The Blood Knight’s Villains

Chapter 478

My Villains Chapter 478

66. The Silver Prince (33)

While Princess Theodora appealed to King Ruilix II for something, I narrowed my brows and raised my spirits.

The April spring breeze blowing from the northeast had a strange stench, just as Theodora had said.

This faint but intense presence. It was not an energy that could be mistaken for something else. Even considering that my magic power had been suppressed by the anti-magic field until just now, I was astonished that I hadn’t felt it.

“…Magi? really?”

Why all of a sudden at this timing?

Through my highly sensitive qi, I noticed that this demon qi was getting thicker little by little.

“It is a strange situation. “

Maybe he read a look of bewilderment from me. The emperor opened his mouth again.

“If you guys aren’t plotting, what on earth is this demon?”

Doubt led to question and question led to question.

That question even confused me. It was because, if Ruilix II wasn’t performing an amazing performance right now, it was a hint that this demonia was caused by a third person.

But it’s third grade.

Even the most insane would not think of pouring feces on the meeting place between the emperor and the silver prince. Aside from the fact that the continent’s leading knights and wizards lined up alongside the two powerhouses, the number of troops stationed there reached only a few days ago. Schemes are also scheming, so what kind of tricks can this amount of people do in a military camp with lights on?

The members of Yanggun, who naturally assumed that this bizarre and shady air current encroaching on the surroundings, were caused by the other party, also began to show their doubts after going through a similar thinking process.

Once again, Princess Theodora was the one who broke the tension and silence that filled the messy podium.

“your majesty. foreigner. If you feel strange, put away your weapon. It is not a situation where the beings of Middle-earth point swords at each other.”

Prince Ulkar stared at the emperor with a hard face. King Ruilix II also looked at him, then looked back at Field Marshal Nadim and the nobles who served as commanders of the troops under his command.

“What about skirmishers?”

The magically amplified voice that had reverberated through the garrison died down, and a relaxed, benign tone replaced him. Nadim, who had been glaring at Atalanta several times with a red face, cleared his anger and opened his mouth.

“…I haven’t seen or received anything else. I will send the Tamma-gwan to check the situation.”

“Do so.”

King Ruilix II, who turned his head to scan the crowd, immediately glanced at the place where Prince Ulkar’s men were gathered and clicked his tongue.

“Sir Luyan. No matter how hot-blooded a young man might be, if he treats a noble lady so rudely, he will use it.” At first glance, it seemed like a light joke, but it contained a strangely stern spirit. Lu Yan, who was aiming a dagger at her throat with the ‘Chief of Linhau’ Lisidilin crushed, swallowed a dry saliva. At his side glance, Prince Ulkar nodded quietly.

“…no personal feelings.”

After the boy said that and withdrew, the old woman stood up with a pained voice, shook off her cuttle, and glared at Lu Yan for a moment.

The eyes of this old sorceress, with a small frame and a graceful aura, contained an unmatched energy. However, the boy called the young dragon just smiled innocently as if he didn’t know anything.

A few saboteurs who seemed to be disciples quickly ran out and helped her and brought her near the throne.

“I understand the confusion and resentment, but I need your wife’s opinion. now.”

“…go to Xiamen.”

“What is this Magi? Did the day come when the Dark World swallows the present world, just as the old prophets and fortune tellers have said?” Isidirin, who had been adjusting herself, straightened her posture and shook her head.

“It can’t be, Your Majesty. Aside from the fact that the prophecies about one dimension swallowing another are absurd, there’s no way you wouldn’t notice it if it really happened. If the dimensions meet and mix, the earth will cease to be earth and the sky will cease to be sky. As you can see, there is no such twist.”

As she said, if you look around from the garrison on top of the mound, all you can see is the feminine scenery of a spring day. Contrary to the stench, which is described as a stench, creeping in, the field swaying in the breeze was just peaceful.

“It must have been that a passage was opened by the coincidence of the dimensional boundaries, or that something influenced by the Dark World set foot in the Middle Earth.”

“…That’s not an ordinary thing either.”

As Isidirin lowered his head in silence, King Ruilix II stroked his beard under the veil and was lost in thought. Not long after, the emperor finished his judgment and looked back at Prince Ulkar.

“Right now, the first priority is to find out where this demonic spirit came from, so I will cover up the dispute about this later.”


The prince answered quietly and lowered his bow. I also licked my lips and put the ‘black ice’ into the scabbard, and the other knights and friendly soldiers slowly withdrew their weapons. Those holding the hostages seemed hesitant, but when Prince Ulkar winked at them, he let them go.

“It looks like the dinner is over, so can we leave?”

“That is unacceptable.”

Looking at it, it seemed that Ruilix II’s specialty was to change the tone and tone of the voice. The tone is as soft as before, but the tone has become so stiff that the listener cannot miss the tension.

The emperor’s narrowed eyes were fixed on the runestone held in the prince’s hand. That stinging gaze was only withdrawn after the stone had disappeared into the sleeve of Master Limond’s robe. “Just as I, as the emperor

, cannot ignore the fact that the

land of the country is stained with evil spirits, it is natural for the Lords to take the lead in protecting the territory.”

“It won’t be enough to double-check the scouting through the Tammagwan, so go out with the priests and search. It means to check where the source of this demonic spirit is and what the hell it is.”

It was a mild and respectful tone to say it was an order, but it was difficult to resist from our point of view.

Putting aside the question of whether the situation just now was suspicious to anyone and therefore worthy of drawing the sword, it was right after they started a fuss in front of the emperor. If he even went against a legitimate order with the justification of protecting the territory, it would not be strange for the emperor to say something like ‘You bastard, are you my subjects?’

Ruilix II’s intentions were understandable.

From his point of view, we are vassals who dare to draw their swords before the Emperor. However, if they are punished carelessly, they will be attached to the enemy country. That’s why I’m going to take the form of giving an order and get it out of the garrison.

“…I will do as you command, Your Majesty.”


Perhaps realizing that this order was the Maginot Line drawn by King Ruilix II, Prince Ulkar accepted the order calmly.

“…Hua Xi-Bal. I thought I was going to die without moving.”

These were the words Atalante spat when leaving the camp of the emperor’s direct troops.

No one else commented, but after a quick glance, most of the seventy or so riders seemed to agree. Most of them were relieved, as if they had come out of the tiger’s den, but there were still quite a few with dark expressions.

“majesty. Are you okay?”

“What do you mean?”

Chief among them was the arrogant Sir Lyam. He spoke side by side with Prince Ulkar.

“There will be regrets. I don’t know what the emperor’s intentions are, but many of his servants seem dissatisfied.”

“hmm. It could be.”

Sir Liam narrowed his eyes at the prince’s nonchalant response.

“…isn’t that a concern?”

“Don’t worry too much. There won’t be any immediate trouble.”

It was not Prince Ulkar who answered that, but Ruyan.

Have I already forgotten the skit from earlier and the terrifying old woman’s lifelike eyes called ‘The Hand of Destruction’? The boy was stroking the longsword at his waist with a smile on his face. It was a long sword that symbolized his title, engraved with gold leaf in the Spacht language, which listed the rights of the Elector Count.

“Isn’t that an immediate problem? What does that mean?”


As Ruyan raised his eyebrows as if that was the end, Sir Lyam sighed slightly and added his words.

“…Your Excellency after the Empire.”

“Whoops. What do you mean? I guess you didn’t read the sutra that the emperor’s eyes were shouting at?”

The stubborn knight crumpled his face at the boy’s attitude of constantly ringing the rim. Noticing this, Ruyan quickly continued.

“Now the emperor’s attention is not going this way. Neither Crown Prince Zacharis nor this Magi.”

“…are you referring to Amir’s southern colonies?”

“Exactly. I tried to pretend not to, but you can’t fool my eyes.”

Perhaps recognizing Ruyan’s refreshing expression, his steed also chugged lightly. It seems that he doesn’t feel the demonic energy poking his nose.

“Right now, the emperor is full of desire to quickly finish the work of the eastern border here and beat those infidels. If the southern expedition is successful, you will not only gain high honor and the full support of the church, but also a huge amount of gold and silver treasures and dozens of millions of slaves will roll in as a bonus.”

“You mean you won’t be able to afford to look this way?”

“exactly. If you fight against the sultan and the emirates for about 23 years, you won’t even remember such trivial things.”

Sir Lyam said, ‘Could it be?’ I looked back at my lord with a smile on my face, but Prince Ulkar was silent and only smiled faintly. The knights, unable to shake off their worries, shook their heads with faces saying, “Prince Ei will take care of it.”

Prince Ulkar and his seventy-odd horsemen passed by the three-division Imperial Army garrison, talking about this and that. Just as he was about to run to the northeast, Sir Gisella, the bird hawk, noticed something and let out his guard.

“Uh… Your Highness. excuse me.”

Her gaze focused on the tips of her fingers toward the blue sky.

I was one of them too. After narrowing the distance between the eyebrows with a hand shade, I could easily identify the shapes that cut through the sky-now I’m used to it and I’m getting tired of it.

“…why this time?”

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