The Bootlicking Antagonist Only Wants to Survive, but the Female Lead Refuses to Follow the Usual Plot

Chapter 126: The Barbarian’s Wicked Art Consumes Oil and Follows

Chapter 126: The Barbarian’s Wicked Art Consumes Oil and Follows

I hope you're all doing well! I wanted to share something special with you. Yesterday was my birthday, and I had planned to unlock a bonus chapter (chapter 127) as a little gift to celebrate with you all. However, amidst everything, I completely forgot to do so!

anyway, you can read chapter 127 for free on Patreon, happy reading

The strategist didn't have much information.

Long Aotian was in meditation, secluded for three days, not eating, not drinking, not opening his eyes, not speaking.

He was doing this to counteract the effects of the Great Sun Reversal Pill, repairing his body to the maximum extent.

He couldn't allow any side effects, his body had suffered too much recently.

Without a healthy body, even the most beautiful future wouldn't mean anything.

Luo Shiyin was also in a bad state.

Every time she used her charm technique, it drained her greatly.

Especially her eye technique.

In the past few days, she had repeatedly attacked Huo Wendong, Leng Tianhao, and Lu Chengwen with her eye technique, severely draining her.

The more efficient and powerful a technique was, the more it drained the caster.

Luo Shiyin, a seasoned traveler of the world, could usually rely on her appearance and graceful charm to win over men.

But powerful figures were less susceptible to such tactics, or rather, relying solely on external beauty and personal charm to attract them was severely discounted.

What kind of beauties hadn't Huo Wendong seen? Even when he encountered a beauty he found captivating, he wouldn't be as anxious, flustered, or insecure as ordinary people.

Therefore, against powerful figures, one needed to resort to more potent means.

Huo Wendong, Leng Tianhao, and Lu Chengwen were all powerful figures, the kind who could get any woman they wanted with a simple gesture, even if they didn't want them, women would be throwing themselves at them like crazy.

So, repeatedly attacking three powerful figures with her eye technique in the past few days was truly exhausting.

Especially Lu Chengwen.

Her eye technique also had a peculiar characteristic, as soon as it was released, the drain was complete.

It was like a light bulb, as soon as it lit up, it was constantly consuming power, even if no one was at home, no one used the light provided by the bulb, and the consumption was already happening.

Worse, if the eye technique didn't succeed in an attack, well, the backlash would be even more severe for the caster.

When Luo Shiyin was in Lu Chengwen's office, she repeatedly cast her eye technique, but Lu Chengwen dodged it every time, finally, the eye technique didn't meet Lu Chengwen's eyes, which greatly injured Luo Shiyin.

Coupled with the few palms she exchanged with Yuanfang, and being hit by Silver Toe while protecting Long Aotian's retreat, she was both internally and externally trapped, her wounds aggravated.

Now, Long Aotian's condition was stable, but Luo Shiyin had collapsed.

But she knew she couldn't collapse, at least not now.

Huo Wendong, having lost 300 billion for a ridiculously worthless, broken subsidiary, was furious.

She had to recover quickly and appease him.

Therefore, she was now also in seclusion.

Only Hua Xueying, with a simple mind, stood at the door angrily chopping at a stone with her sword.

Chopping while crying, crying while blaming herself.

She was very guilty and very self-blaming.

She felt so useless.

There were so many things she didn't understand, didn't comprehend.

She couldn't understand, with the Young Master's ability, plus her martial arts and Luo Shiyin's charm, they usually swept everything away, why were they hitting a wall this time?

Forget the Kings of Toes, the usual rhythm should be, that gods and Buddhas would be slain.

Now, the Young Master was crippled, and Sister Luo was also suffering from backlash and aggravated injuries.

And she couldn't do anything, she couldn't do anything right.

Hua Xueying chopped off a piece of stone, stubbornly saying, "Chop you to death! Chop you to death!"

At this moment, the strategist and King Jin Tuo appeared.

The strategist smiled, "Miss Xueying, why are you so angry? Has this stone provoked you?"

Hua Xueying had met the strategist before, she stood up, her face sullen, "You still have the face to come here?"

The strategist knew she wasn't very bright, so he wouldn't bicker with a girl:

"To see how the Young Master is recovering."

Hua Xueying looked at King Jin Tuo, very alert, "Who is he?"

King Jin Tuo bowed, "My name is King Jin Tuo, I have met Miss Xueying."

Hua Xueying immediately charged forward, striking King Jin Tuo with her sword.

King Jin Tuo was startled, the strategist took a step forward, clamped the sword blade between two fingers, smiling, "Miss, are you mistaken? This is my subordinate."

"No mistake!" Hua Xueying said, "Iron Toe, Copper Toe, and Silver Toe, they all beat our Young Master, they all beat our Young Master like a son! King Jin Tuo must be here to beat our Young Master too!"

The strategist felt ashamed. This girl might be a bit slow, but her words were weighty.

She didn't realize that this was a rebuke and humiliation to the branch.

One betrays after another, one betrays after another, this one is bound to be a traitor sooner or later.

The strategist coaxed Hua Xueying, "Miss Xueying, don't be excited, King Jin Tuo is different from those three."

"What's different? I think they're all the same!"

Hua Xueying turned the sword, her energy flowing into the blade, the strategist's face changed, and he quickly let go, and a folding fan instantly appeared in his palm, clinking, blocking thirteen strikes from Hua Xueying in an instant.

The strategist was secretly alarmed.

This girl was so young, her martial arts were so good!

If she wasn't stupid, she would be a formidable figure.

The strategist coaxed Hua Xueying, "Don't worry, I'm here this time, what are you worried about, Miss Xueying? We are here to contribute to the Young Master's cause."

Hua Xueying frowned, "I'm afraid he'll turn traitor in the end!"

"He won't," the strategist smiled, "This time, the leader specifically asked me to come along, Miss Xueying, you wouldn't be worried about me becoming a traitor too, would you?"


Hua Xueying snorted, ignoring the two, continuing to sit on the stone steps outside the door, chopping at the stone.

There was no way, she had inquired, Long Aotian and Luo Shiyin were both in seclusion.

Qi Meishao, who came to deliver the medicine, left the Great Sun Reversal Pill and went back to her work.

Now, there was only Hua Xueying, they could only ask her about Hun Tian Gang.

Mentioning Hun Tian Gang made Hua Xueying even more furious.

"What kind of damn teacher, he's a madman! Crazy, he came and said he wanted to rebuild the Young Master's physique, then he smashed all the Young Master's bones, saying he didn't have the Great Sun Reversal Pill, then he ran off like the wind."

"The Young Master and Lu Chengwen did take him as their master, but this old man didn't teach them anything, he just made them kowtow and swear to be filial to him."

"Before he came to beat up the Young Master, he went to Lu Chengwen first, he was going to rebuild Lu Chengwen's physique too, but I don't know why, he didn't hit Lu Chengwen, he just went to the Young Master."

"Old bastard! If I see him again, I'll kill him!"

The strategist rubbed his fingers, thinking for a while, "Miss Xueying, can you tell, what level of strength that old man has?"

"I don't know!" Hua Xueying said angrily, "I think he's nothing, he's just a con man, taking advantage of the Young Master and Lu Chengwen being injured!"

The strategist remained wary, "Did he not teach the Young Master and Lu Chengwen anything?"

"He did!" Hua Xueying said, "He taught Lu Chengwen small-frame monkey boxing."

The strategist and King Jin Tuo were both surprised.

King Jin Tuo's face almost contorted, "Small-frame monkey boxing!?"

"What? You don't believe me?"

"Oh, no, I do, I do, I believe you." King Jin Tuo continued to ask, "What did he teach the Young Master?"

Hua Xueying thought for a moment, "Something, hadugen, haoyugen, and..."

The strategist narrowed his eyes, "And what else?"

"Something something...anyway, it's some awkward-sounding laigenbulaigen thing, it's so annoying."

The strategist and King Jin Tuo looked at each other, they had never heard of such strange kung fu names.

Hua Xueying stubbornly stuffed her mouth, unwilling to pay any attention to them. They asked a few key questions and then left.

Back at the hotel, the strategist held his wine glass, slowly swirling the liquid, staring into the glass in a daze.

King Jin Tuo didn't have as much patience, "Strategist, what's all this? Should we deal with Hun Tian Gang or not?"

The strategist closed his eyes, and calmly said, "The information I can analyze so far is as follows."

"First, the Young Master and Lu Chengwen were forced into this situation, they and Miss Xueying were both seriously injured, so they had to curry favor with this Hun Tian Gang. And Hun Tian Gang seemed to be taking advantage of their vulnerability, forcing them to swear oaths, using his status as their master, and then exploiting them for money."

"Second, a few days ago, Hun Tian Gang found Lu Chengwen, Lu Chengwen likely paid him off to avoid trouble, so he didn't attack Lu Chengwen. At that time, the Young Master didn't have much money, so he shattered the Young Master's bones, saying he was going to find the Great Sun Reversal Pill, but in reality, it was a scheme for revenge. This can be analyzed from the fact that the Young Master was swearing while he was being beaten."

King Jin Tuo nodded, "That's probably it, Miss Xueying said the Young Master was swearing like crazy, he even said, 'Old man, I'll fight you to the death!'"

The strategist opened his eyes, "But why did Luo Shiyin stop Hua Xueying, not letting them save the Young Master?"

"Could it be that Hun Tian Gang's martial arts were too strong, they didn't dare?"

The strategist shook his head, "Hua Xueying and Luo Shiyin are both close guards who have experienced countless battles alongside the Young Master, they are not afraid of death. It's possible that the Young Master was subdued by him, the two women were hesitant, fearing for the Young Master's safety, so they didn't dare to act."

"This Hua Xueying is completely brainless, why does the Young Master keep this dumb girl around? It's truly incomprehensible."

The strategist smiled, "King Jin Tuo is brave, but he doesn't know the deeper meaning."

"What deeper meaning?"

The strategist said, "Hua Xueying has extraordinary talent, her swordsmanship is very skillful, to cultivate such swordsmanship, she can't be a foolish idiot. In my opinion, she has been sealed with some divine consciousness, which is why she appears clumsy. Once the Young Master takes her in, he releases her divine consciousness, I'm afraid her ability will exceed people's imagination."

"Oh, stop talking about this silly girl, let's talk about this Hun Tian Gang."

The strategist nodded, "Hua Xueying said that the old man's kung fu is nothing in her eyes, I think she might be exaggerating a bit, someone whose kung fu is nothing, wouldn't know about the Great Sun Reversal Pill, even bragging requires knowledge."


"Also, Hua Xueying also said that the next time she sees Hun Tian Gang, she will kill him. From this, we can infer that Hun Tian Gang's strength should be very strong, but not strong enough for us to be unable to control. In Miss Xueying's subconscious, she believes she can kill Hun Tian Gang, or at least fight him on equal footing. This suggests that he should also be a Middle Four Gate, possibly a peak Middle Four Gate, a master about to reach the pinnacle of the Upper Four Gate."

King Jin Tuo frowned, "If that's the case, even if I encounter him directly, I can't guarantee a complete victory."

The strategist gravely nodded, "Small-frame monkey boxing, a child's play kung fu, tricked Lu Chengwen out of hundreds of billions, he he, this old man seems quite greedy."

The military advisor tapped his fingers on the table: "But that Hadugen (referring to a mysterious or unusual technique), Haoyugen (possibly another obscure or confusing method), and... whether Lairugen (a decision or action that is unclear or undecided) comes or not... this kind of skill is indeed a bit puzzling.

King Jin Tuo paced back and forth, "It sounds like the name of a kung fu technique from a foreign country. Although foreign kung fu is not very strong, it is very strange and completely different from our Chinese ancient martial arts system. If it is a foreign expert, using an unorthodox skill we can't predict, then things will be tricky."

The strategist nodded.

"It's a pity that the Young Master is in seclusion, and Miss Luo is also healing herself. Otherwise, we could know more information."

"But time waits for no one!" King Jin Tuo urged, "Three Kings of Toes betrayed us before, we've been gone for a long time, and the leader will be suspicious. We need to resolve this quickly and give the leader and the Young Master an answer."

"Sigh, I know. But we have to be cautious, we know too little about this Hun Tian Gang, especially this unorthodox skill, if we attack recklessly without being sure, we could suffer a loss. In the world of martial arts, one loss might mean no more chances."

"He's just an old man in the Middle Four Gate, the two of us working together, we can kill him! Capture Hun Tian Gang, make him hand over the money, then go back to Lu Chengwen and keep squeezing him for money!" King Jin Tuo said fiercely.

"Yes, the process is that, but if his kung fu is too unorthodox, we might have problems..."

At this moment, a child's voice rang out from the hotel entrance, "Haoyugen! Jiajiabulugen!"

The strategist and King Jin Tuo immediately looked at each other, their eyes wide as saucers.

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