The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 419

Chapter 419 - You Stepped on My Feet

The area around the Guoxing Building was bustling as usual.

People scurried by with stern faces, some engrossed in phone calls, others sipping coffee.

The crowd was sizable.

As Su Ming meandered about, a sedan sped toward him from a distance.

Startled, Su Ming thought about the wide street and how the car was barreling straight for him. Perhaps the driver was the same person who had called him the day before.

In a panic, Su Ming darted behind a tree, fearing an impending collision and hoping the tree would shield him.

He was young, unmarried, and certainly not ready to die.

Lost in these thoughts, the car came to an abrupt halt right before him.

The door swung open, and an elderly face emerged.

A figure hurried toward Su Ming.

“Mr. Su, I've missed you terribly!” the man exclaimed.

Su Ming was taken aback.

He did not recognize the man and was puzzled about his identity.

“Mr. Su, I am the principal of the J City Music Academy. My name is Cui Pingzhang,” the man said, his eyes brimming with excitement.

Tears rolled down his cheeks as he gripped Su Ming's hands firmly.

Su Ming paused, unsure of how to react.

“Mr. Su, forgive me. It's just that Shen recently showed me a video of you making music with leaves. Your performance was flawless. You truly captured the essence of music's beauty!”

Su Ming blinked in surprise.

“This isn't flattery; it's heartfelt praise. You've attained the musical pinnacle I've sought my entire life. It's unbelievable!”

Su Ming tried to interject.

“I know what you're about to say. I promise not to take up too much of your time. I just have a few longstanding questions, and I'm hoping you can provide the answers.”


Su Ming had reached his limit.

“These are minor issues. Could you please step back? You're standing on my foot. I'm wearing cloth shoes, and it's quite painful.” Su Ming said, his eye twitching in discomfort.

Despite Cui Pingzhang's age and slight build, his weight was significant, and Su Ming's foot throbbed under the pressure.

Hearing this, Cui Pingzhang glanced down at his feet.

Cui Pingzhang accidentally stepped on Su Ming's foot with his large foot.

At first, Cui Pingzhang was puzzled by the unusual softness of the floor tile, only to realize he had actually stepped on Su Ming's foot.

“Mr. Su, I am truly sorry!” Cui Pingzhang hastily apologized.

“There's no need for an apology; I'm not upset. But could you please move your foot?” Su Ming responded.

Regaining his composure, Cui Pingzhang quickly moved his foot away.

“Mr. Su, do you have a moment?” inquired Cui Pingzhang.

Su Ming nodded, “Yes, I'm free now.”

He had completed all his tasks and had no pressing matters at hand.

“Mr. Su, could you possibly answer a few questions for me?”


Su Ming recognized that Director Cui held a prestigious position as the dean of the finest music academy in the imperial court. His domestic standing was likely on par with Dean Shen's, yet he remained a humble scholar.

He was fully committed to his studies and the quest for superior music.

He deserved admiration.

“Mr. Su, would you accompany me somewhere?”

Su Ming gave a nod of agreement.

They both entered the car and drove off.

During the ride, Cui Pingzhang gazed at Su Ming with a simple, yet broad smile on his face.

Su Ming thought to himself, “Director Cui, can't you contain your laughter?” He had even noticed chives stuck in Director Cui's molars.

Still smiling, Cui Pingzhang gingerly pulled an object from his pocket.

Su Ming saw it was a leaf.

He immediately grasped Cui Pingzhang's intention: he wanted Su Ming to play a tune on the leaf.

“Mr. Su, could you play another piece? I'll make sure to compensate you.”

“I have a small gift for you that I hope you'll accept,” Cui Pingzhang said as he retrieved a card from his pocket.

He placed the card into Su Ming's hand.

Upon inspection, Su Ming noticed it was a card adorned with a musical note in the top right corner.

It read Supreme Membership Card of Music Association.

“Mr. Su, this is the imperial court's Music Association's supreme membership card.”

“Currently, only six individuals in the entire imperial court possess this card.”

“As long as the grand theater or music theater buildings have musical note icons, you, your family, and friends can freely come and go with this membership card.”

“Mr. Su, to speak frankly, in the imperial court, any grand theater or music theater with a bit of renown is a member of the Music Association.”

“With this card, you can use the VIP entrance to enter the Grand Theater or Music Theater at no cost, and once inside, you can enjoy top-tier VIP services, including the best box seats and complimentary beverages.”

Worried that Su Ming might not be pleased, Cui Pingzhang quickly clarified.

Su Ming was taken aback.

Though the Supreme Membership Card seemed of little use to him, it would be beneficial for his family.

His father was an avid fan of opera, particularly passionate about Peking Opera and local drama.

With this card, his father could attend any opera performance he wished.

Yet, Su Ming's father was still relatively young and had no desire to leave his hometown.

Having worked hard his entire life, Su Ming's father found it difficult to retire.

Therefore, the Supreme Membership Card wasn't immediately necessary for Su Ming's father, but that didn't mean it wouldn't be valuable in the future.

When Su Ming's father grew older, he could use the Supreme Membership Card to enjoy opera every day. Su Ming found the idea quite appealing.

“Thank you, Director Cui. I gratefully accept your gift,” Su Ming said with a smile.

“It's my pleasure; it's the least I could do,” Director Cui replied. He was overjoyed to see Su Ming accept his gift.

Director Cui also breathed a sigh of relief. He recognized that Mr. Su was no ordinary man.

If it had been a common gift, Su Ming would not have given it a second thought.

But Director Cui was known for his integrity. With a modest salary, part of which he donated to support students, he couldn't afford lavish gifts.

Truthfully, even if Director Cui had purchased expensive items, they wouldn't have caught Mr. Su's eye.

After much deliberation, Director Cui realized the only suitable gift he could offer was the Supreme Membership Card.

He had been anxious that Su Ming might refuse his present, but thankfully, Mr. Su had graciously accepted it.

Director Cui finally felt at ease, his shirt sticking to his back with sweat.

If Su Ming were to refuse the gift, Director Cui would find it too awkward to even ask for Su Ming's assistance.

“Could you do me a favor, then?”

“Sure.” Su Ming nodded in agreement.

Su Ming picked up the leaf, inhaled deeply, and was just about to blow.

“Hold on a second!” Cui Pingzhang suddenly recalled something.

Cui Pingzhang quickly extended his hand and pressed a nearby button.

There was a mechanical noise.

The passageway between the back seat and the trunk unexpectedly opened.

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