The Aftermath of Having Slept with the Villain

Chapter 311 - Amnesiac Lover (08)

World Nine. Amnesiac Lover (08)

It was an out-of-control sex session.

Xue Xue defined it this way.

The morning and noon hours passed in this way, and when the tired Xue Xue woke up again, it was almost evening.

When she came out of the bathroom to wash up, she saw Luo Chi sitting alone on the sofa in the dark living room, his whole body seemed to be half hidden in the hazy light, like a silent statue.

When he heard footsteps, he looked up and met Xue Xue’s eyes.

The woman hadn’t blow-dried her hair, but only put on a large towel to protect her from the wind.

Luo Chi looked at her and moved his lips, but in the end he said nothing.

Xue Xue didn’t take it seriously.

“You can go take a shower.”

As she said that, she walked to the table nearby and poured a glass of lemonade to drink.

Luo Chi made no move.

Until Xue Xue sat down next to him.

“Why, am I scary?” Xue Xue couldn’t help but laugh when she noticed the man’s tense body. “Look at how nervous you are, don’t forget, the two of us just had sex…”

“Stop talking!”

The voice was not loud, but they echoed very clearly in the quiet space.

Xue Xue froze.

She had a clear and bright look, and even when she was suppressing her emotions, she still had a charming aura.

Luo Chi knew that the other party was good-looking, but despite this, there was still a momentary lapse of concentration.

It was only after Xue Xue opened her mouth and her voice entered his ears that he reacted violently.

“Brother Luo Chi…” The woman’s timbre was special, clear and a little hoarse, like the sharp thorns growing on the tender stems of roses, and there was a faint smell of danger. “You really lost your memory?”

As soon as this question was asked, Luo Chi’s body slightly stiffened.

Even though he quickly came to his senses, Xue Xue still noticed his momentary disorientation.

“Is that important?” he asked Xue Xue.

“Isn’t that important?”

Xue Xue asked Luo Chi in return.

When they looked at each other, their gazes were like metal, and they clashed with each other, creating sparks.

“You and I are lovers, brother Luo Chi.” The end of her eyebrows arched, Xue Xue’s expression was sad. “Isn’t it a sad thing when a lover forgets oneself?” she asked, her gentle tone filled with a hint of sadness.

Luo Chi was silent.

It would be uncomfortable for anyone to be forgotten by another person, let alone the relationship between the two of them as lovers. From the group photos that Xue Manqing showed him, as well as the “testimonies” of other people in the gang, Luo Chi believed that the other person was not deceiving him.

But the paradoxical thing was, Luo Chi did not feel it.

To be more precise, he didn’t have any feelings for Xue Manqing before the lovemaking.

Occasionally, some sporadic fragments flashed through his mind, but these fragments did not mean much to Luo Chi. He was like a bystander, watching someone who looked exactly like him, experiencing a period of time that he had never experienced before. life.

Even if that person was him, he couldn’t resonate with him, let alone empathize?

It was like two independent individuals with the same appearance and different personalities.

However, it seemed that from a certain moment on, the situation was slightly different.

Luo Chi couldn’t put his finger on it, but he felt that Xue Manqing, the woman who suddenly asked him to call her Xue Xue, seemed to have something different about her.

And that thing caught Luo Chi’s attention.

“Luo Chi…”

Xue Xue came close to his ear.

The scent of cinnamon on the woman’s body lingered around her, encircling Luo Chi’s entire body.

The narrow, upward-pointing phoenix eyes were like two black whirlpools, able to attract people’s hearts and minds without realizing it.

“You’re looking at me like this, are you in love with me?”

The atmosphere became very ambiguous for a moment.

Logically speaking, Luo Chi should deny it at this time, but his words seemed to be blocked, and he couldn’t utter a single word no matter what.

Xue Xue smiled.

Different from the smile just now, this smile was bright and brilliant, like the bright sunshine when the flowers are blooming in spring, with a heat that will not burn people but makes the mouth dry.

Something changed.

Luo Chi realized this and did not resist.

Time seemed to stand still at this moment.

The two of them were in a state of silence until the sound of a ringing bell broke the silence of their gaze.

Xue Xue’s raised hand paused, and finally fell to his ear, tucking the wet and sticky hair behind her ear.

She walked to the entrance door and looked at the screen on the monitor, a hint of interest flashed in her eyes.

“Your good sister is here, Luo Chi.”

The words sounded a little bit odd, and Luo Chi frowned, but before he could say anything Xue Xue had already opened the door.

It was Yang Liu’er.

In Xue Manqing’s memory, she was an impressive woman.

She has a childish face, a pair of round and bright eyes, and looks like a high school girl, with an innocence that makes people want to protect her.

At this time, that pair of beautiful cat-like eyes widened, after seeing the hickey exposed on Xue Xue’s untied collar.

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