The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 432

Chapter 432 - Keyboard Warrior

Su Ming had previously raised bamboo rats.

Typically, these bamboo rats were roughly the size of rabbits and quite plump.

Su Ming had once tried the meat from the bamboo rats he raised at home, finding it exceptionally tasty.

But now, the contents of the single room were not bamboo rats, but a collection of syringes!

Su Ming was incredulous.

What on earth was this?

These were just ordinary syringes, not particularly large, filled with a yellow liquid.

Oddly enough, the syringes had sprouted four tiny legs and were scuttling about the room.

Thankfully, each syringe was encased in a clear plastic cover, which was the only reason Su Ming could even contemplate remaining in the room.

“What in the world is this?” Su Ming wondered, concerned about the potential for accidental harm.

He stood frozen at the entrance of the room for quite some time, blinking in astonishment.

Deciding that it was best to take action, he knew he couldn't just let these syringes roam around indefinitely.

It never crossed Su Ming's mind that he would end up raising a batch of syringes.

Taking a deep breath, Su Ming stepped into the room.

The syringes moved slowly, allowing Su Ming to reach out and grab one.

As soon as he did, its four little legs vanished instantly.

The syringe now lay still in Su Ming's hand.

That's when the voice of the System chimed in, “Host, congratulations on acquiring the Keyboard Warrior Syringe. Once injected into a person, they will instantly become a Keyboard Warrior. Their typing speed will soar to 100 words per minute, they'll master 1000 curse words, and their verbal sparring skills will improve by 100%. With these syringes, you can create an army of Keyboard Warriors!”

“Note: The injection is painless and will go unnoticed by others. Please use with confidence, Host!”

“Note: The Host is unable to use this on themselves.”

Hearing the System's announcement in his head, Su Ming was at a loss for words.

He was utterly dumbfounded.

The System had gone mad, it seemed, by suggesting he create Keyboard Warriors.

Furthermore, the painless, instant injection was something of a marvel. If such a technique could be developed for medical use, pediatric hospitals would be serene places, devoid of the wails and cries of distressed children.

However, the Keyboard Warrior Syringe now seemed utterly useless.

The internet was already teeming with Keyboard Warriors.

Adding even more Keyboard Warriors might just drive other netizens insane.

The name Keyboard Warrior Syringe aptly described its purpose.

Su Ming held the syringe in his hand, a wry smile on his face.

He intended to exchange these Keyboard Warrior Syringes for points.

He grabbed a bag and began to collect them.

Before long, he had filled the bag with Keyboard Warrior Syringes.

He had gathered 96 syringes in total.

If he used all these syringes, Earth would gain 96 more Keyboard Warriors, each one unmatched in their ability to hurl insults.

The thought made Su Ming involuntarily shudder.

He was determined to exchange the syringes for points without delay.

The System's voice chimed in, “Host, congratulations on the successful point exchange. You have earned 2880 points!”

Each Keyboard Warrior Syringe could be exchanged for 30 points.

With nearly 3000 points in hand, Su Ming was elated.

He quickly checked his phone for the building upgrade requirements.

The breeding zone was currently at Level Two. Upgrading to Level Three required 1000 points.

The control panel was also at Level Two, needing another 1000 points for the upgrade to Level Three.

Su Ming had more than enough points. Moreover, once the breeding zone and control panel were at Level Three, he could raise a Three-legged Golden Toad!

In high spirits, Su Ming immediately hit the upgrade button.

The System announced, “Equipment is upgrading. Upgrade time: 36 hours!”

“House is upgrading. Upgrade time: 36 hours!”

After that, Su Ming stepped outside.

The moment he left, the house took on a misty appearance, signaling the start of the upgrade.

In just a day and a half, he would be able to raise the Three-legged Golden Toad!

Humming happily, Su Ming made his way to the warehouse.

He filled a bucket with water and added some fertilizer to it, careful not to make it too concentrated since the land had already been fertilized once.

He then poured Blessing Potion into the soil and began watering.

After finishing up the work in the fields, Su Ming headed over to the herding area. While these animals could subsist on grass, humans enjoy snacks, and animals are no different. Su Ming gave them the special feed he had purchased, which was akin to treats for them. The two horses munched away contentedly, swishing their tails nonstop.

Su Ming tossed a couple of M12 beef chunks to the crabs. Being carnivores, he knew they would relish the meal.

Once everything was in order, Su Ming stretched out lazily. He settled into the recliner, eyes half-closed. Despite it being autumn, the midday heat was intense. But thanks to the bead he wore, Su Ming wasn't bothered by the heat. He basked in the cool breeze and the distant sound of car horns, eventually dozing off.

After what seemed like ages, Yuvyuv gently roused him in his mind. “Master, you have a date tonight, and it's getting dark. Don't miss it.”

The prompt jolted Su Ming awake. He had completely forgotten, and he was thankful for Yuvyuv's reminder. It seemed Yuvyuv was becoming more personable by the day. Without her, he might have woken up too late and missed the date entirely.

Checking the time, he saw it was only 4:30 PM. There was still time to make it. Su Ming pulled out his phone, opened Wechat, and messaged Xiao Ke'er. “See you at 7 PM, don't be late.” He also sent her his current location.

Xiao Ke'er responded immediately. Su Ming felt a twinge of guilt for notifying her so late. She must have been eagerly waiting, phone in hand, to avoid missing his message.

“Got it! I'll be there on time, see you then!” her message read, accompanied by a smiling emoji.

With a smile of his own, Su Ming hurried back to the villa. Having been in the breeding zone, he thought it best to shower first. After a refreshing bath and a glass of water, he settled into the living room to watch some TV for a while.

Before long, it was six in the evening.

Su Ming turned off the TV, opened the door, and headed to the garage, where he casually chose a car.

He set off for the rendezvous point.

It was the peak of rush hour, and the roads were somewhat congested, but luckily, his destination wasn't too far off.

He reached the spot in less than thirty minutes.

This was a barbecue street recently developed by Eastsea.

Though many of the shops had only just opened, they were established eateries known for their delicious food and strong reputations.

Even though BBQ Street was a new locale, the chefs' skills were well-honed.

The high rent here was a testament to that.

For barbecue joints, regulars were key.

Customers could tell quality, and if the barbecue wasn't up to par, they certainly wouldn't return.

Su Ming parked his car along the curb.

Stepping out, he was immediately greeted by the tantalizing scent of barbecue wafting through the street.

Initially not hungry, the aroma quickly whetted his appetite.

Su Ming made his way to his intended spot.

It was a particularly popular barbecue shop known for its affordable prices, fresh ingredients, and exceptional flavors.

Though the sky had barely begun to darken, the shop was already bustling with patrons.

Most of the outdoor tables were occupied.

Su Ming chose a table at random and took a seat.

The Lady Boss, donning an apron, approached with a warm smile and a menu in hand. “What would you like to eat? How many are in your party?”

Su Ming responded with a smile, “Just the two of us. My friend will join me shortly. I'll take a look at the menu for now. Please, go ahead with your tasks, and I'll order once my friend arrives.”

The Lady Boss returned the smile, placed the menu in front of Su Ming, and went back to her bustling business.

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