The Bootlicking Antagonist Only Wants to Survive, but the Female Lead Refuses to Follow the Usual Plot

Chapter 142 The Captain’s Family Has No More Food

Chapter 142 The Captain’s Family Has No More Food

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Lu Chengwen shouted: "Big brother! What are you doing?"

Gao Fei's short sword plunged into his chest, then slowly pulled out, expressionless: "I can't get stabbed twice, how can you leave?"

Lu Chengwen's scalp tingled immediately.

His legs went weak: "Big brother, don't..."

Gao Fei said and stabbed himself again.

Lu Chengwen's eyes immediately turned red, he rushed over: "Big brother!"

Gao Fei said: "Mr. Lu, I hit it off with you immediately, unfortunately, as a bodyguard disciple of Mr. Huo, I must follow his instructions. Today, there were high-level figures who came to kidnap someone. Heh, they even managed to stab me three times, I couldn't stop them. It's good fortune for King Jinto and that dog-headed strategist."

Gao Fei pulled out his sword and was about to stab himself a third time, Lu Chengwen grabbed his hand: "Big brother! How about we slightly change the script? You've been stabbed twice, you can't pursue, so they abducted the person. These two have already been beaten into this state, Mr. Huo should be appeased! Huo Wendong has Tiancheng's Bone-rejuvenating Salve, his bones should be healing now!"

"Two stabs will do?"

"Yes, yes." Lu Chengwen turned his head and said: "You guys say, is it okay?"

Everyone was still stunned, they immediately started chattering.

"Yes, yes, yes, okay, okay, if I got stabbed twice, I'd believe it!"

"Yeah, stop, if you stab again, there will be trouble!"

Gao Fei smiled slightly: "Let's go quickly, my brothers will wake up soon."

Lu Chengwen stepped back two steps, tears in his eyes, clasped his fists, and bowed deeply.

"Brother's kindness, your little brother will remember it for life! I will never forget it!"

Gao Fei nodded: "Just remember that I'm your brother in the future."

"Big brother!"

"Let's go."

Lu Chengwen wiped away his tears: "Let's go!"

King Yinto walked to the front, clasped his fists, and bowed deeply as well.

Everyone who passed by Gao Fei did the same.

Under the moonlight, in the narrow alley.

An ancient ritual played out repeatedly.

Everyone felt their hearts pounding!

They admired Gao Fei and Lu Chengwen.

This ritual was more sincere, more heartfelt, and more exhilarating than all the knees they had knelt on and oaths they had taken.

This is the romance of men.

Heavy and poetic.

They put King Jinto and the strategist in the car, and the convoy quickly drove away.

They reached the river.

Lu Chengwen was wearing a windbreaker, watching the moonlight shimmer on the river, silent.

Iron King came over: "Mr. Lu, the strategist has been brought."

The strategist was no longer able to stand, he needed the fat and thin monks to support him.

Lu Chengwen looked at the strategist, the strategist smiled first: "What? Are you going to throw me in the river?"

The strategist looked at the river: "It's good, it's a good place to end up."

Lu Chengwen rolled his eyes at him: "I'll just ask you one question, from now on, let's keep our stunned ways, okay?"

The strategist was stunned: "'re not going to kill me?"

Lu Chengwen leaned against the railing by the river: "Do I have any grudge against you?"

This sentence made the strategist.

No grudge?!

I've suffered so much because of you!

But then again, heh, yeah, do I have a grudge?

It was clearly our side that attacked first, and I was defeated by Lu Chengwen again and again. It was my skills that were not up to par.

Other than that, do I have a grudge?

The strategist laughed: "It seems we don't."

Lu Chengwen said: "Go, the organization will hunt you down, you'll have to walk your path from now on."

"After betraying the organization, I have no way out."

"The road is made by people who walk on it." Lu Chengwen said: "The first time I saw Long Aotian, I also thought I had no way out. But haven't I walked this far? Long Aotian and I will fight forever until he loses interest in me. This is my chosen path."

" you think you can win against the young master? Heh, you don't know him well. Don't look at him like this, in fact, he..."

"Borderland War God!" Lu Chengwen stretched, his coat about to fall, Iron King caught it and held it properly.

"Talented, and gifted, he has made countless contributions on the borderland, he is the adopted son of the South Country Grand Master of the organization. He should have been a top-level expert in the Upper Four Gates, but he lost his essence in a fierce battle. He came to the North Country to unify the various financial tycoons, to prepare for his future rise to power, and to find some piggy banks."

Lu Chengwen looked at the strategist's shocked face.

"Do you believe it? I can win in the end!"

The strategist looked at Lu Chengwen, he didn't seem to be bluffing, he was really realy confident.


"So are you." Lu Chengwen said: "The old saying goes when things are at their worst, they will turn for the better. When you've gone through a lot of bad luck, there will always be a turning point. But you have to hold onto hope, keep living, keep fighting, as long as there is still a breath left, you can't just resign yourself to fate and give up."

The strategist was deeply shaken.

What kind of person is this?!

He's not ignorant, he's not unaware, he knows, and he seems to know more than we do!

He knows exactly what kind of opponent he's facing, but he's not afraid!

He's going to fight!

Not only is he going to fight, he's going to win!

The strategist slowly pushed away the fat and thin monks, and slowly knelt: "If Mr. Lu does not disdain me, from today onwards, I am willing to be a retainer of Mr. Lu, I will go through fire and water for Mr. Lu, without hesitation!"

Lu Chengwen looked at him and only said one word: "Good."


The Grand Master sat in the hall, weak and unable to move, crying and drinking: "There's simply no good path for honest people to walk."

"One betrays, then another betrays, one goes out, and a whole group betrays! What's wrong with me? Don't I treat you well?"

"I've worked hard for so many years, I thought that when the young master came to the North Country for business, we could gamble big. entire leadership team has collectively moved out!"

"If you all left together, I'd think you had long-term plans. But good heavens, you left one by one, leaving 5 billion each time, even if I sold my ass, I wouldn't make that much!"

"My savings! My savings from all these years! The whole Xuecheng branch is finished! Wuwuwu...Lu Chengwen, I hate you!"

At this time, the accountant walked in: "Grand Master, good day! Wow, Grand Master, you look so good!"

The Grand Master looked up at him: "Are you blind?! Which eye of yours sees me looking good?"

"Uh..." The accountant was used to flattering, but today, the Grand Master was not in a good mood: "Grand Master, are you drinking? Oh my, why don't you have some good dishes? Oh my god, just a plate of peanuts and some ham? Grand Master, you are too incorruptible, at least get some cooked food or something!"

The Grand Master was annoyed: "What's wrong with you? If you have nothing to do, get out!"

"Hehe, I do have something."

"Spit it out."

The accountant was very nervous.

As an accountant, asking the boss for money is always a mood killer.

Many bosses, even though they know it's not your fault, and the accountant asking for money is a legitimate request, part of his job.

But whenever the boss heard the accountant asking for money, he'd get annoyed, as if the money was going into the accountant's pocket.

The accountant had a lot of experience, and every time he asked for money, he would try his best to say nice things, just to make the boss feel good and readily give him the money.

Today, he realized that no matter how much he tried to coax him, it was no use, so he could only awkwardly smile:

"This...didn't you move a total of 9.7 billion yuan from our branch's general ledger recently? This shortfall can't last too long. The people from above have already asked about it once. I managed to stall them."

"I know."

"Uh...also." The accountant diligently approached, pouring the Grand Master a drink: "Later, didn't you say that we used our account to get a short-term loan from the bank? According to the contract, we have to pay them interest. It's not much, all the banks together only amount to over 30 million."

"We'll talk about it tomorrow!"

"Oh." The accountant scratched his head awkwardly: "Grand Master..."

"What the hell now?!" The Grand Master slammed the wine cup on the table: "Spit it all out!"

"Our internal salaries, bonuses, and the expense claims for the past three months of the three guards, Red, White, and Black, have all been held up. Should we..."

"Asking for money again!?"

The accountant was stunned.

What do you mean "asking for money again"?! This is money you borrowed from the general account and the bank! Don't you have to repay borrowed money? Don't you need to pay employee salaries?

The accountant smiled: "Grand Master, I know you've been busy with big things recently. I heard that all four King Tuos have been sent out. Hey, even the strategist led the team! No need to ask, when they come back, they'll make a fortune!"

"Make your freaking fortune!" The Grand Master said: "I'm drinking, get out! We'll talk about anything else tomorrow!"

The accountant looked dejected: "Grand Master, I'm just in charge of finances. All the heads of these departments are venting their anger on me. The employees' salaries have been delayed for months. Can you please just scrape a little bit from your fingernails so we can get through this? It hasn't been easy for our employees these months, no salary, they're all living on air."

"I'm good!?" The Grand Master flew into a rage: "Three months! Three whole months! Do you know how I've been living these three months?! Do you know?!"

The accountant shook his head: "I don't know!"

The Grand Master said: "Tell them, to work hard, from now on our branch will enter Xuecheng's business world, and unify the four major families. Money won't be an issue. We'll have a monopoly in Xuecheng, becoming Xuecheng's strongest business giant. Everyone will be original shareholders and company veterans. Then we can eat and drink well, lie at home, and count money."

The accountant nodded: "Yes, this pie smells good, but Grand Master, our employees are hungry now! There's a lot of resentment! There are all sorts of rumors flying around, morale is low!"

The Grand Master was startled: "What?! Rumors? What kind of rumors?"

The Grand Master was very surprised.

The organization implemented a single-line management system.

Different departments were forbidden from contacting each other, they only knew of the existence of brother departments, but didn't know where they were, who they had, or what they were doing.

This kind of management was to prevent them from colluding ith intelligence. Everyone only knew about their responsibilities. Even if they betrayed, they couldn't say anything about the other departments.

"It's...not easy to say..."

"Say it! I need to understand the employees' thoughts."

"Yes." The accountant said awkwardly: "They say that all of our branch's money has been swallowed by you, Grand Master; they also say that you go to the casino to gamble all the time, and you've gambled away all of our branch's public funds; they also say that you're entering the entertainment industry now, making money by selling your body, and your appearance fee is four figures..."

"Bullshit!" The Grand Master stood up immediately: "I have hemorrhoids! I don't sell my body!"

"Yes, I argued with them too, I said the Grand Master's appearance fee can't be four figures, it has to be at least five figures..."

The Grand Master was so angry that stars were appearing in his head: "Stop...stop! Damn it! This team needs to be rectified! What the hell!"

"Grand Master, we have 50 million, it can solve all the problems we face now. You just...don't make it difficult for me. Or...would you like to work hard and make a few more movies?"

The Grand Master suddenly jumped up, and grabbed the and accounant's neck: "I'm telling you! I'm the Grand Master of the Xuecheng branch of the organization! Even if I want to go into the entertainment industry, I won't make that kind of film! If I make a movie, it will be a kung fu movie!"

"Yes, yes..."

The Grand Master released the accountant, gritting his teeth: "Lu Chengwen! You just wait for me to get you! I won't be human if I don't kill you!"


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