The Bootlicking Antagonist Only Wants to Survive, but the Female Lead Refuses to Follow the Usual Plot

Chapter 128 All the plots come from imagination 1985 words

Chapter 128 All the plots come from imagination 1985 words

Lu Chengwen glanced at the card, about to ask, "What's going on?", but he held back. He looked at the bank card, his mind racing, his expression uncontrollable. His mouth opened, and he moved his jaw.

Lu Chengwen looked at the strategist, "Strategist, do you think five billion is not enough?"

The strategist was stunned.

King Jin Tuo was even more stunned.

King Jin Tuo's heart was shattered:

Not enough!? What does that mean!?

The strategist thought to himself:

Sigh, he's saying that we can't just take five billion for free. He's not satisfied with five billion. Those three previous Kings all paid five billion as a token of their allegiance.

The strategist awkwardly said, "Mr. Lu, you see, it's like this. We, unlike those three Kings, were carrying public funds when we came out, so we could pay a token of allegiance. We only have the travel expenses given by our unit, only two hundred thousand. You wouldn't be interested in such a small amount, right?"

Indeed, he wasn't interested.

Even if Lu Chengwen was poor, he wouldn't force these two to hand over their two hundred thousand travel expenses.

Lu Chengwen scratched his head, thinking, What does this mean?

Does it mean to return the money to me, to kill me?

Lu Chengwen reached out, pressed on the bank card, and tapped lightly with his fingertip.

"You two have been in the big organization for so many years, you must have earned quite a bit, right?"

King Jin Tuo and the strategist's faces changed.

My God!

It's better to kill than to be unkind. Are you asking us to give you our savings?

The strategist's face looked a bit bad. "We two don't have any savings, please don't laugh at us, Mr. Lu."

"Oh, forget it."

Lu Chengwen said, "Actually, don't let others call me a profiteer. I understand that many things are more important than money in this world. Don't you think so?"

The strategist was shocked!

Looking at Lu Chengwen's playful expression, his heart was simply in despair.

When he left the branch, he brought a small Rejuvenating Pill that was treasured by the branch leader.

This level of pill was the only one in the entire branch. He originally intended to present it to Long Aotian as a gift of apology.

Because Long Aotian was in seclusion, Hua Xueqing was unreliable, and he was going to change his plan to deal with Hun Tiankang, so he thought that this pill would be kept on him and would be life-saving in critical moments, so he kept it for now.

He even knows this!?

How infiltrated has our organization been by them?

Could it be that those three Kings were their people from the start?

Lu Chengwen smiled. "Strategist, what's with that expression? Am I wrong?"

"Uh...y-yes, yes."

The strategist sighed, looking at King Jin Tuo, "Take it out."

King Jin Tuo knew what he was talking about, but he couldn't bear to part with it!

He had only heard of the Great Rejuvenating Pill, never seen it.

But the small Rejuvenating Pill was the best of the best, the top of the top.

This kind of pill, even the leader wouldn't dare to eat, but instead sealed it in a vacuum bottle and treasured it.

Now to give it to Lu Chengwen, it hurts!

This thing is priceless, you say to spend ten billion, eight billion to buy it, it seems not worth it.

But in a crucial moment, even if you have a hundred billion, it's not as useful as this little pill.

King Jin Tuo hesitated and played dumb. "What are you talking about, Strategist?"

The strategist said, "Don't be coy in front of Mr. Lu, Mr. Lu knows."

Lu Chengwen quickly nodded. "That's right, King Jin Tuo, you're not as honest as the strategist."

King Jin Tuo, seeing Lu Chengwen's confident look, knew that he was caught in a trap and could no longer refuse to hand it over.

King Jin Tuo reluctantly took out the small Rejuvenating Pill from his chest, gave it to the strategist, and the strategist handed it over to the table. "Mr. Lu, please accept this."

Lu Chengwen didn't recognize it!

But he couldn't let them know he didn't recognize it!

In the face of this thing, should he express admiration or play it down?

I don't know!

Lu Chengwen picked up the small bottle, a green pill floating in mid-air, looking crystal clear, with beautiful patterns.

"Just this one?"

The strategist went crazy. "Mr. Lu, I don't know where you heard the news from, but our branch only has this one small Rejuvenating Pill! I swear to God, only one! Really, if I'm lying, you can let them come out now and kill us, I won't have a single complaint!"

Lu Chengwen narrowed his eyes.


These two sons of a gun were marked by some enemy, right here in this hotel.

By bad luck, I brought my beautiful secretary here to have a close-up conversation about a business deal of several hundred million, and I ran into them, and they mistakenly thought I was on their side.

Lu Chengwen smiled and put away the pill. "Sigh, how could I not believe you, Strategist? Since things have been settled, you two can rest. Shihan, go downstairs to check out."

Lu Chengwen put on his clothes and said, "I have a meeting in a while, so I won't accompany you. Oh, right, I'll let the finance department settle the bill, you can stay here as long as you want, and order whatever you want to eat. If you want women, you have to find them yourself, this is a decent hotel."

"Thank you, Mr. Lu, can we go then?"

"Sure, sure, no problem."


Standing in the elevator, Lu Chengwen felt a sense of fear.

Fear is the scariest thing. Although he was very calm at the time, acting calm and composed.

But fear is thinking about the worst possible outcome, a chill running through my bones.

Lu Chengwen took out the bank card, looked at it for a long time, and put it away.

"He's still a master!"

Lu Chengwen grumbled, "Strategist, my god...I met two real idiots today."

Jiang Shihan chuckled, "Mr. Lu, are you scared?"

"You bet." Lu Chengwen said, "I wanted to be cool, but I met these two psychos."


Lu Chengwen left.

The strategist walked to the corridor, feeling like there was danger everywhere, still agitated.

He whispered to King Jin Tuo, "Pack your things and change hotels."

The two quickly packed their things, checked out of the room, and left in a taxi.

The two were sneaky all the way, changing taxis several times, sometimes separating, sometimes secretly meeting, making it look like spies on a mission.

Finally, they quietly checked into a small motel.

The strategist finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The two lay down on the hard bed in the simple room, and the strategist sighed, "They're everywhere."

King Jin Tuo said, "We've already reported the fifty billion to the leader, and he asked us to give it to the young master. What do we do now?"

"Now we need to contact the leader, request support, and then wait for the young master to wake up and take joint action. According to the information we have now, Lu Chengwen is Hun Tiankang's outsider, and that organization can easily dispatch a top expert from the Middle Four Gates like Hun Tiankang, their strength is not simple, we all need to be careful."

"Hmm, I understand."

At this moment, King Jin Tuo suddenly heard something.

"Strategist, did you...hear something?"

The strategist was taken aback and listened closely. A deep, hoarse voice seemed to be roaring:





The two of them sprang up from the bed.

Their blood surged.

"Damn it! They're pushing their luck! We returned the money and gave them the pill, and they still chased us here!"

King Jin Tuo also exploded in anger. "Strategist, let's fight them!"


The strategist listened more carefully:

"Bidi bidi, taxi!"




The strategist felt something was off. "Let's go see!"

The strategist and King Jin Tuo stood in front of a street arcade, seeing two people still sitting in front of the screen, battling.

Ken and Ryu on the screen, two big male protagonists, were unleashing a frenzy of attacks. Their most commonly used three moves were Hadoken, Shoryuken, and Shoryuken.

King Jin Tuo and the strategist watched for a few minutes and painfully closed their eyes.

The strategist looked at the screen, and turned to King Jin Tuo, "We've gone too far."

King Jin Tuo said, "In other words...that kid at the hotel was playing the arcade, shouted a couple of Hadokens...just as Lu Chengwen took his secretary to open a room, and then we...gave him the five billion bank card and the small Rejuvenating that right, Strategist?"

The strategist was speechless.


King Jin Tuo said, "Lu Chengwen was just a blind cat running into a dead rat. There is no organization or anything, it's all made up by us, right?"


King Jin Tuo sighed in frustration. "Strategist, you've been too cautious! Oh my!"

King Jin Tuo stomped his foot. "Five billion! Five billion! Lu Chengwen is laughing his ass off now!"

The strategist sighed in frustration. "How could I have known that that damn Hun Tiankang...he actually...used those ridiculous moves from the game to pretend to be an expert and deceive our young master!"

"What do we do now? If this gets out, we'll be disgraced!"


The strategist wiped the sweat off his forehead, his teeth grinding in anger. "What kind of crap is Hun Tiankang, a damn old fart...I swear! This can't get out, nobody will believe it if it does. The leader will kill us!"

"What do we do then? We already reported about the five billion, and he and the young master are waiting for news!"

"Find Hun Tiankang!"

"Find Hun Tiankang?"

"Once we find him, we'll take his money, take five billion, and pretend it was given by Lu Chengwen, otherwise this won't be covered up. After we kill Hun Tiankang, we'll go back to Lu Chengwen and ask for more money, take three or five billion each privately, and then kill Lu Chengwen, unnoticed! What do you think?"

This proposal was very daring.

The two, because of being too clever, had committed a major crime.

If there was such an organization, you could tell your superiors that your money was stolen.

Now there's no such organization, you lost five billion, not fifty bucks!

Five billion!

Enough for the leader to tear them to shreds!

The two of them were now on the same boat, sink or swim together.

"Good!" King Jin Tuo praised, "Strategist, you're truly a genius. This way, the bad thing becomes a good thing."

The two of them felt a lot more relaxed after sharing their thoughts.

From now on, they were truly in it together, sharing both glory and misfortune.

"But we don't know where Hun Tiankang is!"

"Hehe." The strategist smiled. "Remember the footprint I saw there?"


The strategist took out a small plastic bag. "This red soil is only found in one place in the entire Northland."

"Ah? Where?"

"Snow City, Idiot Mountain."

"Idiot Mountain?"

"Yes. That old fart's soles were covered in red mud from Idiot Mountain, so he must be on Idiot Mountain."

"Strategist! What are we waiting for? Let's go find him! We're not afraid of a Middle Four Gates peak expert, we can take him down together!"

"Hmm, let's go!"

The strategist gritted his teeth and said viciously.


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