The Archmage’s Restaurant

Chapter 210

# 210

Chapter.41 Oblivion


“I think it’s better not to do business today. “Why don’t you go back to the bedroom?”

Lurin shouted with all her wishes in mind. Of course, the words that came back crushed the wind.

“We’re a married couple, so shouldn’t you be the one to take care of things like this? “Show me today’s meal you made.”

“Huh? Why is the story like that? can not do it!”

“I don’t really remember, but I’ll help you out! “If anything comes to mind.”

“Oooooh! weird! When I came to my senses, I once again became the one who obeyed your orders. The elf said that you would obey my orders because you lost your memory, but why are you saying no? .”

Rurin grumbled that something was strange, but after receiving the gazes of El and Linte at the same time, she frowned twice and had no choice but to approach the rice bowl.

“This is what you did before you lost your memory. “You eat this.”

Then, he stuffed the rice into a rice bowl and placed the chunk of carbohydrates in front of Linte.

“This is today’s meal.”

“yes? “Is there nothing left but rice?”

“Kaaaaaa! okay! “It’s normal to have nothing but rice!”

“Oh yes… ?”

Lin Te was very embarrassed. So I looked at Bob and Elle in turn as if asking them to save me. But El just had a blank expression on her face.

It was only then that Linte caught that something was strange. But it was already too late.

If I was going to notice something, I should have done it before the food came out.

Lulin was yelling at him to eat the food he served, so Linte could not bear the pressure. As long as L kept her mouth shut, there was nothing to do.

All you have to do is eat it.

Rinte scooped up the bare rice with a weak hand gesture.

And took it to his mouth.

“Hehe, is it delicious?”

“yes… The food turned out really well… .”

“Because this body is so clean, it’s so delicious, of course. Hi-Hi.”

And that moment.

Lurin’s temple was attacked. It’s El’s strike.

“Huh? What is this familiar feeling? You can’t believe it… “Are your memories coming back?”

“It’s not? “I just have a strong feeling that it has to be like this.”

“Eight! Are you thinking of something like that? Annoying. And it hurts!”

“Come on. My intuition strongly tells me that serving only rice is not a good idea. “Try making something on an iron plate.”

“I don’t know about that… .”

“You say you’re a wife and you can’t help me? Then they are not a couple after all… .”

“… … do! Do it, do it! Ugh! You there! Wait a moment. But there’s still something strange about it.”

Lulin glared at El. Then he showed blank eyes again and started looking the other way.

As expected, something was strange. From a while ago, I was in a situation where I was just listening to what was being said.

Normally, I would never cook even if I were asked to do so. Unless you lose the bet.

But now I was cooking even though I hadn’t lost the bet.

No, I haven’t done it yet, but I’m faced with a crisis that requires me to do it.

“What’s strange? Rather, ma’am. Do you know what to cook on an iron plate? “Is it okay?”

“I think it’s meat. “Because you always grilled meat there.”

“okay? Oh, is that by any chance?”

El pointed to one side of the kitchen. Rurin runs over and sees it.

Linte watched the situation with eyes that met the light of salvation. I slowly chewed the rice I had already put in my mouth because of Rurin.

“Oh! “He’s a meat guy.”

“okay? “Did I prepare for this before I lost my memory?”

“Then you can grill this on an iron plate… .”

With a sad look on his face, Lurin brought the ripening Veleren meat and presented it to El.

“Ah, I suddenly feel dizzy.”

Then El suddenly sat down, pretending to be dizzy, and Lurin looked at herself and the meat alternately while holding the meat.

“Ugh, this shouldn’t be done in the first place. I don’t think this is something. “Because you are the one cooking the meat.”

“okay? Then where… .”

El nodded and got up again and placed the meat on the griddle. And at that moment, the meat turned into a pile of ashes.


“Ugh! “Elniyim!”

Lurin and Rinte let out a shocked voice at the same time, and El sneakily approached Lulin and whispered quietly.

“As expected, I can’t control my mana. Your wife and I are married? “Please dispatch at a time like this.”

“What is that!”

Lulin screamed again.

In the end, Lurin had to grill the meat. While listening to L nagging next to me, telling me to do this and that, saying I don’t have any memories.

Rurin becomes increasingly frustrated.

As a result, it went without saying that I ended up grilling meat all evening long.


Grake was in the carriage.

The old Deadran City was now returning to the original Gray City, where the lord’s castle was located, after going around the north of the current Gray City, the headquarters of the watch industry.


The Gray boy, who had been inspecting all day and had heard from various angles about the workers’ discomfort, was tired and leaned against the carriage, reading the documents even at that moment.

“Are you okay, Your Excellency?”

Baron Verenda, who is looking after the internal affairs of Gray City, asked about the health of the Gray boy, who seemed particularly tired today.

“are you okay.”

“Is that true? You look tired… .”

Baron Berenda is not from Siksol, who used to stay in the castle. Graeke did not moderate the children of the baron he lived with when he was young.

It wasn’t a decision made just because Sienna was being bullied. A judgment made because they were caught up in a sense of nobility and were of no help in developing the territory.

“Shall we get some good medicine to relieve fatigue?”

Baron Berenda was a progressive figure who was one of the few trustworthy figures among the barons belonging to the count family who agreed with Gray’s policies and helped him wholeheartedly, and was a great help in running the fiefdom.

The conversation between the two continued in the fast-moving carriage.

The conversation is mainly about internal affairs.

As he was doing so, the carriage stopped and the chamberlain opened the carriage door and asked a question.

“Master, we have arrived in town. Would you like to go straight to the lord’s castle?”

It was a question that came up all the time, but Gray’s answer was always the same.

“I should also look around the market. “Would you please go there?”

The chamberlain dutifully nodded at Grayk’s command.

“All right.”

Soon the carriage was moving again. However, Baron Verenda suggested again with a worried look on his face.

“Your Excellency, as expected, how about taking a break for today…” .”

“The sun is still up? “I will visit all the important places during my inspection.”

Gray closed his eyes and answered firmly.

I’m not particularly tired.

What does it mean to be young?

I would say that because people around me tell me to rest so much, I actually start to rebel.

In Great City, except for El and Verna, there was no one who could break the boy’s stubbornness.

So, naturally, Gray arrived at the market safely and the inspection continued.

Thanks to the efforts put into the market in many ways since the time of Grayke’s father, the market has recently developed to a level similar to that of any other large city in terms of size and vitality.

The biggest topic of discussion in such a market is the election of the market union president.

The problem was with the selection method. Grayk was thinking about the most fair method of selection.

So, while chatting with Baron Berenda, I started taking a walk around the market.

My steps stopped when I saw a familiar face. Graeke stopped at Elena’s clinic and said hello.


“oh? My lord! “What’s going on?”

Elena answered like that and nodded.

An elf pops out of the clinic.

Baron Berenda was dazed when he first saw the elf he had heard about through rumors.

As Elena walked out, Grace naturally asked about the disease situation in Grace City.

“Are there many patients recently? “If you need help, please send a message to the castle at any time and we will do our best to help.”

“yes. It is rare for someone to develop a serious illness. So don’t worry, my lord.”

Elena calmly answers Grayke’s questions. Baron Verenda, who was looking at Elena, suddenly clapped his hands together and shouted at Grayke.

“dismissal! Since you’re stopping in front of the clinic, how about getting some medicine that’s good for relieving fatigue? Even so, there are rumors that Elena uses good medicine.”

“what? Oh no, that’s… !”

Gray was startled by those words and shook his head. But there is no way that kind Elena would listen to Berenda and remain silent. He immediately approached the lord and looked at his complexion.

“Oh my goodness? “Are you very tired, my lord?”

“Oh no! It’s not like that… .”

“Hmm, your complexion is dark? There just happens to be some good medicine! It replenishes your energy. “I’ll give it to you, so come in and wait a moment!”

Now that Elena has come this far, Grayk realized that he could no longer refuse and sent a look of resentment to Berenda. This is an indication of why you said something useless. Then Baron Verenda began to talk the other way.

Like looking at a distant mountain?

Grayk was also weak to Elena.

She was very close to her teacher, El. That alone made it impossible for him to refuse anything she offered, and she was also of a different race.

Also, since she had a reputation as a good doctor in the city, it was impossible to resist her smile.

“All right… .”

Angered by his subordinate’s foolishness, Graeke had no choice but to enter the clinic.

“It’s this medicine! Would you like to try it? Oh, of course, I’m going to combine this with something else, but take it to Yeongju Castle and eat it. Before that, just chew this raw. “You will feel a little tired.”

Elena smiled like an angel and held out a strange-looking piece of grass to Gray.

Graeke grimaced inwardly.

Although he was blaming Baron Berenda for doing something useless when he was not even tired, in fact, the reason he was frowning like this was because he did not want to take bitter medicine.

Of course, if you say that you are not good at eating bitter foods, you cannot be caught even if your mouth is torn.

At that time, I heard the voice of a woman other than Elena.

“Do you hate bitter herbs?”


Grayke turned his head in surprise. His face was so surprised that he had read his mind. That was also an expression of his feelings that should never be revealed.

Grayk was so surprised that he looked at the other person to say something. And then my mouth became stiff again.

His expression was about ten times more surprised than when he was asked if he disliked bitter herbs.

Of course, that was because the face I missed was right in front of me.

A face that seems a little unfamiliar to me after not seeing it for several years. If the unfamiliarity was due to growing up without seeing each other, the woman in front of him was clearly a woman he knew.

Grayk barely moved his stiff body and blinked, and Elena, who was bringing the medicine together, tilted her head.

“Oh, this is the patient who collapsed on the outskirts… .”

As Elena was about to explain it, an even louder voice came from next to her, so she shut her mouth.

“Oh, I’m sorry! The expression with the corners of the eyes raised somehow vaguely reminds me of the expression someone in my memory makes when they don’t want to eat something written… . I can’t even remember who that someone was… .”

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