The Billionaire's Kept Woman

Chapter 342 - Gifts And All

Chapter 342 - Gifts And All

In the family room, everyone is opening their gifts as they were given to them one by one. Also, on a big screen, they could see Kal and others in Alicia and Leon's house who are also having their exchange gifts. Most gifts went to Kal who looked happy and screamed in happiness.

"He likes every gift," Violet said. "I think he will be excited to receive gifts every day." She winked at them.

"Nam! Nam!" he exclaimed as he took the toy to eat it. Everyone was laughing. They think of Kal because he loves food so much.

"Hey, that's a toy." Leon pulled it away from him and Kal was giving him those demonic frowns.

"Oh, my god. I can't believe that Kal was that adorable and creepy at the same time." Keira laughed. Then, there's Maxine and Terrence who were busy snuggling at each other. Then Kal screamed and threw his fluffy toy at them.

"What the hell?" Harvey burst into laughter. "He's that jealous?"

They divert their focus toward Kal who looked jealous of Terrence and Maxine. Terrence hugged Maxine to make him more jealous and he started crying and looking up at his mother.

"Babe, they are married," Violet explained to him. They were too surprised that how can a seven-month-old baby get jealous so easily. Kal started throwing tantrums and when Violet gave him food, he was still crying while taking a bite from the biscuit.

"Wow," Henry laughed. "I can't wait for my grandchildren to be born." He said as he eyed Johanna and MJ.

"Same here," Karmina giggled and they continued opening the gifts. She smiled at the beautiful handmaid dress that Johanna made. "Thank you, dear." She looked at Johanna who raised the apple juice.

"Jo, since when did you prepare all of these?" Keira asked as she admired the silk dress that was made by Johanna.

"I function well." Johanna sneered. She makes handmade clothes for each of them, including Viper and Guinevere.

"Okay," Keira looked at her weirdly. "I am afraid that your baby will be a genius." She mumbled.

Keira went through a few more gifts and left her husband's gift for the last. She squirmed and was happy like a child after receiving so many gifts. For a few years of being in a shabby apartment, she never received such gifts. Her mother always prepares one for her. A dress or something that she bought from her savings. She was happy although they don't have much food every holiday. Most of it, she needs to work to receive double pay. She's happy although they were suffering.

"Thank you, mommy." She pouted at her mother. It was an antique vinyl record that she was looking at on the internet. And her mother bid for it just to get it this time.

"Anything for you, Princess," Karmina said softly.

"Why aren't you opening my gift?" Alessandro asked.

"I will open it secretly." She said, "I will save it since it came from you."

"Fine," Alessandro said, and then he stared at his wife. "Are you thinking that it was something naughty?" He asked as Keira looked back at him innocently. She bit her lower lip, guilty of his question. "Babe, just open it."

"Wait," She frowned at him. "I am still opening the others."

She requested a basket as the maid quickly provided one and she put each of it carefully on the basket. They were laughing about the gifts that they received because most of it, they received prank gifts from Harvey. This time, Alex received a porn DVD and a device for male masturbation.

"Seriously, I am not that desperate." He put it back on the box and rummaged through the boxes again.

"I am serious, Uncle. That will help you." Harvey teased further.

"You are so harsh, Harvey!" Keira exclaimed to him. "Dad didn't need that. There were a lot of women gawking and ready to strip him off."

"That's right." Alessandro nodded his head.

Shortly, a maid came running and approached Alessandro with a phone.

"Yes?" He asked as he took the telephone. "Alessandro, here. What's wrong?"

He listened to it attentively and nodded his head. Then, he gave back the phone to the maid. Alex looked at him as he exited the room. Keira looked at her husband but he only smiled at him and patted her head. On the other hand, Karmina sipped on her wine as she checked her phone about the package that she sent to the Charles Empire.

"I'm tired." Johanna yawned and glanced at the time. Connor quickly put the gifts in their basket.

"Go and have a rest now, darling," Karmina told her. She nodded her head as she slowly stood, assisted by Connor.


Connor helped her in the bathroom. She was now washing her face and brushing her teeth, only wearing her bra and maternity underwear. He stared at her round stomach that has those white-looking scratches. He reached it and caressed it gently.

"It's amazing that you can carry our baby," Connor said. "Isn't she heavy?"

"She's very heavy." She said and continued brushing her teeth. She spits it and washed her mouth. "I think my teeth are about to come out."

"You need more vitamins, love." He caressed her back. "So, what do you want for tonight?"

"Massage please." She mumbled. "I feel like my back is about to break."

He panicked a little and so he held her.

"Are you serious?"

"Babe, it is just a metaphor." She told him.

"You almost gave me a heart attack." He hugged her and kissed her forehead. "Hurry up on your skincare."

"I won't do my skincare today. I am too tired." She stripped off as he helped her. She then washed up quickly and he again assisted her. Connor was always like this toward her, but he became more attentive as he noticed how big she was carrying. She always looked tired though she worked so hard to make everyone's gifts.

Then, he helped her put her pajamas on and helped her lay down. He then places pillows everywhere. Then, he carefully placed her legs over the pillows. He took the ointment and massaged it.

"Arms too?" He asked as he started massaging.

"Yes, please." She mumbled. "I love you."

"I love you too." He grinned at her.

She fell asleep after the massage. He quietly left and went downstairs to the main hall where everyone was drinking and laughing. He then sat down and checked the footage of how the Charles Empire received the package. Karmina was smirking while sipping on her wine.

"What was that?" Keira asked.

"It is just some party stuff, dear," Mina said.

"Were you always giving them gifts?"

"Hmm, yeah, it started at the very first of December dear," Karmina smirked. "I don't think that we should just sit still while that woman was harassing your husband."

Keira and Alessandro have no idea that Karmina has been doing the same to get into Wendy's head.

"That's right." Ian agreed. "You can dispose of their garbage but the threats that they sent already made Alessandro stressed."

What made Alessandro surprised as they knew that he was worried and stressed. He never thought that this family was attentive to each other. They protect each other and attack whoever attacks them.

"Leave this to us, dear," Karmina told Keira before she even suggested joining them. "I am sure that Wendy's head was boiling towards you but I have to show her that I was the one sending those."

"Mom," Keira weaned. "Do we have to?" She asked.

"Of course, she bullies you and your husband. Do you think that your parents will just sit back and relax after what she did? After what they did?" She scoffed. "My love, I had suffered for years enough from them and I won't let them do the same to you."

"That is why~" Harvey sat down as soon as he entered the room after he escorted his wife to their room. "We are officially on business to make their mind blow."

Keira sighed and looked at Alessandro who didn't know how to react to it. She squeezed his hand.

"Don't worry about this, sis. We are handling everything. Just do your thing and your big brother will squash them."

She giggled and nodded her head.

"Thank you, big bro."

"Anything for you." Harvey winked.

"By the way," Alex interrupted. "Are you serious that my ex-girlfriend Rhian had contact with the Charles Empire?"

"Yes, we already validated it." Ian took out a document and gave it to him.

"That is why she broke up with me," Alex mumbled. "Yeah, I think I will just use the toy that Harvey suggested rather than letting a snake in our backyard." He now understands why his son had trust issues. It started from Margarette and now, Rhian also fed off a little information. He doesn't know how much she fed them but it is a good thing that he never gave her confidential files or blurted out the most important thing.

"Dad, don't worry. We are already screening women." Keira giggled.

"Darling, no," Alex said. "I don't want to be used as a sex toy by anyone."

Keira burst into laughter and so was Alessandro.

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