The Billionaire's Kept Woman

Chapter 323 - The Nights Strip Club

Chapter 323 - The Night's Strip Club

Alessandro woke up from a beautiful dream. He sighed and looked at the red and blue LED lights that kept flickering. He remembered it. He remembered the Strip Club event in their room that Keira set up. It was amazing. His wife is a tiger.

"What a great night's sex in a strip club? I would never go to some public strip club. He loves the private one."

He got up, kissed her forehead, and went to the bathroom. He brushed his teeth, washed his face, dried it off, and sighed at the mess with a lot of money around.

"Well, you know how to mess well, my little wife." He started picking up the thousand cash and putting it in the bag. He searches for each paper bill and it takes thirty minutes to put it all in the bags while his wife is tangled on the sheets and sleeping peacefully, probably tired from shouting and dancing. He was also tired from dancing and being her stripper but it was worth every penny.

"Babe," He called out and put the bag over the coffee table. He also picked up the costumes that she made him wear. It is not his thing but his wife just made every, perfect. "Babe, wake up. We are leaving." He went to the bed and snuggled with her. "Are you tired from dancing?" He asked as he kissed her lips but she pushed him and went back to sleep. "I am ready for another round or perhaps we could go hit the gym."

"No." She grumbled. "Today is a rest day."

"I thought you wanted to go to the farm?" He caressed her butt cheek and smacked it.

"Ow," She moaned.

"I thought last night was a dream." He said. "I have been to a strip club but this one is the best."

"You are the stripper." She grinned and opened her eyes.

Those beautiful aquamarine eyes made him fall in love with her all over again. Her eyes were green and sometimes blue. She has these three colors in her eyes. Blue, green, and brown. That's the first reason why he fell in love with her at first sight on the beach and in the water.

"God…" He whispered. "I love you."

"I know." She closed her eyes but he woke her up again.

"Babe, let's go to the lake and have a nice swim. Beach was a little bit far from here." He kissed her cheeks. "I will have our breakfast here then."

"I will sleep more, love." She yawned and hugged the pillows. "Kiss me." She demanded and as a lovable husband, he kissed her lips.

He put something on and called in the kitchen for their breakfast. Then, he let the binds on the bed close while he went to the balcony to open for fresh air. The cold fresh air passes through him. It was relaxing. Everything was like a dream in this mansion. It felt like he lived in medieval times. But with advanced technology.

"Mom and Dad don't live well as always." He mumbled.

He remembered that his father strived hard to become rich and to pamper him and his mother. A hardworking father and a supportive mother. Everything in his family was like a dream and it was perfect until that incident. But now that he followed his father's steps, he will give his children a good life, but since they will become spoiled and it will be the cause of bad attitudes, he will also balance it.

His momentum was disrupted by a phone call. He sighed as he tried to ignore the call, but then he realized that his wife would become cranky so he rushed and lowered the ringtone. He sighed and answered it.

"Yes?" he looked at his wife who was still sleeping, like a Goddess in a lake. He frowned when there's another package in his house. He demanded them to open it as he turned it into a video call and they filmed it live for him. His day was immediately ruined by Wendy. "Do it as usual." He demanded.

He hung up and went to bed. He reached his wife's head and stared at her, feeling more and more anxious each day as the threats kept becoming more and more dirty and dangerous.

"Babe," He called.

"Hmm?" She rolled over to face him. "I told you not to wake me up."

He felt very much stressed now. He was happy just a moment ago and it was peaceful in his head when suddenly, there it came again. It is hard to control stress when he was worrying over the woman he loved.

"What's wrong?" She sat up and reached his face. He hugged her tightly and she did the same and patted her back. "Is it that bitch again?" She asked and he nodded.

"Don't worry, baby. I will spank that bitch for you."

He chuckled as he gently pushed her, scooped her face, and kissed her mouth. She responded well but the knock on the door interrupted them. He reached for her robe and helped her put it on.

"I think breakfast is here." He said and he closed the curtains of the four-poster beds. Then, he went to the double door and opened it wide for the maids and butlers as they bowed and pushed the cart to the balcony. He approached the bed, opened the curtains a little so he could kiss his wife.

"Breakfast?" She asked.

"Uhuh," He nodded his head. "Go and brush your teeth."

"I will." She slipped off from the bed and pointed the cash on the bed.

He started collecting the cash and put it in the bag. She rushed to the bathroom while he checked the bed if there was cash under the table or on the pillows.

"What are you going to do with all of this cash?" He asked her.

"I'm gonna put it in the vault." She answered as she started brushing her teeth.

Sandro thanked the crew for setting up their breakfast and said that they would call them if they were done. He sat down on the bench waiting for his wife. Shortly, she came in that silk robe and she sat on the seat in front of him.

"So, was it bad?" She asked as she took her tea and sipped on it.

"Hmm," He nodded his head.

"Can I see it?"

"No." He said strongly.

"Okay," She admired the frittata on her plate. "This is amazing." She told him. "Full of protein and veggies."

"It is." He agreed.

"It feels like I am in a five-star hotel. Wait~~no. It feels like I am a real Princess."

"You are." He agreed again and fed her more with veggies. "This is for clear skin."

She stared at the broccoli and then at him.

"No." She shook her head.

"Don't you want to have clear skin?"

"I have clear skin."

"It won't be clear as usual if you get really, really stressed. Also when you get pregnant. All of the nutrients will go to the baby."

She sighed and nodded her head. She took the boiled broccoli and ate it. She got used to it anyway. Sandro admired it whenever his wife ate a lot. He wants her to be full and healthy. That time that he took her and took advantage of her situation so he could marry her was the time when she was very thin. She was still attractive and sexy.

"Babe, do you think that I could get a sexy abdominal before our wedding?"

"Yeah, you will."

"Then," she grinned at him. "Let's have a strip club party here again."

He laughed as he agreed to her. It was fun anyway and they did all of the roles that they fantasized about.

"So, what do you want me to be tonight?" He asked her.

"Well, we already did the macho-dancer and office dance sex and~~," She thought deep while staring at him. He suddenly felt bold like his wife was uncovering his clothes. "I think we should go with a jungle man."

"J-jungle man?" He stammered.

"Yeah, like Tarzan." She laughed. "I will think more so we could set up a schedule for your dancing."

"Hey, I thought that we were going to switch? Next week you are going to be a stripper." He exclaimed. "You enjoyed your stripper so much that you forgot about the deal."

She snickered and waved it off.

"Fine," She chuckled.

The couple took their time in breakfast and they cleaned up their room. The maids and butlers were always surprised that there's nothing to clean and yet they still deep cleaned everything.

"Alright, the breakfast that I ate is gone." She finally said after she took the towel and wiped off the sweats between her chests, sliding it to her sports bra.

"Babe, I have an appointment with the boys. We will have a firing in the shooting range."

"Ha?" She creased her brows.

"It's been a while since I last held a gun. I think I have to practice with my marksman."

"You are out with the boys?" She pouted.

"Yeah. Why won't you go with Jo and the girls? I mean, chat with Viper's girlfriend more."

"I can do that!" She laughed, suddenly it sounded a little maniac. He chuckled and already guessed that Viper wouldn't leave his girl to Keira.

"Babe, you are really making Viper possessive over his girl.." He said as he took the bag full of cash.

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