The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 416

Chapter 416 - Top Grade Orchid Seeds

Later on, word got out that after learning of the situation, Ma Haoran's father insisted that he study at home.

Indeed, Ma Haoran no longer needed to attend college, but his father had hired twelve tutors for him and also cut off his allowance.

Now, Ma Haoran had only ten hours to rest each day, dedicating the remaining fourteen to his studies. He didn't even get a break during the New Year.

Ma Haoran endured a particularly bleak holiday.

Meanwhile, Eastsea University underwent a complete renovation that year. The plastic track was refurbished, and every dormitory and classroom was outfitted with air conditioning.

Furthermore, the university wasn't concerned about the cost of electricity. As a prominent institution in Eastsea, a portion of its electricity bill was subsidized by the government. Besides, Young Master Ma had donated 30 million yuan, Su Ming had contributed 5 million yuan, the university had only spent 20 million yuan, leaving a surplus of 15 million yuan.

This substantial amount was more than sufficient to cover the electricity expenses.

Additionally, after the renovation of the university's plaza, many local residents started enjoying evening strolls there.

At the center of the plaza stood a stone monument engraved with the names of the donors.

Su Ming topped the list of donors with a contribution of 35 million RMB.

This wasn't a case of Principal Ye deliberately ingratiating himself with Su Ming, nor was it Su Ming using underhanded tactics to garner unwarranted praise.

It was at the request of Ma Haoran's father, who didn't want the Ma family to lose their dignity.

The video recorded by Su Qiu's upperclassmen in the classroom went viral online. Su Ming and Su Qiu's scheme was labeled as a masterclass in deception. As a result, Su Ming's reputation soared. Many were thankful to Su Ming, respectfully referring to him as Mr. Su.

After leaving the classroom, Su Ming and Su Qiu weren't particularly hungry, having had breakfast earlier. However, Su Qiu was eager to leave, fearing she might burst into laughter if she stayed any longer, which would be inappropriate given the solemnity of the occasion.

They meandered around the campus until noon, when they finally headed to the cafeteria for lunch.

Su Qiu received a phone call, bid farewell to Su Ming, and rushed off to the lab. Meanwhile, Su Ming drove home by himself.

After parking his car, Su Ming headed back to the yard. He washed his face at the sink before going inside to change into more practical work clothes.

He then made his way to the warehouse, a sizable space with a central aisle flanked by stacks of seeds and fertilizer.

With a bucket in his right hand and a rag in his left, Su Ming was ready to give the warehouse a thorough cleaning.

The warehouse corner was cluttered with miscellaneous items. He set the bucket down, tossed the rag into it, and grabbed a broom to start sweeping away the dust.

Out of the blue, Su Ming stumbled upon a swollen plastic bag. He paused, opened it, and found it contained seeds.

It dawned on him that these were the seeds President Chen had given him, some of which were even glowing.

Su Ming smacked his forehead in disbelief; he had completely forgotten about these valuable seeds and had carelessly left them in the warehouse.

He retrieved the seeds and, upon scanning them, discovered two vibrant green ones. They were Top Grade orchid seeds.

Su Ming recalled Yuvyuv's advice to not rush and to wait for the System to upgrade before doing anything with the seeds.

Now he understood the reason. The Top Grade orchid seeds were Level Two seeds, a truly fine find! While not numerous, they were exceedingly valuable.

After the lengthy System upgrade, Su Ming had only managed to acquire two Level Two crops: Excellent Bananas and Silken Cabbage.

Though these crops yielded high-quality produce, the quantities were limited.

Su Ming decided to wait until his six-acre plot was upgraded before planting the two Top Grade orchid seeds. He was curious about what they would eventually grow into.

He placed the rest of the orchid seeds in a nearby bag of fertilizer. The two Top Grade seeds, however, he wrapped with care and gently slipped into his pocket.

Su Ming resumed his work, cleaning the warehouse from top to bottom.

He tidied up the yard as well, ensuring that the weeds along the pathway were completely removed.

Before he knew it, the sky had begun to darken. Su Ming stretched languidly. After rinsing his hands and feet at the tap, he made his way cheerfully toward the herding area. The sheep were likely ready for harvest. He was eager to see what treasures this round would yield.

The herding area had undergone an upgrade to Level Two, enhancing both the fence and the pasture. Gone was the old, rickety wooden fence, replaced by sturdy, fresh timber. The verdant grass shimmered with a vibrancy that surpassed its former state.

Su Ming pushed open the gate and entered. The two sheep, upon spotting him, trotted over excitedly, nuzzling him with their heads. Su Ming blinked in amusement. The last time, he had to milk the cows; was he expected to milk again? He glanced down discreetly and breathed a sigh of relief—both sheep were rams.

In his mind, Su Ming inquired, “Yuvyuv, how do I go about harvesting these sheep?” Yuvyuv responded telepathically, “Master, you need to collect their wool.” Su Ming had an epiphany, chiding himself for not realizing the obvious. After all, what else would one harvest from sheep but their wool? Yet, he had never sheared sheep before, only having witnessed the process on television.

The sheep lay compliantly on a designated workbench, where a worker with deft hands and electric shears could shear a sheep in mere minutes. Although Su Ming lacked the experience and the electric shears—and had no desire to purchase them—he figured that regular scissors should suffice for shearing.

With that thought, Su Ming dashed to his bedroom and grabbed a gleaming pair of scissors. Approaching one of the sheep, he gently stroked its head. “I'm a novice at this,” he told the sheep, “so you'll need to be patient with me. And if I accidentally cause you any discomfort, please forgive me.” As if understanding his plea, the sheep stood still, perfectly behaved.

Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, Su Ming reached for the sheep's fleece. It was soft and plush, a delight to the touch. He carefully lifted a clump of wool and snipped it with the scissors. With a crisp sound, the wool was severed. The moment it landed in Su Ming's hands, it began to squirm, transforming into a scrumptious-looking pink cotton candy.

”Ding! Congratulations, Host, on acquiring the Silent Marshmallow. Consuming this marshmallow will ensure that you won't make a single sound, no matter what actions you take, for one full hour. It's an essential item for anyone planning a burglary or a stealthy roadside theft!”

Su Ming nearly choked on his own disbelief upon hearing the System's announcement.

He was no stranger to the System's outlandish statements.

However, Su Ming couldn't deny the marshmallow's appeal.

But what was the System implying with suggestions of breaking and entering or committing roadside robbery?

Su Ming mused to himself, “I'm a law-abiding citizen of the 21st century, aren't I?

I can recite the values of patriotism, dedication, integrity, and kindness like the back of my hand.

Plus, with the amount of money I have in my bank account, I have no need for such sordid activities.

What a ludicrous thought!”

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