The Blood Knight’s Villains

Chapter 57

My Villains Episode 057

16. Disappearance (1)

A desolate amusement park.


I made a stupid face while holding the churros.

The girl sitting on the bench in front of the flower bed waved her hand with a beautiful smile.

“What are you doing? Standing like an idiot.”

That kid is an idiot to his uncle.

I furrowed my brow and went closer to him.

“Gon has a habit of talking about things he ordered. Are you reaching your sister?”

“What is he saying now.”

. .It’s not particularly cheap today. really have to work

The girl brushed her wavy blonde hair and put the churros in her mouth.

“Ugh-! Run!”

In admiration, the girl rolled her legs with sparkling blue eyes.

I smiled like an idiot and was startled when I saw his leg.

“Hey, what are you doing?”

“Hmm? what?”

“Is this a scar?”

A long scar the size of a finger was engraved on the knee exposed under the hem of the skirt.

It was a whiter scar carved into her white skin, so if the sunlight hadn’t shone, she wouldn’t have noticed it.

The girl shrugged and replied.

“What are you talking about all of a sudden? I heard that Ji applied the potion.”

“… portion?”

“huh. When I was stabbed with a spear.”

What kind of nonsense is he talking about?

“Pricked by a window?”

“Baby really.”

Feeling frustrated, the girl put down the churros and water bottle. Then, with one hand on the bench, he twisted his leg to show the inside.

“Don’t you remember this?”

There were huge scars on his hamstrings that could not be compared to those on his knees.

“Hey Han Jiwon. What are you talking about now?”

“…Han Ji-won? What is it?”

“No you-”

At that moment, a loud siren woke up the quiet amusement park.



I quickly plugged my ears because I thought my ears would fall off.

Ellen, on the other hand, looked up at me blankly and bit into a churros.

I feel like I’m about to collapse because I’m dizzy.

I tightly closed my eyes.

The siren sounded louder and louder.

It was fortunate for the people of the inn and the guards that I was stunned for a while. It would have been difficult for people to handle it if I had turned my eyes away while Mr. Luke was running rampant.

Mr. Luke immediately rushed to the guard barracks and requested a search.

It is said that the captain of the guard approved the request because he stubbornly insisted on the excuse that he might have been kidnapped by a snitch.

“Phoenix-kun, wake up! Shouldn’t we be looking for Miss Ellen!”

Upon returning to the inn, Mr. Luke roared and I got up.

“yes yes. I have to find it.”

“I will go to the guard barracks. Because that’s the fastest way to get information. You, Miss Ellen, find a place to go!”

Mr. Luke just left those words and disappeared. It was a little strange because it wasn’t the same as usual, but I was just grateful.

Come to think of it, Mr. Luke accompanied us to collect the bodies of people from the town who died in the sewers.

But Mr. Luke hadn’t talked about him once since the first time we met.

He must have known that the situation was not going well and he was considerate.

…By the way, where do you find Ellen?

When I thought about it soberly, it didn’t seem like Ellen was in danger right now.

After all, he is a wizard. It’s not the wand pedestal that is just a wizard in name like it used to be. A proud battle mage who can wield four or five spells.

In addition, she had been through a series of actual battles recently, so her order operation had become quite smooth…

So, at least, there weren’t many elements that could endanger Ellen in the city.

He said he had left the inn on his own feet, so he hadn’t been kidnapped by someone.

Okay, let’s calm down.

I looked around everywhere he might be.

Church Mr. Oreg’s General Store The Drunken Pony Tavern and other inns.

But it was nowhere.

At this point, I suddenly wondered why I was doing this. I thought it was kind of funny that Ellen was chasing after a guy who wasn’t even my family and packed up and left.

With a bit of a loss of motivation, he headed for the guards barracks.

And there I heard shocking news.

“Ellen- went into the sewer?”

“That’s right.”

The white-faced soldier nodded vigorously.

” when?”

Instead of the soldier who couldn’t answer, Mr. Luke answered.

“They say it was just after sunset.”

…so it’s at least four hours ago.

I turned to the captain of the guard.

“Why are you telling me this now?”

“It’s not particularly unusual, but I heard he forgot about it for a while after work.”

“What kind of nonsense is that? A girl went into the sewer alone, and if that’s not unusual, then what’s unusual?”

“You are not an ordinary lady, are you? I’m a magician and you’re a group, and I’ve already been to the sewer a few times.”

Cursing came out involuntarily at the guard captain’s impudent attitude.

“This is a different case. You didn’t stop me from going into the sewer right after sunset when I was in the middle of the operation?”


The captain of the guard, who was silent, suddenly frowned.

“We are guards and not nannies! Why do you take out your anger on us when it’s something you walked into on your own in the first place! If you continue to be arrogant like this, I will arrest you right away, so get out of here!”

At his screams, the guards gathered in the barracks put their hands on their weapons in unison.

…Ha it comes out like this?

I pursed my lips and nodded.

“Yes, it goes. I’m going.”

He made eye contact with the executives sitting around him one by one and spoke as if chewing.

“Everyone should pray for Ellen’s safe return.”

“…Are you threatening me now?”

“Threats only happen when you want something. This is a warning.”

I was about to leave the barracks leaving behind the stiffened men, but the captain of the guard shouted in anger.

“You arrogant bastard! Did you forget that the Boathorn Inn is under the protection of the guards!”

What are you talking about?

“Ha so? Someone who is like the captain of the guards is going to treat the residents hostage?”

“…I can accuse you of cooperating with a criminal.”

I didn’t know it because I only saw the scene where he died loyally for the castle lord in this guard captain game, but it was a huge piece of shit.

I glared at the captain of the guard, whose cheeks were quivering with a smile on his lips.

“try. I’m curious as to what I’m going to do.”

Even though the guard’s face was red with anger, he couldn’t pull out his sword.

Do you know how precious life is? sorry yes

I left the barracks with Mr. Luke and me.

some will have doubts

He said, ‘What the hell does that mercenary brat believe in, and gossip to the captain of the guard?’

It’s not that there’s a corner to believe in, but… there was a little fun thing.

When I went to Salt Castle to receive a reward from the lord, I received another recruitment offer from Prince Ulkar. But this time, it was not an offer to come in as a friendly soldier.

The prince announced that he wanted to make me a knight in a gathering of nobles.

Except for the prince, everyone in the audience room seemed surprised. Naturally, I was also surprised.

I even wanted to try the name ‘Blood Knight’, but in the end I refused.

I didn’t want to be swept away by the terrifying fate that was destined for the prince.

But it turns out that Prince Ulkar has a very high name value.

Contrary to his appearance, which seems to have grown up with dignity, the prince made all kinds of achievements while wandering the battlefield from his teens.

Among them, the story of knocking down seven riders with six arrows in the ‘Battle of the Highland’ eight years ago is famous enough to be known by quite a few people.

It is especially popular among young knights, so it is said that it is common for Prince Ulkar to memorize all the battles he has participated in and the majors he has built. Not even an idol.

As befits his reputation, the knights under the prince’s command were also famous.

Langbolt Earlshore Ankyr Whitestone Liam Summersong Ariad Barin… Well, I think there were several other names, anyway.

In such a situation, a mere mercenary was offered a knighthood directly by the prince, and he refused again.

It’s only natural that nobles, including the lord of the castle, see me again. Because there is a difference between a mere mercenary and a mercenary with the ability to become a knight.

On top of that, if you add a heinous reputation…

Well, anyway, thanks to this situation, I was able to take out my anger on the captain of the guard.

“So let’s ask Prince Ulkar for help.”

Mr. Luke narrowed his brows at my suggestion.

“Umm, will the prince step in?”

“You have to get down to make money, right? It could be better than asking those stupid guards.”

In my heart, I wanted to ask for help from the Grania gang… but they are now under the command of the guards. The captain of the guard must have been rude, so it would be difficult for Grania to move.

…I’ll be patient. That’s why it’s a problem to get angry.

“Now the prince has only five troops. It won’t help much anyway.”

“We need people we can trust, even in the minority. I can’t ask the lord of the castle, so I have to ask the prince for help.”

“The reason why I can’t ask the lord of the castle… is it because of an intriguer who is one of his aides?”

“yes. In the current situation, if information were to be leaked, what would happen is unknown. It’s a situation where the informant could secretly send his subordinates down…

I let out a deep sigh as I said that.

“Of course, the information may have already been leaked.” There was a high possibility of this, given the snarky behavior of the captain of the guard.

Mr. Luke touched his forehead for a moment and then shook his head.

“In that case, it would be even better for the two of us to move alone. It is too late to call for help and gather people.”

I suddenly feel grateful for Mr. Luke’s firm words.

To be honest, there was no reason to care about Ellen, who had left without saying anything, as Luke. It’s not like the two of them had a great relationship.

If Luke hadn’t helped me, I would have had to worry about this on my own.

Being thankful is what I am grateful for, and now, finding Ellen is my top priority.

“But how do you two turn that wide sewer all over?”

“You don’t have to search all over. Wouldn’t it be possible to catch up if we proceed quickly along the route Miss Ellen might have taken? After all, the destination is likely to be a secret passageway after going down the sewer.”

but. The purpose of Ellen’s descent into the sewer was probably to go outside through a secret passage.

Ah… you stupid bitch. Beyond the secret passage, the magicians must be teeming with them. Why did you go down alone?

I sighed deeply and answered.

“Then take Ute or Hatankara. It will definitely be of great help.”

“…do you believe him? A savage I haven’t met in a while?”

“No, at least I won’t stick with the thieves.”

When I said this with a shrug, Mr. Luke gave a firm warning.

“That is not enough. we don’t know him Barbarians are completely different in body and mind from us, so it’s dangerous to make conclusions so easily.” Mmm. Well, it’s not that I can’t understand Luke’s words. Even in the game, tribesmen outside were usually treated as monsters.

In the case of Utequai, he is accompanying us temporarily, so it’s not to that extent, but he couldn’t help being looked down upon by people.

I’ll have to talk to Utequai sometime soon. After a few days of getting drunk, you’ll come to your senses one day.

After a brief conversation with Luke, the two of us decided to go down immediately.

We went that way and broke into a general store that had closed business and bought supplies.

I hurried as quickly as possible, but by the time I finished preparing and stood at the entrance to the sewer, it was already close to midnight.

my heart rushes

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