhere. The director was worried that the children would catch a cold due to exposure to the rain, so he placed them in a cellar that was not commonly used.

The original body was weak and had a fever before entering the cellar. The other children were less than two years old. The dean heard from the news that the heavy rain contained unknown substances and was more harmful than acid rain. Once a high fever persists, It was best to treat him in isolation, so he placed the original body alone in a cramped stairwell.

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