The Blood Knight’s Villains

Chapter 465

My Villains Episode 465

66. Prince Silver (20)

Viscount Ayanel, court bag Rupyrtus, and the royal secretary, who returned to the garrison with a few guards, did not return even after a long time.

In the meantime, Prince Ulkar took a walk around the hill where the conference hall was spread out before returning to the road tent. Then he sits at the table and observes the people across from him.

Suho-gyeong and Jeonsu Geombaek were all soldiers who had reached a state of maturity or soldiers who smelled like blood, so it would be burdensome to make eye contact with them, but the prince just stared at them as if he were an interviewer.

Guard guard Fabio stood there silently, like a stone statue, and Geombaek Tuaselo quietly turned to the north and gazed at the river flowing in the distance. There was only one person who was shaking his butt as if it was a bit painful.

It will pierce your face.” The Empire’s field marshal, ‘Na Dim of a Thousand Battles’ grumbled with a disapproving face.

“You keep taking a walk, why are you sitting like that?”

Nadym is a member of the imperial family, albeit a distant collateral, and a commander at the top of the imperial army. However, his tone was more appropriate for a commoner soldier or sergeant than for an aristocratic commander.

It wasn’t a very friendly question, but Prince Ulkar answered with a welcome smile.

“Because opportunities to meet foreign dignitaries like you are rare. It’s a rumor, I’ll hear it from time to time, but will we ever meet again after today? If you want to sit in front of the fireplace someday and reminisce about the past, you should at least remember your face.”

“red. That’s useless again. And I don’t think it’s time to be sure yet.”

“Isn’t it time to be sure?”

“Yes, Your Highness and I are destined to face each other right away tomorrow.”

At the words of the young enemy, the younger prince smiled that deep smile.

“You must be a loyal soldier. I have no interest in anything other than loyalty to the Emperor and military service.”

“I’m being sarcastic again-”

“I didn’t say it sarcastically, I just said it out of envy for His Majesty the Emperor, who has a commander like you. A soldier with both courage and sincerity is always precious.”

When Nadim gave a suspicious glance with his scar-covered face crumpled, the prince tapped the armrest in reply.

“And we won’t be pointing knives at each other.”

“You are full of confidence.”

“You seem to be overly suspicious. What is it that bothers you so much?”

“Are you asking because you really don’t know that?”

The enemy pulled up a chair and sat down, making eye contact with the prince.

“The Silver Prince of Milanol. You are ambitious.”

“…you? You bitch-”

The prince wiggled his eyebrows as he gestured to dissuade me from swearing at me.

“Oh. It looks like you’ve been caught.”

“Even if you pretend to be calm, you can’t fool my eyes. you are ambitious An ambitious insatiable.”

“He is the type of person who has to constantly struggle upwards. Unsatisfied with the status of an insignificant prince, he became a war hero and, realizing that he could not achieve his will alone, he created a warlord. Angst, Obdorf, and the seat of the electorate are, in the end, just a stepping stone for ambition. That greed will stop only when you reach the throne.”

Despite Nadym’s hostile remarks, Prince Ulkar remained calm.

“It’s been a long time since I heard a story. A story always whispered by the court and nobles of Brist. It’s rather cold now.”

“It seems that northerners also have eyes for people. After all, ambition is not something that can be hidden. Even the emperor sees through the true nature of it, so your will cannot be fulfilled here today.” “I mean…then would you like to make a bet?”


The young foe’s face contorted, and the prince tapped the armrest again with pleasure.

“Yes, I bet. I bet this hand that His Majesty the Emperor will accept my mantra and seal the new Elector Empress. What will you bet?”

The sleek silver prosthetic hand flicked its fingers at the owner’s will. The magic tool, crafted with great care by the famous master of the Lao family, was as flexible as a hand made of flesh and bone, even though it was made of hard metal.

Nadym looked at the glittering silver prosthetic arm and the prince’s confident face, then snorted.

“I’m excited. Both of my arms are fine, but what are you going to use them for?”

“Isn’t it that we don’t know how long that arm will be fine?”

“…You speak bad words very calmly.”

He opened his mouth small as if he was dumbfounded, but for a moment he leaned against the backrest and crossed his arms.

“There are countless priests in the empire, so making an arm grow is not difficult at all, so I will refrain from worrying unnecessarily.”

When the interesting story ended so dull, I cast my gaze outside the tent, cursing the young enemy as a coward.

On one side of the hill, a conversation had been going on since before. The main characters were Aramos and Princess Theodora, ‘The Red Bishop of Full Blooming Flowers’.

The voice didn’t come out at all, as if Bishop Hongui or Theodora had taken some action. However, the conversation did not seem to go so smoothly, seeing the old man with a flushed face as if angry, and the princess shaking her head with a resolute expression.

I calmly rested my chin and raised my eyesight. It was to read Princess Theodora’s lips.

Theodora had light ivory skin, as if she had little pigment in her body, and her hair and eyes were light, but her lips were rosy. It makes it easier to stay at home.

‘…Must be… The law of the earth… I have to solve this problem…

It was difficult to understand every sentence because he spoke so fast, but I was able to get a rough idea of the context.

Archbishop Aramos in red was angered and rebuking her, who was a paladin of the Church of Calandari for intervening in the current problem, even though she inherited the Strom family blood, and Theodora seemed to be protesting against this. did

When Princess Theodora held her wrinkled hands and made a desperate expression, Bishop Hongui wrapped her forehead and let out a deep sigh.

It was a bit worrisome, but the measures taken to prevent the conversation from leaking to the outside and the reaction of Aramos did not seem like it would be a problem enough to cause a fight.

It was around that time that a cavalryman came running from the far west.

When a cavalryman from the imperial army’s garrison reported something to the commander of the escort waiting at the bottom of the hill, 10 people who seemed to be imperial soldiers immediately gave a look of astonishment.

“…It’s noisy.” At Tuaselo’s muttering, Fabio glanced down the hill and asked Prince Ulkar for his understanding.

“Excuse me for a moment.”

“Do as you please.”

As the guards and enemies of Geombaek left the tent and approached the escort, one of the imperial knights ran up the hill. Instead of conveying the news verbally, he handed a small note to Suho-gyeong.

Immediately after checking the note, Suho-gyeong and Geombaek got on the horses hung on the wooden fence and ran down the hill without saying anything. Left alone, the enemy returned to the tent with a shit-chewed face.

“What is it?”

To Prince Ulkar’s question, Nadim spat out an answer.

“The emperor will be friendly.”

Less than half an hour after the news broke, a cloud of dust rose over the western plains. Even with a cursory glance at the rushing troops, they could easily see two thousand.

I burst out laughing while standing side by side with the group and looking down the hill.

“I heard that the number of escorts is limited to one hundred.”

“Then what? The emperor said he would come in person.”

“What is the emperor? If it’s the emperor, is it a promise, can I chew everything and do whatever I want?”

“Did you think it wouldn’t work?”

As I kept my mouth shut, Atalanta looked at the approaching imperial army with a slightly nervous face.

“By the way, look at those bastards. It looks like you paid a lot of money for the army.”

True to her words, the guards who guarded the emperor showed off their splendid majesty.

Each of the 2,000 or so large army wore combat coats woven with red cloth, and a three-headed dragon was embroidered with gold thread on the front of the coat, and a golden light shone whenever they moved.

Among them, most of them were wearing plate armor, as if they were heavy soldiers, and had long two-handed swords or ax spears slung over their shoulders. It seemed that there was no need to pack a cumbersome shield as it was equipped with plate armor that boasted invincible protection in normal battles. At first glance, it was enough to mistakenly believe that 1,000 knights dismounted from their horses were marching.

Of the 1,000 or so troops excluding heavy soldiers, half were crossbowmen and half were cavalry.

Armed with breastplates and chain mail helmets, the crossbowmen carried heavy crossbows with winches. In addition, next to the longsword at the waist, surprisingly, there were not one magic scroll, but two. I don’t know what kind of scroll it was, but the fact that 500 people in possession of two magic scrolls was in itself shocking.

The most dominant was the cavalry.

At first glance, it looked like a mixture of three hundred heavy cavalry and two hundred light cavalry, but as they got closer to a certain distance, I noticed their identity and opened my mouth wide.

“…What the fuck. You are a wizard.”

The 200 horsemen boasting stable riding skills enough to be mistaken for light cavalry units were none other than combat wizards. They were armed with leather armor and plate breastplates, and mounted weapons such as axes and flails on their saddles, but they were clearly carrying mana. Just looking at it, I could tell that it was a proper battle mage, not the half of Alchenber’s magic bottle. Judging from his stable posture and breathing, casting a spell on top of a horse seemed no problem.

Although the impact was a little less because of the presence of the magic riders, the 300 heavy cavalry were an elite unit. Probably all of them are Imperial Knights. It would have to be at that level to stand in front of heavy soldiers wearing plate armor and battle wizards posing as crossbowmen and hussars armed with magic scrolls.


A roar reverberated across the field, like a giant moving a step taller than a mountain. The 2,000 warriors kept their footsteps in line even without the sound of drums and only hearing the command. It was a part that gave you an idea of how harsh the training must have been.

“Ha… I’d buy a city if I had the money to build a unit like that.”

“What is one? I’ll buy five too. Without Hongjeong.”

As Atalanta and I were talking, the emperor’s army stopped at the foot of the hill.

As the sergeants or officers shouted loudly, the troops at the front of the ranks spread the distance left and right in perfect order. Following the road given by heavy soldiers armed with plate armor and two-handed weapons, the ‘sacred centurion’ appeared.

At the head of the sacred centenary was a chariot drawn by two unicorns, or unicorns. Unlike the riders of the holy centenary, armed with magical plate armor, he wore a purple gown so long that the hem swept across the grass.

He wore a helmet that looked like a crown surrounded by twelve large and small golden horns in a circle, under which a golden mask was visible.


There was no doubt.

Most of them, including me, were preoccupied with the dragon of King Ruilix II, the emperor of the Mittergerand Empire. Standing on the hill just after finishing the conversation with Archbishop Aramos,

Princess Theodora held her breath.

“Why is the author there…

After hearing her groan, I noticed an unusually handsome man among those following the emperor’s chariot.

He was a middle-aged man with a manly appearance and a neatly trimmed beard. From the silver breastplate, coat with long hem, and all kinds of accessories that emanated the subtle glow of magical power, it was clear that he was a high-ranking nobleman.

But who is it? It’s like seeing a face for the first time.

Baron Ruyan, who smiled coldly instead of tilting his head, murmured.

“Because he has one quick foot.”

“Who is that?”

“He’s the Duke of Avillambus.”

“…yes? The Duke of Avillambus? Who is that man?”

While I widened my eyes, the ‘arrogant’ Sir Lyam whispered to Prince Ulkar with a hard face.

“Your Highness, are you all right?”

“What are you worried about?”

“If only the author had cheated on something.”

Sir Raiam, as well as Atalanta and Princess Theodora, looked at each other with anxious faces, and the prince smiled bitterly.

“Don’t worry. It must be painful enough to get caught up in the Emperor’s bad taste, but it will be worth it.”

“yes? Your Highness, what is that?”

Sir Lyam’s question was about to follow me. At the foot of the hill, the emperor, who was conversing with his white-faced servants, gave a powerful command and brandished his whip.

As the chariot, led by two unicorns, climbed the hill, six riders followed the emperor and hit the reins.

The ones who quickly overtook the emperor’s chariot and took the lead were the black-and-white tuaselos with fluttering coat hems, and the giant, riding a monstrous creature resembling a rhinoceros but with longer legs and smaller builds.

Fabio, the guardian of the empire, followed closely behind the emperor’s chariot, holding his spear. A woman wearing a scaled robe over translucent rocky skin, an old woman wearing a cone-shaped hat with a veil, and the Duke of Avillambus followed the chariot.

Even though the unicorns are smaller than my bicorns, their speed is comparable, so the emperor’s chariot arrived in front of the tent in the blink of an eye.

“Be polite to His Majesty, Emperor Ruilix II, the elected guardian and rightful ruler of the Empire of Mittergerland!”

When Tuaselo, who ran ahead, shouted, the young enemy of the empire, Nadim, who was waiting in front of the tent, immediately knelt down. On the other hand, Prince Ulkar just looked at the emperor without moving.

When Sir Lyam and Atalanta looked at each other in a sloppy manner, the emperor got off the chariot and gestured as if he were happy. Then, a pleasant voice flowed from beneath the golden mask with strange features engraved on it.

“It’s hot. Let’s avoid the sun for now.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Geombaek took the lead, trying to hide his dissatisfied expression. Suho-gyeong stared at us, especially at me, with her entire body tensed as if she was about to wield a spear at any moment instead of the statue-like attitude she had before.

The others were no different, and the man boasting the size of Utequai carried a blunt greatsword on his shoulder, confused whether it was a sword or a pillar, and looked around. The rocky woman and the veiled old woman went to the tent casually, but it was clear that they were on high alert, judging from the swirling mana around them.

“Come on in.”

Either way, Prince Ulkar entered the tent with a calm face and sat down opposite the emperor.

As before, I sat next to the prince and slightly stuck out my tongue.

“…It’s bloody. Putting this aside, can you breathe properly?”

At the words spoken without much meaning, the eyes that came out through the gap in the golden mask were directed straight to me.

“Are you the enemy knight?”

“yes? Ah yes. By the way.”

“As I heard, he is handsome.”

“…ah. thank you.”

When I answered with a puzzled face, the emperor glanced back at the people sitting across from us.

“First of all, I need to ask for your understanding on two issues.”

A soft tone that was not suitable for a supreme position continued.

“First of all, I hope you understand this atmosphere. Everyone is on edge because I moved on my own. Especially my dear Guardian Sutra.”

After saying that, the emperor glanced back at Fabio and pretended to be surprised when his gloomy gaze met his eyes. Then he quickly turned his head and spoke.

“I am sorry that I broke my promise. I ran here because I wanted to see the silver prince and his subordinate who are making a name for themselves on the continent, but there were too many people who were worried about this lowly person, so I broke my pre-determined bar a little. However, according to custom, the number of people sitting in the meeting room was set to seven.”

As the emperor proudly spread his hands out, I looked at Prince Ulkar and scratched my eyebrows as I opened my mouth.

“Looks like nine if my eyes aren’t wrong over there.”

As soon as the words were spoken, the flesh of the emperor’s men poured out as if the leather on his face was being sliced.

But what? It’s true.

On the other side, around the emperor who sat alone, stood eight people, including a veiled old woman, a huge, rocky-skinned woman carrying a guard and a sword, a young marshal.

When I pointed this out, the emperor immediately gave an answer as if he had prepared it.

“Bishop Aramos is the one who represents the will of the Lord, not mine, so he is excluded. Oh, not to mention the Duke of Villambus. Regardless of my opinion, he is a great man who arbitrarily starts a war.”

“…Ah yes. You see.”

To be honest, I thought it was bullshit, but I decided to keep my mouth shut because I couldn’t talk to someone the size of an emperor.

“good. Any complaints now? Then you seem ready to talk.”

The emperor applauded excitedly, then took off the crown-like helmet and golden mask all at once and put them on the desk.

“Now. Let’s decide the fate of Angst, Obdorf, and the two countries.”

Ruilix II, a mature man with a red beard and cool features, smiled broadly to the point of innocence at first glance.

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