The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 448

Chapter 448 - The Two Old Men Were Tricked

Xiao Chen stood still, feeling deeply aggrieved.

They had actually bullied him to this extent!

Had he known beforehand, he would have kept silent.

He shouldn't have spoken at all.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be facing the punishment of copying the Trimetric Classic five times.

Now, even though his earlier words had made him feel noticed, his hands ached terribly from the repetitive writing.

His standing in the family was already low.

He had thought he could push around his brother-in-law, but looking at how things stood, he was fortunate that his brother-in-law hadn't turned the tables on him.

Resigned to his fate, he decided to go back and dutifully copy the Trimetric Classic.

With his head hung low, Xiao Chen trailed behind them, the picture of despondency.

He was filled with a sense of injustice, but he chose to remain silent and bear it.

Su Ming entered the house with the family of three, settled down, and began to drink tea and chat.

Meanwhile, Xiao Chen, head bowed, made his way to the study to dutifully transcribe the Trimetric Classic.

In the midst of their conversation, footsteps echoed from the entrance.

Everyone turned and then rose to their feet in unison.

Old Master Tang and Old Master Xiao had arrived, their faces ashen and brows furrowed with concern.

”Mr. Su, you're here as well,” they noted.

Seeing Su Ming, the two elders didn't show any surprise. They offered him a slight smile and a greeting.

Su Ming, with a furrowed brow, inquired, “What seems to be the problem?”

”Perhaps it's best left undiscussed,” they replied, exchanging a look and a weary smile.

Su Ming was taken aback by this response.

Xiao Ke'er and her parents were equally perplexed, exchanging puzzled glances.

The two elders were men of high status and esteemed reputation, commanding immense respect.

Yet today, they appeared to have been wronged.

Who would dare to offend such venerable figures?

Xiao Luomu, with a concerned frown, pressed, “Dad, Uncle Tang, what exactly has happened?”

The two elders, having just taken their seats, sighed deeply.

“We hadn't intended to involve you in this matter.”

“I thought I had concealed it well, but I didn't expect you to notice something was amiss as soon as I returned,” Old Master Tang said, shaking his head gravely. “Truthfully, the fault lies with me today.”

”Old friend, this matter isn't your responsibility.”

“We can only blame ourselves for trusting him too much.”

“It's one thing for him to deceive others, but the fact that he dared to deceive us is unbelievable.”

Old Master Xiao was livid, yet there was a sense of helplessness in his frustration.

“What exactly happened?”

Xiao Ke'er was unable to contain her curiosity any longer, seeing that the two elderly gentlemen were withholding the details.

It was at this point that the two old masters began to elucidate.

As people age, they often develop a fondness for collecting items.

Both old masters were connoisseurs of antiques and took pleasure in amassing such treasures.

Not long ago, a friend from the south reached out to them, claiming to have stumbled upon some valuable finds in a rural area.

One of these was a Duan inkstone, purported to be an exceptionally rare artifact.

The Duan inkstone is far more valuable than even the finest Imperial Green Jade.

While Imperial Green Jade is still discovered occasionally, Duan inkstones have either been completely mined or have been submerged underwater for ages.

The Duan inkstone was exclusively used by the ancient royal families.

A mere six-inch Duan inkstone could fetch hundreds of thousands.

This time, they had come across a twelve-inch Duan inkstone.

It was not just a tool for grinding ink; it also featured intricate carvings of landscapes, demonstrating remarkable craftsmanship, making it an invaluable piece.

Upon hearing about it, the two old masters were immediately intent on acquiring the Duan inkstone and promptly got in touch with the seller.

The item arrived that afternoon.

Normally, they would have called in a team of experts to verify the authenticity of such goods. However, the seller was a trusted friend of many years, leading them to forego a meticulous inspection.

Moreover, the exchange took place in a dimly lit warehouse, which did not favor the elderly gentlemen's failing eyesight.

Even Old Master Tang, despite his expertise in antiques, could err in judgment.

He failed to recognize the item as a counterfeit and proceeded to sign the contract and complete the payment.

Elated, the two old men eagerly brought their find to the Antique Association.

Initially, no one detected any issues.

However, an accident involving a young man spilling water on the inkstone led to an unexpected discovery. While a genuine inkstone should be water-resistant and even require moisture, this one's color altered upon contact with water.

Upon closer examination, everyone realized the inkstone was a fake, yet they had to concede that the craftsmanship of the forgery was indeed masterful.

First, the workers constructed a scaled-down model, then pulverized a genuine Duan inkstone into powder and meticulously coated the model, leaving no visible gaps. However, when the model was exposed to water, cracks emerged, revealing the discrepancies under the light.

Typically, such seasoned gentlemen wouldn't fall for a scam. Despite the inkstone's exquisite craftsmanship, this type of deceit was all too familiar.

Their downfall was twofold: a strong rapport with the seller and an overwhelming sense of joy at the time, compounded by the setting, led to their being swindled out of thirty million.

Upon hearing this, everyone's brows furrowed in concern.

“Grandpa, Grandpa Tang, you must confront them and demand compensation!” Xiao Ke'er urged with concern.

“My dear, it's not that simple. Antique transactions are always conducted in person. Once you've signed the contract, it indicates your approval of the item. Even if it's later revealed to be a counterfeit, the seller bears no responsibility,” Old Master Tang explained with a sigh of resignation.

”How could they be so audacious?” Yueqiu interjected.

“If the fraud had been detected during the transaction, they'd face no repercussions. They just continue selling the item until someone else falls for it, just like we did,” Old Master Xiao added, his voice tinged with regret.

”The man in question is notorious in our industry for his skill in producing convincing forgeries, though he does possess some genuine pieces.”

”I've dealt with him before and he's never sold me a fake,” Old Master Tang admitted, burdened with guilt. If not for him, Old Master Xiao wouldn't have suffered such a significant loss.

While thirty million might not be a substantial figure for their family, being conned out of such an amount was still a bitter pill to swallow.

“Is there really nothing we can do but chalk it up to bad luck?” Xiao Luomu inquired.

“It seems that's all we can do,” the two elders responded with a wry smile.

Su Ming remained silent, but his deep frown spoke volumes. The seller had shamelessly deceived his friends.

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