The Bootlicking Antagonist Only Wants to Survive, but the Female Lead Refuses to Follow the Usual Plot

Chapter 108 The Broken Devil

Chapter 108 The Broken Devil

Tongtuo Wang was not as clever as Tietuo Wang.

Lu Chengwen came to this conclusion.

Tietuo Wang, realizing that there was no way out, decisively chose the most advantageous faction for himself. Even if it was only temporary safety, it was better than being dead.

But Tongtuo Wang was ruled by emotions. He was played by Lu Chengwen to the point where he had no way out, which made him feel extremely humiliated.

The tragic end he was about to face was all thanks to Lu Chengwen. So, all he could think about now was fighting back.

You screwed me over so badly! I won't let you get away with it!

Lu Chengwen, however, roared, "Tongtuo Wang! Are you an idiot? Just use your imagination. What if you win now, kill us all, and then what?"


Lu Chengwen roared, "Then you run with a measly tens of millions! Run for your whole life! Hide from the pursuit of the big organization, until they catch you and beat you to death! Besides that, do you have any other way out?"

"Th… th…"

"Think about it again. What if you join me?"

Tongtuo Wang was stunned.

Lu Chengwen said, "Look at Tietuo Wang and his brothers."

The three of them looked over.

Time flies. What a change!

The five Tietuo Wang brothers, once reckless Red Guards from the big organization, each exuding a strong sense of the underworld, had now become neat and uniform, with an intimidating aura.

They were all wearing suits and ties, looking like high-society figures.

Tietuo Wang even had an ear pierced, with a platinum earring.

His entire temperament had undergone a drastic change!

Compared to them, their three brothers, although rich, looked like vagrants.

Tongtuo Wang's eyes flickered.

Tietuo Wang said, "The young master is suspicious and distrustful. He's harsh and arrogant to his subordinates, bossing them around. Any benefit is for him, any credit is his. Following him, we just get the scraps, and we even have to watch his face when we drink a sip of soup. What's the difference between this and being a Red Guard in the organization?"

"On the contrary, Lu Zong knows how to use people. Hong Ya is magnanimous, rewards and punishments are clear, and he's not stingy with his subordinates. We five brothers followed the young master, we didn't have to kneel, we didn't have to bend over, and the young master treated us like brothers. Tongtuo, to be blunt, following the young master is just being a dog who lives and dies for his ambitions."

"He doesn't care how many brothers die when he's with a woman!"

Tongtuo Wang looked back at his two brothers. He could tell just by looking at them that their minds were already active.

They had been enjoying themselves too much these past few days, never this comfortable before.

Plus, Tietuo Wang's words had painted Long Aotien as such a terrible person.

They had never given Long Aotien a chance. All the accusations of suspicion, arrogance, and bossiness... were personal descriptions.

The subtext was that they weren't betraying him. It was because Long Aotien was terrible, forcing them to rebel.

And at this very moment, they were willing to believe these words, convincing themselves to accept them.

Tongtuo Wang lowered his head, "Lu Zong, can you give us some time? We…"

Lu Chengwen shook his head, "No, you don't have time. You have to decide now."

"Alright! We brothers have no way out. We are grateful for Lu Zong's generosity… We…"

Tongtuo Wang gritted his teeth, "We brothers have decided. From now on, we'll follow Lu Zong. We hope Lu Zong will take us in!"

In the villa.

Lu Chengwen sat in the main seat, Jiang Shihan was massaging his shoulders, and Zhao Gang was checking the car outside.

Tongtuo Wang and Tietuo Wang stood in front of Lu Chengwen, slightly bowing.

Lu Chengwen said, "Have a seat."

The two of them looked at each other and both said they dared not.

Lu Chengwen laughed, "I'm different from that Long Aotien jerk. I don't do class consciousness. I'm not your young master, I'm your boss! You just need to show me the respect you show a boss. We are brothers, but also superiors and subordinates, not masters and servants. Sit down and talk. Otherwise, I have to look up at you."

The two of them sat down on the sofa, looking at Lu Chengwen hesitantly.

Tietuo Wang was okay, but Tongtuo Wang, having just joined the team, was still restless.

Lu Chengwen's expression was serious now, "Yintuo Wang should be arriving soon. How much do you know about this person?"

The two of them looked at each other, both surprised.

"Could… could it be him?"

Lu Chengwen laughed, "It must be him. Don't ask me why I'm so sure. I just know. I need to know his background first, then figure out how to deal with him."

Tongtuo Wang said, "Young master, your subordinate has something he doesn't understand."

"Call me Lu Zong."

"Yes, Lu Zong. Your subordinate doesn't understand, why do you keep ruining the young master's… Long Aotien's plans? Why doesn't he attack you?"

Lu Chengwen smiled, "At first, he was too arrogant. He thought I was a nobody who could be easily dealt with."

"Then, later! I became sworn brothers with him. So, theoretically, we're sworn brothers. He'd be embarrassed to kill me. Even if he wanted to kill me, he would have to get someone else to do it."

Tongtuo Wang understood.

Of course, if you told this to a normal modern person, he would think you were crazy.

But if you told it to someone like Tongtuo Wang, he would immediately understand.

Because they were people from the underworld. If you're in the underworld, you have to follow underworld rules. Even if you don't want to follow the rules, if you want to break them, you have to be strategic.

It's like when a warlord in ancient times wanted to rebel. He might want to be the emperor, but he had to stand on the moral high ground and say how the emperor was a terrible person and how he exploited the people. He would say he was acting on behalf of Heaven to eliminate him.

If you directly said you wanted to be emperor, so you wanted to kick the emperor's ass, your appeal would be greatly diminished. You might even become a target and die a miserable death.

Yuan Shu during the Three Kingdoms period made this mistake.

His plans were still in the early stages, and he already declared himself emperor.

What happened? Everyone, even their dogs, turned against him!

Why? Because he broke the rules and lost his moral high ground.

I don't even need to have a grudge against you. As long as I raise the banner of "Supporting the Han Dynasty and eliminating the rebels," I can hit you with a clear conscience.

All the people from the underworld that Lu Chengwen encountered, he said he was sworn brothers with Long Aotien. The meaning is right there.

At least, you, Long Aotien, can't blatantly attack me.

Of course, any underhanded actions can only be addressed as they arise.

Tongtuo Wang said, "Yintuo Wang is different from us brothers. He… is very strong."

"How strong?"

Tongtuo Wang said, "He's probably reached the top level of Zhong Simen."

Zhong Simen includes four levels: Duanhun, Awakening, Guiqi, and Meditation.

Tietuo Wang is Duanhun, Tongtuo Wang is Awakening. The levels above Awakening… each level is a different world.

Simply put, below Awakening, there is still a chance of a cross-level kill.

Although the probability is low, it does happen.

But above Awakening, the suppression of strength is almost like crushing an ant. It's overwhelming.

Awakening might need a formal battle to kill Duanhun, with the two of them fighting back and forth.

And Awakening would probably kill Duanhun in the end.

But Guiqi killing anyone below Awakening is an instant kill.

The suppression of strength is terrifying. It's almost impossible to fight back.

Even if you manage to land a hit, Guiqi will just strike again!

Therefore, Lu Chengwen just had to look at the expressions on Tongtuo Wang and Tietuo Wang's faces to know that Yintuo Wang was so powerful that it made them tremble with fear.

Lu Chengwen nodded, "Does he have any weaknesses?"

Tietuo Wang chuckled bitterly, "If your subordinate knew his weaknesses, he wouldn't be a Tietuo Wang. And even if we knew his weaknesses, we wouldn't have the strength to exploit them."

Lu Chengwen understood.

These two, although they had joined him, were still uneasy.

In their eyes, Lu Chengwen was just a rich kid, while Long Aotien and the organization were two behemoths, two massive icebergs with an unknown amount of bulk buried beneath them.

Following Lu Chengwen was just a stopgap measure. It was their only choice.

If they had any other way out, if Long Aotien's side still had a place for them, they wouldn't follow Lu Chengwen for all the tea in China.

So, when they heard Yintuo Wang was about to make his move, they were both terrified.

Lu Chengwen smiled faintly, "I'm not asking if his martial arts have any weaknesses. I'm asking if his person, his personality, has any weaknesses! Like what he likes, what he hates, what he cares about, what he doesn't care about..."

The two of them looked at each other.

Tongtuo Wang scratched his head, "Yintuo Wang gets a million a year. He doesn't need money."

Now it was Lu Chengwen's turn to laugh, "A million a year and he doesn't need money?"

Tietuo Wang said, "And he doesn't have a family. He's sworn brothers with Jintao Wang."

Lu Chengwen nodded, "Anything else?"

Both of them shook their heads.

Lu Chengwen said, "Hahaha, don't worry. I'll win him over."

They both said in unison, "Lu Zong is brilliant. He will win over Yintuo Wang."

Although Lu Chengwen's martial arts skills were inferior to theirs, his ability to read people and observe their inner thoughts was something they didn't possess.

Having spent so many years in the business world, if he couldn't decipher this kind of unspoken information, he might as well hang it up.

Although they praised Lu Chengwen, they were both drumming their fingers nervously, thinking it was impossible.

Tietuo Wang had been completely deceived, which was already a huge surprise.

Tongtuo Wang had changed sides, which was simply unbelievable.

Even if the organization was dumb, they couldn't make the same mistake three times!

Winning over Yintuo Wang was too difficult, almost impossible.

They had already envisioned Yintuo Wang coming here, killing everyone, and ending the story.

Lu Chengwen calmly said, "How do you think my martial arts are?"

The two of them quickly replied, "Young master's martial arts are unmatched, his talent is extraordinary, he's a legend in the underworld…"

"Cut it out, cut it out!" Lu Chengwen interrupted, "In your eyes, my skills are just like a child playing in the mud. I know that myself."

The two of them couldn't refute him. They looked embarrassed.

Lu Chengwen smiled and leaned closer to them, "But why are you following me now?"

The two of them suddenly realized something.

"Lu Zong's wit is extraordinary. With his intelligence and insight, even if the enemy has the power to destroy the world, he will be subdued by Lu Zong's wisdom!"

Lu Chengwen said, "Let's make a bet. If I can't win over Yintuo Wang, I'll give you each a hundred million and let you run away. If I win him over, hehe, then you can join me in waiting for Jintuo Wang to come again."

Tietuo Wang had been with Lu Chengwen a little longer and was overjoyed at once, "Lu Zong, do you already have a plan?"

"I don't have a plan per se, but I have an idea."

Lu Chengwen motioned for them to lean in.

The two of them leaned in. Lu Chengwen spoke.

Their expressions changed drastically. They looked at Lu Chengwen as if they were looking at a devil.

Tongtuo Wang blurted out, "Lu Zong! You are truly cunning!"

Tietuo Wang was about to cry, "Lu Zong! Are you a devil!?"


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