The Blood Knight’s Villains

Chapter 506

My villains episode 506

interlude. 2 years (2)

“Yes, good. As long as it goes like this…

The middle-aged man scratched his wrinkled forehead. Red, bloodshot eyes were fixed on the map covering the large round table.

All sorts of place names, such as Topal Wühlsrue, Alzenberg Obdo, and Lepe Angst, harmonize with the dizzying symbols. It is a military map drawn centering on the eastern part of the Miter Geland Empire.

“The very moment the silver prince, the cursed seed, met his death. Destiny is as if it had been decided. Strom’s land will eventually return to Strom’s arms. In the arms of the real Strom.”

The murmur continued incoherently. Every time he tilted his head to and fro, his spongy head swayed.

Because only half of the golden candlesticks were lit, the usually solemn meeting room was dark. Dark shadows fluttered on the faces of the vassals who had taken a step back from the round table.

“Accountant. Is the accountant there?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

An official stepped forward. The middle-aged man, preoccupied with the map, did not notice his stiff expression.

“How does it look? How do you think their finances will be?”

The accountant repeated exactly what he had said a few days before. Even if I had already reported it, it was obvious that I would not be able to hear good things.

“You will be suffering from a deficit every day. Since both Angst and Obdorf are regions highly dependent on trade, all territorial borders with the Ah side have been closed, so the damage is bound to be severe.”

“Yes, I guess.”

The shabby-looking middle-aged man laughed lowly and drank from the glass on top of the map. Then, the bony fingers groped for the map.

“Because they blocked Bülsruhe, which faces the northwest side, more than half of the existing trade routes must have been closed.”

His dignified appearance shrank in only half a year after the end of the war. His estate was the same. The territory, which was the second largest in the empire after the emperor, looked dwarfed as a lump of land amounting to 30% was ripped off.

“If blood does not flow, it will rot and die. Yes, it will rot.”

The accountant pursed his lips with a gloomy face.

But he couldn’t bear to tell the truth. He was afraid of the middle-aged Duke Abillambus in front of him.

Angst and Obdorf The prediction that the territory that had recently been called the ‘Heiress of the Empire of Vermich-Strom’ would be in the red was true.

Since he lost several of the major overland trade routes that passed through the Duchy of Strom, his income must have been at least cut in half, and the cost of pacifying and reclaiming the territory would have been enormous.

However, it was not known whether the deficit of the imperial vassals would continue in the future. No, the Duke’s accountant was sure that would not be the case.

20% of the Deval Road, a historic trade route, crosses Angst and Obdorf. In Angst, there is Proshafen, one of the leading port cities of the empire, and in Obdorp, there is Ice Bobalt, the center of East-West trade.

In addition, the Treasurer had heard that there were several new trade routes opened through Blade Bay and the Highlands, and they were quickly establishing themselves. Perhaps, the deficit of the imperial vassals would gradually decrease, and this was expected to accelerate further in the future.

Even if such predictions were wrong, the deficit would not be a problem at all for the Imperial vassals. Because there is a huge amount of gold and silver that he received from the two Elector Counts. Compared to that, the deficit the imperial vassal had seen so far would be ridiculous…

On the other hand, the hundred-year-old’s coffer showed no signs of filling up.

The financial situation of the Duchy of Strom began to stumble due to the cost of maintaining a large army. Then, unable to overcome the emperor’s threat or mediation, he vomited up to 6,000 gold coins as compensation and ransom. In addition, there were 4,000 gold coins left to be paid for the next five years, and imports decreased as trade routes were closed en masse.

In a word, the finances of the dukedom were on the verge of bankruptcy.

Even as he repeated these thoughts to himself, the accountant kept his silence until the very end. He prided himself on being wise. He wasn’t stupid enough to tell the truth, even after seeing the mischief that had befallen his unwise servants over the past couple of months.

“Sir Geyer.”

“Sir Geyer? Sir Geyer!”

Anger slowly grew over the name. One of the vassals who had been eyeing each other reluctantly opened his mouth.

“Sir Geyer is at Your Highness’s stable.”

“stall? Why is he-”

The duke recalled belatedly.

The old knight was not as wise as his age. It was because of that that Baeknyeonseong’s foreign affairs officer was in charge of cleaning up the feces of war horses.

“What about his successor?”

“Here you are, Your Highness.”

A young man stepped out. He was an ambitious bureaucrat who had been promoted to chief secretary at once thanks to showing off his wisdom beyond his age a few days ago.

“Oh it is.”

The duke did not remember the title he had been given, but luckily he recognized his face. “

It’s already been a month

since the Red Knight received the letter of excommunication from the Patriarch… “Your Highness.”

“A month has passed. The aftermath will be significant.”

“you’re right. No, it may not be enough to say that it is considerable.”

The chief secretary went on without hesitation.

“Immediately after the Patriarch announced the excommunication of the Red Knights, most of the high-ranking priests belonging to the Church of Elganore actively supported it.”

“Cancer, of course.”

The Duke smiled with satisfaction.

“Did you say the red knight didn’t make excuses?”

“He was excommunicated for numerous atrocities. There is absolutely no way out, so what excuse can you make?”

It is said that the chapter of excommunication, which the Patriarch personally undertook, was a whopping 1 meter in length and was packed with numerous crimes.

Killing a believer Killing a dead body Arson Vampire Magic Apostasy Adultery Again killing a believer Again colluding with a necromancer Time again apostate Prisoner Massacre Summoning demons Killing a church knight Stealing church treasures Again killing a believer Again adultery Again insulting a vampiric saint Killing a believer Vampiric adultery, murder of believers, apostate believers, murder of believers… When his sins were fully revealed, the red knight was completely terrified and took several witches and hid at the top of a tall tower. Rumors circulated around the world.

“Indeed, it is. It must be true that there is no room for excuses.”

“It seems that the new king of Milano is not alone in his anger. The chief secretary answered quickly, looking at the duke’s eyes, saying that

he had never dreamed that such an evil person would be among the subordinates of his beloved younger brother .

“Of course, Zacharys is just making up words. Prince Eun also committed evil acts that were as good as the red knight, no worse than that, so

he was a good master and servant.”

At that mocking assertion, Abillambus narrowed his brows slightly.

“I can’t quite agree with that. No matter how evil Prince Eun was, he was nothing compared to the Red Knight.”

“Ah uh… Your Highness is right. Because I am under heavy workload, I make mistakes”

“Well, there is no error in the overall context, so it doesn’t matter. Please continue.”

It was a mercy he had rarely shown in recent months. The chief scribe swallowed dry saliva and regained his senses. I couldn’t let go of the chance to succeed that I was given.

“Also, not only the Church of El Ganore, but also the entire world of the Church of Light is shocked and trembled at the viciousness of the Red Knight.”

“What about Calandari? Didn’t the bishops of Hongui not move much?”

“Oh it is.”

The chief scribe wet his lips involuntarily.

As if he was nervous, he almost gave an idiotic reply, ‘Calandari accepted the red knight’s conversion, and Bishop Hong of the Blooming Flower personally baptized him’.

“The reaction of the Orthodox Church is yet to be seen, but it is expected that they will be reviewing the excommunication Elganore declared.”

“is it.”

The duke, whose eyes had been twinkling until just now, scratched his forehead with an expressionless face. In his hand was an already filled glass.

“Also, the Red Knight probably had an internal crisis by now.” “An internal crisis.” “Yes, Your Highness. Most of the Silver Prince’s followers are members of the Church of El Ganore. Since a colleague was excommunicated by the head of the church, it would be strange if there were no conflicts.”

“He is too. The agitation of the elite soldiers left behind by Prince Eun must be considerable.”

Seeing the duke put down his wine glass, the chief scribe quickly added his words.

“Maybe the division has already begun.”

“What is the basis for that judgment?”

“’Prudent’ Langbolt and ‘giant’ Ankyr. I heard that the two leaders among the leaders of Prince Eun’s army have returned to their family estates.”


The Duke quickly turned his head.

“Quill Is this statement true?”

Upon receiving the question, the subdeacon glanced at the chief scribe as if passing by. The ambitious young man read Sumin’s intent to kill in that gaze and trembled.

“…It’s true, Your Highness.”

“her. Why didn’t you report something so important to me?”

“That’s it,”

the sub-deacon tightly closed his eyes.

He was in charge of the Strom family’s treasury, and he was not as wise as the chief scribe. Not even an accountant. Still, it was a little better than the Nogisa covered in the feces of a war horse.

“I’m sorry, Your Highness. I was in the process of figuring out the exact facts. I was going to report after confirming whether their return was a complete breakup or a temporary departure.”

“What bullshit is that! The key to information is speed. Speed! How can you say that you are the highest eye of the hundred-year-old castle if you act so sluggishly like that!”

Avilam Bus’s face contorted as the tone grew more intense. At the ferocious spirit that filled the master’s eyes, the subordinates knelt without hesitation.

“I made a big mistake, fearing that Your Highness would waste his energy on mere rumors by taking care of business without taking care of himself. Please forgive me.”

“Such an idiot- I look like a weakling who would kneel in such fatigue!”

After the sub-butler repeatedly lowered his head, Duke Ya tempered his anger. He clicked his tongue with murderous eyes and listened to the chief scribe again.

“…Therefore, as I carefully foresee, if the current flows as it is, there is a possibility that a holy war will be declared.”


At the end of the report on the diplomatic agenda, Abillambus nodded in satisfaction.

The chief secretary had a pleasant feeling that sooner or later he might be promoted again. Not knowing that

the other vassals were looking at him with contempt .

“Still, you can’t rely on something you’re not sure about. Great work is not accomplished that way.”

The next thing that caught my attention was a middle-aged military officer. The duke’s only friend and one of his henchmen.

“Buakan. How is the plan going?”

Captain Buakan looked at his master with empty eyes.

“…What plans do you have, Your Highness?”

“What kind of stupid question is that? Shouldn’t we attack the enemy as soon as the harvest is over?”


At the captain’s stupid reaction, the duke’s anger slowly rose. However, he showed special patience for Sesin, who had served the Strom family for five generations.

“How many times have I told you that the remnants of the silver prince must not be allowed time to settle the territory and gather strength? We have to fight constantly. We must make Obdorf and Angst into a land of endless war and trample the seeds of growth!”

Avilamber’s eyes burned with heat.

Buakhan also looked into those eyes and made up his mind. Not now. Unfortunately for his ancestors, in his eyes, it was just a whim of a mad nobleman.

Looking at his lord and friend, who had been swimming in despair for months, Buakan swallowed tears.

“Are you afraid? Come to your senses, Boa Khan.”

The Duke widened his eyes as if surprised by the captain’s reaction.

“Of course it’s not like we’re going to start an all-out war right away. Because we also need time to recover. The goal is to trample on the enemy’s growth potential, so mobilizing 1,500 cavalry or half of that is sufficient.”

“…Obdorf and Angst were Strom’s domains for a long time, and those who lived there were Your Highness’s subjects.”

“Right. There are many commanders who are knowledgeable in geography, so it will be much easier to fight. Conscription in the field will be easy.”

A dry finger pointed to the map. The duke, who planned the attack route, was more cautious than ever.

“It’s stupid to hit a castle. To maintain mobility, you shouldn’t carry too much food. When conscripting, supply should go along with it.”

“Don’t stand so stupidly and recite the size of the enemy’s troops.”

“…It is detailed on the map, Your Highness.”

“On the map? Oh yes.”

Avilam Bus, who was staring at the map, tilted his head with a puzzled face.

“Something is strange. Buakhan Is this number correct?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“I’m asking if the captain checked it himself.”

“I wrote it myself this morning.”

“It must be so. Because you always manage my military map.”

The captain’s expression hardened for a moment.

“…Did you know?”

“Then you thought you wouldn’t know? Look at this stiff, sloppy handwriting. Whose is this if not the captain?”

The duke waved his hands.

“Okay, let me explain. Where the hell did these absurd numbers come from?”

“…the enemy has been putting all their energy into restoring the army since winning the war last April.”

Buakan stood next to Avillambus and pointed at the map in turn.

‘Assalmusa’ Ariad resides in Untrier, and ‘Painter’ Hilter resides in Zirna. The two barons each have only four or five hundred men, but most of them are well trained and fairly well armed.”

“Because it’s an elite force confined to a stronghold… It’ll be tricky, but at least it won’t be something to worry about this year. As long as you don’t abandon the castle and run out.”

The captain pointed to the next point without answering.

“This is probably the part Your Highness is puzzled by.”

“Yes Proshafen. Does this make sense? How did these foolhardy guys gather 2,500 troops here?”

The duke pointed out the number of troops that had more than doubled from half a year ago. The captain replied calmly.

“As you know, after Atalanta, the ‘demon of Jaan’, became the governor of this area, several Nudein clans gathered in this area.”

“Who are you? Those worms are gathering in my harbor?”

Abillambus’ thin face turned red in an instant.

“Cursed heretics. I’ll have to throw them all into the fire. Since she is a nude who is famous for being ragtag, she should be able to break it without difficulty.”

“…Ordinary nudes are a pack of dogs that cannot be expected to be united, but the army of Jaan’s demons is a little different.”

“different? I haven’t heard rumors that that nude prostitute has the talent of a mercenary.”

“It’s not the mercenary technique, it’s the xie jiao Goulan that’s the problem. As you have seen in the last war, the demon of Zaan is considered a deity among some clans of the Nudans—or whole peoples.”

“Ha, I remember hearing that. Are you talking about the half-body?”

“That’s right. Thanks to her, the nude warriors under her command have no fear of death. The average organization and armament are insignificant, but they are not troops that can be ignored.”

“O uh,”

the Duke nodded thoughtfully, this time examining Obdorf. The captain followed the master’s gaze and put his hand on it.

“Emperor Hu Yan is nominally the leader of the enemy, but it is known that he has few troops under his command. Rumor has it that the young dragon became the puppet of the Red Knight.”

“Then what are these thousand and five hundred?”

“The troops are commanded by ‘Arrogant’ Liam and ‘Prince’s Commander’ Harold. It is said to have gathered conscripts from the area for half a year, centering on a small number of silver princes. As Your Highness knows, the eastern region of Obdorf is rich in population, so it is probably growing rapidly even now.”

Abillambus’s face had hardened before he knew it. This is because the speed at which the imperial powers grow is much faster than expected.

“Lastly, the enemy knight is Eisbobalt. ”

“It is known that the core elite of Prince Eun’s army, including the mercenary corps of ‘Shield Maiden’ and miscellaneous personnel, are less than 2,000


“Then is this number an error?”

“no. The Red Knight absorbed many of Altzenberg’s cultist slave corps and magic troops he had captured. Adding the 500 troops deployed by the Milgrester family to this, we estimate the total size to be around 4,000.”

“Wait a minute Milgster? Milgrester of the Kingdom of Milanol?”

Buakhan nodded nonchalantly.

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“Nonsense- the Red Knight was excommunicated by the Patriarch! By the way, troops sent by the high lord of Milanol are stationed in that city?”

The captain was silent for a moment. He looked at the duke and answered.

“I’m sorry, Your Highness. Things like the internal affairs of the Milanol Kingdom are not my field.”

“Hey, what the hell is this? Huh.”

Suddenly, the duke began scratching his forehead frantically. Then he bit his lip and looked back at the captain.

“Then how many troops can I use now?”

“A force that can be used right away and a force that can be recruited before this winter. report the details. hurry.”

Buakhan opened his mouth slowly.

“doesn’t exist.”


“doesn’t exist.”

“Damn it, Buakhan! What the hell are you talking about!”

Even at the sound of his voice reverberating through the conference room, Buakan remained expressionless.

“Your Highness can no longer operate the forces of the Duchy of Strom.”

“What? flaw. Hehe. This is crazy.”

The Duke, who had been laughing, suddenly stumbled loudly.


He tumbled on the floor with a bewildered expression. The strength drained from the limbs. His bloodshot eyes turned to the table. The fallen duke couldn’t see it, but there was a drinking cup on top of him.

“……poison?” “I’m sorry, Your Highness.” The door to the conference room exploded open and a group of people rushed in. Shouts of bewilderment and shrieks of astonishment intersect.

In the midst of the tumult in the hall, Buakhan knelt down in front of Abillambus with a sad face.

“I swear it won’t hurt your life.”

“you. Dare you.”

The vision is clear, but the whole body has no strength. The duke growled and glared at the captain. The captain silently groped the duke’s body. After excluding the accessories imbued with powerful magic and recovering the parchment scroll in his chest, he retreated far away.

“Sorry, Father.”

Abillambus’ eyes widened as if they were about to tear.

It was after the commotion in the conference room subsided. The spirits of dozens of people who had been shrieking stopped momentarily.

The sound of footsteps in the silence. Soon two young men came into his field of vision.

“You guys.”

“Actually, I wasn’t going to do anything like this. Originally, I planned to send him straight to the dungeon.”

“But I wanted my father to know that we did it. It was not the wrong guys who took over my father’s place, but the legitimate heirs. I want to let you know.”

Loyard Rowrude.

They were the two sons of Abillambus.

“Crazy guys. do this to me.”

“It is a choice for the family.”

The duke imprisoned his two sons in a dungeon as he was held responsible for the passive management of the reinforcements in the last war. The fact that they appeared in front of the Avilam bus in a normal state meant that there were other helpers or helpers.

“Who is it?”

“Don’t worry, they aren’t the ones from the Milanol Kingdom.”

When Royard, the eldest son, beckoned, the imperial knights came and helped the peacock who was drooping on the floor.

“Stupid bastards. You can’t achieve anything.”

“I know. You won’t be able to accomplish anything right now.”

The bigger brother shrugged his shoulders with a calm face, and the smaller brother smiled.

“But we are young.”

“Yes, you are young. I have a lot of time.”

The duke was led to the door, held by strong hands. The scene of the sub-deacon receiving a dagger from someone and poking it under the chief scribe’s chin flashed by.

“Ghm ghhhhhh.”

The sound of an ambitious young man’s breath stopping.

Avillambus was furious. no i was going to But the limbs did not budge. All I could do was yell and scream.

“traitor! You filthy traitor bastards! His Majesty the Emperor will take the lives of all of you!”

The Imperial Knights stood tall.

A strong hand turned the Duke, who was in a short illusion of whether my shouting had worked.

“Oh yeah. There is that too.”

The second son, Roelud, said with a sharp eye and a wire hanging.

“The emperor knows everything.”


“I didn’t know anything.”

He drew close to his father and whispered a little.

“Hand in hand with a necromancer, stabbing someone in the back… everything.”

Avilambus’s eyelids trembled.

“The day I hit the back of the head then. You left Ozan behind, right? When the opportunity arises, give grace to the emperor. If it’s necessary, it’s okay to kidnap her.”

“You thought the kid was dead, right? I said no.”

The laughter faded from Roelud’s voice.

“That bastard is in Miteltang. It seems that he told the emperor everything and went under the guardian guard with that credit. Sacred Centuries.”

“…this ii.”

“Do you understand now? Because of my father, the family was almost ruined. Losing the war and stamped by the emperor. Like a sick god.”

The second son hugged his father tightly.

“Then go and get some rest. Leave the follow-up to me.”

Roelud, who took a step back, stood still and watched his father leave.

“…In the end, it ended like this. I never thought I would be successful.”

Royard came over with a somewhat gloomy face and stood next to Roelud.

“What did I say? Did you say yes?”

“I had a lot of luck. I never thought so many vassals would cooperate.”

Royard, with a naive impression, looked back at the vassal knights who filled the great meeting room. Loud smiled at the sight of everyone lowering their heads as they made eye contact with his older brother.

“You can’t just watch your father go crazy. Even for our family, of course-”

Roelud sighed and lowered his head. Before I knew it, a long, reddish blade sprouted from the middle of the boat. He staggered and leaned against the wall of the conference room.

“Uh” “I’m sorry brother.” Royard tapped the Imperial Knight on the shoulder. Showing trust in the man who stabbed his younger brother in the back, he received a longsword from another knight.

“I wasn’t confident enough to beat you.”


“I understand? Because you are smart.”

“and. Wow.”

Roelud sat down, leaving a long mark on the wall.

“A fucking baby. uh how me.”

“Because I have experience. I think siblings are easier.”


Roelud burst into laughter. Then, looking at his brother who stood tall, he said his last words.

“Long live the Strom family, fuck.”

Royard plunged the knife deep into his brother’s chest.

“Yes. Long live the Strom family.”

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