The Blue Mage Raised by Dragons

Chapter 74

Chapter 74

Randel slammed his fist onto the armrest of his throne. What do you mean Johann is rampaging? the king asked the sentry who was on his knees in front of him. Get Exzenter and have him come over here. Immediately!


Yes, Your Majesty, the sentry said. He stood up and sprinted out of the room without looking back. Randel exhaled and clenched his fist. The words of the pope echoed in his ears, Imagine if a sacred spirit rested in his body instead of blessing it.


His eyes narrowed and he turned to Gale. Bring the pope here, Randel said. I need to ask him a few questions.


Gale saluted. Ye-


Your Majesty! A sentry burst through the doors. A black dragon has appeared outside of the temple along with the corrupted one! Theyre just sitting outside, but that can change at any moment. The pope is still inside the temple with the winners.


Randels face paled. When Exzenter arrives, tell him to stop Johann with Geralt and his men. Johann must be subdued and not killed, the king said to the sentry. He whipped his head towards Gale. Come with me.


Randel and Gale left the throne room, leaving the sentry to deliver the message to Exzenter. Where are we going, Your Majesty? Gale asked as the two descended down a spiral staircase.


The Vault of the Spirits, Randel said as he led Gale down an unlit corridor. He opened a plain wooden door at the end and stepped inside. Glowing white crystals littered the floor and illuminated the room.


Gales eyes widened. These are


Correct, Randel said as he picked up a crystal. It looked similar to the ones in the cluster that the pope had lit on fire to summon the yellow smoke. The pope is the capitals strongest defender with these crystals in his hand. However, hes cornered by a dragon and cant access them. Randels gaze locked onto Gales. Its up to youthe archbishop closest in line to becoming the next popeto call upon our ancestors to defend the capital. I will try to negotiate with the corrupted one, but if things cannot be settled peacefully, then you are our last hope.


Gale shuddered. I understand, Your Majesty, Gale said as he lowered his head. I will do my best.


 Of course. I expect nothing less, he said and removed the ring he was wearing. He passed it to Gale. This ring will shatter if I die. Randel stared into Gales eyes. He pat Gales shoulder, then stood up to leave the room.




Whos this Johann? Grimmy asked as he poked the unconscious Rudolph. His snout crinkled and he turned away. Such a bad smelling contract magic.


Johanns the big blue do- dragon. Hes Rudolphs contracted beast, Michelle said. She turned towards Vur. Please, you have to help him. Johann really respects you and youre really strong. I dont think Geralt can save him if hes in danger. A chill rolled down her spine as she stared into Vurs eyes.


Who are you? Tafel asked as she narrowed her eyes at Michelle. Her grip on Vurs hand tightened.


Im Michelle Heilig, daughter of the pope, Michelle said with a slight curtsy. You are?


Tafel Besteck, Tafel said, her eyes sweeping over the group by the temple entrance. Vurs fiance. Oh. And the current demon lord. Every humans body stiffened, except for Vur.


Vur turned to Tafel and tilted his head. Youre my fiance? he asked.


Am I not? Tafel asked as she glared at him. Dont you remember what we promised each other when we were little?


Vur smiled and gazed into Tafels eyes. Then I guess you are. The two stared into each others eyes.


Ahem, ahem. Lillian cleared her throat. Johann. Danger. Help? Yes, no?




Everyone turned to stare at Grimmy.


Arent you a dragon? How could you abandon your own kind? the pope asked as he stepped forward.


The ground underneath Grimmys claws shattered. He snorted and lowered his head to look down on the pope. You humans stole a dragon egg and now want our help when you cant control it? What a joke, Grimmy said as smoke creeped out of his mouth and his eyes narrowed. Dont ever forget your place, human.


Vur frowned. Johann was nice to me, he said to Grimmy. We should at least check whats happening to him.


Grimmy blinked his eyes and turned towards Vur. He chuckled. Alright, he said. He looked at Lindyss. Looks like hes all grown up; this is the first time he disagreed with me. He placed Vur and Tafel on his forehead as Lindyss climbed onto his claw with Floofykins. His eyes flickered to the pope. Of course, Ill be expecting a reward for this. And Ill be taking it whether you like it or not. He leapt into the air.


The royal castle! Michelle yelled from the ground. Johanns staying at the castle!




The king rode on a horse, heading towards the exit of the royal castle. A shadow blotted out the sun and landed behind him. His face paled as he turned around and stared at Grimmy. He gulped.


Grimmy, you almost squished the king, Lindyss said as she saw the trembling king who was just thrown off by his horse. No amount of loopholes in the contract wouldve saved it.


Well, hes still alright, yeah? Grimmy asked as he turned around. See, just a little shaky and frightened. Maybe his pants are soiled, but thats it. Hell be fine.


The king took in a deep breath and stuck out his chest. His body trembled as he asked, May I know what you are doing in my kingdom?


Grimmy blinked. Sightseeing.


S-sightseeing? the king asked.


Yup, but then we encountered the prince who wanted us to help him with his Johann problem, Grimmy said. He promised to give us the royal treasury as payment.




What? Does the royal family renege on their deals? Grimmy asked as he leered at the king. I think I understand how they came into power. Itd be a shame if something were to happen to them.


F-fine. The royal treasury for your assistance, the king said as he gritted his teeth.


Grimmy smiled and Lindyss sighed.




Charon sneezed as he dusted off a book. It feels like Im forgetting something, he mumbled to himself. Like, future of the world important


He frowned and stepped to the window. He stared into the horizon, almost as if he was seeing past the ocean and into Fuselage.


Well. If it was that important, then I wouldnt have forgotten it, he said as he scratched his naked legs.


He turned back to the book.

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