The Boss of the Apocalypse Disguises Himself As a Cannon Fodder Female Educated Youth

Chapter 93: Then to Hong Kong City

Chapter 93: Then to Hong Kong City

Chapter 93 Return to Hong Kong City

After Gong Guohua and the others drank it, they immediately felt refreshed, very comfortable, and very refreshing. They felt that this drink was really the best refreshing drink on a hot day.

Jun Ning took the six of them around the front and back yards and the ancient building again, and explained her request again.

Gong Guohua said there was no problem.

Jun Ning asked him to estimate how much money he would spend. She then gave the money to Gong Guohua and asked him to spend it as long as he did a good job.

After arranging these things, Junning placed two boxes of mint tea drinks and two boxes of homemade pastries in the hall.

She said to Gong Guohua and others: "Master Gong, if you are hungry or thirsty, go to the hall to get drinks and cakes to eat. Your meals will be paid for from the budget, and I will cover them all."

Gong Guohua and his brothers have done a lot of work, but this is the first time they feel the generosity and generosity of their employer.

In this era of scarcity of materials, everyone is very concerned about food.

There are very few employers like Junning who let them drink and eat cakes.

Gong Guohua and others said with gratitude: "Thank you, Comrade Jun. Don't worry, we will work hard."

Jun Ning smiled at them and said, "I believe you! Then I'll leave this place to you. I won't be here for the next two days. I'll come over and take a look when I have time."

Okay, walk slowly!

Jun Ning gave Gong Guohua a bunch of keys to the ancient building and drove away.

Jun Ning wants to go to the port city to have a look.

I wonder how the Junlin Building is being renovated now?

She wants to open the business as soon as possible!

Jun Ning drove the car to the usual place where he usually goes into the sea. He also used his mental power to shield the surroundings. Then he put the car into the space and jumped directly into the sea.

About forty minutes, Junning appeared on the seaside of the port city.

She left the previous Rolls-Royce in the port city for use when traveling in and out of the wilderness.

At this moment, she took out a black Mercedes-Benz from the space and drove towards the King's Landing Building.

When Junning drove to the Junlin Building, he saw that the Junlin Building was surrounded by people. There were many workers inside who were working hard to decorate.

Jun Ning released his mental power and searched for Dahuang's figure throughout the building.

Soon, she found Dahuangs busy figure on the top floor.

Jun Ning directly sent a message to Dahuang's spiritual power, "Dahuang, I'm here. Are you going to decorate the attic yourself?"

Dahuang heard Junning's message and immediately replied: "Master, this is our base camp. The top floor is for us. I must do it myself. Come up quickly and take a look at my masterpiece. Are you satisfied?" ?If youre not satisfied, Ill change it again.

Jun Ning parked the car and when he wanted to go in, he found that he was stopped by the young man guarding the door.

He had a serious face and spoke in non-standard Hong Kong dialect, "Miss, I'm sorry, this place is still under construction and renovation, you can't go in."

Jun Ning glanced at him.

This man was about 26 or 27 years old. He was very tall and had a straight waist. At first glance, he looked like someone who had come out of a military camp.

Hearing his accent, which was obviously from the Mainland, Junning guessed in his mind that he should be someone who had just passed through Hong Kong from the Mainland.

Jun Ning has always had a good impression of people who serve in the military and veterans.

She smiled lightly and asked, "You work here and don't know me?" Hearing Jun Ning's words, the man looked at her seriously again and shook his head, "I'm sorry, I don't know you. There are still people here. There are potential dangers during construction, please leave as soon as possible!"

Jun Ning appreciates people like him who are dedicated to their work and company, and will not feel offended because he doesn't know her and stops her.

Jun Ning used his mental power to send messages to Dahuang again: "Dahuang, come downstairs and take me in."

Dahuang has been paying attention to Jun Ning, and she also discovered the situation on the first floor.

Hearing Jun Ning's call, she immediately teleported to the first floor.

The man guarding the first floor, when he saw Dahuang coming, he immediately saluted, "Thank you, Director!"

Dahuang introduced Junning to him, "This is Miss Junning. She is my cousin and a very important guest of our company. When you see her in the future, it will be like meeting me. Do you understand?"

The man took a deep look at Jun Ning and immediately responded loudly: "Yes, I understand!"

Junning asked him with a smile, "What's your name? Where are you from? How old are you? When did you retire? When did you arrive in Hong Kong?"

The man replied respectfully: "My name is Dong Cheng. My hometown is Huicheng, Guangdong Province. I am 26 years old this year. I was discharged from the army the year before last. I came to Hong Kong to join my relatives three months ago."

Jun Ning nodded at him, "Okay, I understand. You work hard here. As long as you are capable and serious and responsible, you will be able to succeed in the future."

Dong Cheng replied respectfully: "Thank you, Miss Jun, for your encouragement. I will do my best!"

After talking to Dong Cheng, Jun Ning followed Dahuang to the top floor.

Dong Cheng watched Jun Ning enter the elevator, then excitedly clenched his fists and shook his fist fiercely.

He felt that his opportunity seemed to have come.

The top floor of the eighteenth floor has been decorated by Dahuang with his magical power, making it as beautiful as a fairyland.

The entire eighteenth floor is like a condensed small space.

Dahuang has copied all the beautiful scenery in the space here, which is simply wonderful.

Jun Ning admired from the bottom of his heart, "Dahuang, you are so great! How could you have thought of replicating the beautiful scenery inside?"

Dahuang smiled and said: "I like the world inside, but I often have to work and stay in this world. Naturally, I want to make it as comfortable as a fairyland. Otherwise, it will not be comfortable to live in."

Jun Ning gave her a thumbs up, "You are right, working in such a beautiful fairyland will make you feel much happier."

She said to Dahuang again: "By the way, Dahuang, the decoration plan needs to be revised. The three floors from 15th to 17th are going to be used as a technology company and research laboratory. I want to use this technology company for many of the technologies inside. developed.

Dahuang immediately responded: "No problem, the decoration company is still working down there, and the decoration hasn't been done yet for a while."

Jun Ning asked her again, "How is the progress of the project?"

Dahuang replied: "They are working very quickly. The supermarket on the first floor is expected to be completed within three days. It is almost ready now. We can prepare in advance for the trial opening of the first floor."

Officially open for business, we have to wait until the entire building is decorated before we can open the business with great fanfare and sell advertisements.

After the first floor is renovated, we can start selling spiritual wine and make some money first.

The restaurant hall on the second floor and private rooms on the third floor are expected to be completed on the seventh day.

The clocks and gold and jade counters on the fourth floor are expected to be completed on the tenth day.

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