The Boss of the Apocalypse Disguises Himself As a Cannon Fodder Female Educated Youth

Chapter 141: Go to the black market again

Chapter 141: Go to the black market again

Chapter 141 Go to the black market again

who are they?

They are Lei Gang and the others from Tianqiao Black Market.

After Zhou Xinglong came to look for trouble last time and was dealt with by Jun Ning, Jun Ning was worried that he would encounter gangsters and gangsters. He himself was also worried, so he went to recruit about ten more people to strengthen his team.

But if Junning didn't show up for so long, they would have run out of goods.

With so many men waiting to eat, it was a big expense every day. Lei Gang and his brothers were all anxious.

Lei Gang had no choice but to send his brothers out to look for Jun Ning everywhere.

But Junning was pretending to go to the black market, so how could they find her?

Lei Gang and the others went crazy looking for someone. They were so anxious that they got sores on their mouths, but they still couldn't find Jun Ning's whereabouts.

They have heard that there are many similar products on the market, but they cant find the source. They only heard that they are good products from Hong Kong City.

Lei Gang and the others had no choice but to look for sources of goods everywhere to see if they could survive until Junning came to look for them.

If they cannot survive that day, the newly recruited brothers will have no choice but to go home.

Lei Gang really doesnt want to come to this point.

If he did this, he would feel very sorry for the brothers who had defected to him.

Jun Ning has been staying here in the ancient building of Yucheng for the past two days.

She actually thought about Lei Gang and the others, but when she thought about the prices of Lei Gang's goods, she didn't really want to sell them because the prices were too low.

The Commerce Bureau and the textile factory have signed contracts, so she can't increase the price for the time being.

But there was no contract signed in the black market, and she no longer needed money urgently, so she did not go to the black market again.

However, now she has also raised the price of sweet grapes.

On the black market, if she increases the price, they can still accept it, and she can continue to supply them.

Taking advantage of these two days of free time, Jun Ning spent one night searching and took a large cart of goods to the Tianqiao Black Market.

As soon as her big truck appeared, Lei Gang's men who had been guarding near the overpass immediately rushed in excitedly and said to the frowning people inside: "Boss, boss, the delivery lady is here. The delivery lady is here." The delivery lady is here..."


Lei Gang and all the brothers heard the good news and stood up excitedly.

The next moment, everyone ran outside.

At this time, no goods were shipped, and they were really worried and crazy.

Fortunately, they finally waited until the elder sister came to deliver the goods.

When Junning came to Tianqiao Black Market to deliver goods, she still dressed up like the rural lady before.

She and the intelligent robot drove a large truck of goods and delivered it.

However, before unloading the goods, she had to negotiate the price and sales method with Lei Gang. The previous price would definitely not allow the goods to be sold again.

Before her car reached Lei Gang's yard, Lei Gang and his group of more than 20 people had already surrounded her.

Lei Gang walked to the car window, grinned at Jun Ning, who had lowered the window, and said, "Sister, you're finally here. My brothers and I were so excited that we were almost blinded."Jun Ning smiled at him, " Its hard to get goods recently, and the prices have all increased, so I didnt come over. Well talk about prices and sales again later.

When Lei Gang and his brothers heard this, their moods instantly dropped.

But dont raise the price so much that they cant even make money for drinking water!

Junning called Lei Gang aside and said to him straight to the point: "Lei Gang, you have sold our goods, you should know that the quality of these goods are first-class, right? Other goods are completely different from ours. Theres no comparison, its not the same level.

Lei Gang nodded, "I know these goods are good, but, sister, if you increase the price too much and we don't make any profit, that won't work."

Jun Ning smiled and said, "Don't worry about this. We eat meat, and you must have broth to drink. You have dealt with me before, and we can't be so ruthless in what we do."

Lei Gang asked tentatively: "Sister, how much price increase do you have to make before you are willing to ship?"

Junning gave him two options, "I have two ways here. First, you help me ship the goods according to the price I set. After all the goods are shipped, I will give you 10% of the turnover." Commission.

That is, if you sell 10,000 yuan, I will give you a commission of 1,000 yuan.

"You can sell these goods first, and then pay me the money after they are sold. If the goods cannot be sold, you can also return them to me. The risk of loss will be borne by me."

Lei Gang was moved in his heart, but he still asked, "What about the other way?"

Jun Ning replied to him, "Another way is to follow my pricing. How much you can sell for the goods you get from me depends entirely on your ability."

This method is risky, but you will definitely earn more.

Lei Gang thought for a while and asked Junning for a wholesale price list.

As soon as Lei Gang saw the wholesale price, his eyes widened. "Sister, is this price too different from before? It has doubled several times, or even more than ten times. Isn't it too cruel?"

Junning took out a stack of photos and showed them to him, "Look at the prices of these things in Hong Kong City."

Lei Gang felt really complicated when he saw that apples cost a hundred yuan per catty and other items cost at least dozens of yuan per catty. He didn't know what it felt like.

Compared with the price in the port city, the price Junning gave them was equivalent to cabbage price.

However, they have received low prices before, and now with such a high price, there is inevitably a huge gap in their hearts.

Seeing the bitter look on his face, Junning couldn't help but smile: "Brother Lei, if you still can't accept this wholesale price, just do it the first way. You don't have to spend any money, just help me sell the goods. Its safe and risk-free, and you can actually make a lot of money by taking Titong.

Lei Gang thought for a while, and then asked her, "Sister, can I discuss it with my brothers?"

Junning looked at the time on the communication watch on his wrist, and then said to him: "Go ahead, I'll give you fifteen minutes. If you still can't come to an outcome, then we'll leave directly. Wont come again either.

When Lei Gang heard this, his heart trembled, and he quickly said: "We will definitely make a decision, sister, please wait a moment."

Jun Ning waved to him, "Go quickly!"

Lei Gang walked back to the brothers and quickly told them the two methods Junning Ning had mentioned.

Then, he asked them, "Now the price has risen too high, and we don't know what the market is like. Let's talk about which one do you choose?"

Boss, I choose the first option. This way we dont need to invest capital, and we dont have to worry about the risk of stocking up or losing money. Although we may make less money, its very stable!

Boss, I also choose the first option.

Boss, I also choose the first option.

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