The Aftermath of Having Slept with the Villain

Chapter 289 - Her deskmate(46)

World Eight. Her deskmate(46)

A mother’s deepest blessing for her child is to hope that everything will be well for him in the future.

At first glance, there was nothing wrong with Su Lin’s words. This was not the first time she revealed her innermost thoughts to Xue Xue. However, after saying good night to Su Lin and lying on the bed, Xue Xue’s uneasy feeling became stronger and stronger. .

Perhaps it was because of this, in a semi-dream state, Xue Xue found herself going through her memories of Xue Yu again.

Even after waking up, those emotions still hadn’t completely disappeared.

She opened and closed her eyes repeatedly, repeating this motion until she felt a little better before getting up to wash up.

The moment the cold water splashed and touched her skin, Xue Xue finally figured out what was wrong.

There might not be much problem with Su Lin’s words, under normal circumstances, but combined with Su Lin’s current situation and what happened to Su Xiangnan in the past two days… the other party’s words sounded like her last words.

That’s why it felt out of place.

Hastily grooming herself in front of the mirror, Xue Xue rushed out of the house in a panic. With each step she took, she got closer to the hospital, and her unease in her heart became more apparent.

It seemed like something was about to slip out of control.

For the first time, Xue Xue wished that her usually proud intuition was wrong.

Faster, she told herself.

The distance from her home to the hospital wasn’t that far, only fifteen to twenty minutes on foot. Xue Xue, with her bag in tow, almost ran at a stride in order to save even a little bit of time, only at the last intersection, the pedestrian traffic light suddenly changed from green to red, and a Mercedes accelerated through the street, so Xue Xue could only stop her footsteps abruptly.

As the seconds countdown.

Because she rushed forward and suddenly stopped, her heart beat violently, causing a throbbing pain. Xue Xue bent down and supported her knees with both hands, gasping for air in big breaths.

Her vision somewhat became a little blurry.

After blinking hard and shaking off the sweat that fell on her eyelashes, Xue Xue bit her lips and looked forward.

She knows that being in such a hurry actually serves no purpose.

However, she couldn’t just sit idly and wait like this.


Her phone rang suddenly.

That was Su Xiangnan’s voice.

In the previous live broadcast, some fans showered Su Xiangnan with gifts and asked him to sing a sweet love song. Su Xiangnan refused at first. In Xue Xue’s impression, the boy didn’t seem to like singing very much, and even hummed a melody was rare.

Later, probably because there were so many requests, Su Xiangnan sang a cappella for the first time before the broadcast, a chorus of a popular TV series theme song that has been a hit for the past two years, and everyone was immersed in the shock that he finally opened his golden voice but he decisively cut off the chat.

There was no professional skills or fancy dazzling skills. The tune of the song was very flat. Su Xiangnan rather half-recite and half-murmur than sing.

However, the boy has a good voice, and he managed to make the lyrics, which are a mixture of ancient poetry and modern language, sound a little deeper.

Later, a big fan of Su Xiangnan cut out the audio, and Xue Xue saw it and downloaded it directly.

“I don’t know where tomorrow will be after the snow falls, I only hope that on the day of my return, I can still see your figure on the ancient road, just like the time when we first met.”

The ringtone did not stop because of Xue Xue’s hesitation, and finally, with trembling fingers, she pressed the answer button.

The unfamiliar female voice bombarded Xue Xue’s eardrums one word after another like a barrage of words. She could hardly hear what the other party was saying. Only four words fell in her ears clearly and without any room for ambiguity.

Resuscitation was not effective.

What happened next was like pressing the fast forward button.

After arriving at the hospital, the nurse directly asked Xue Xue if there was any way to contact her family. The reason why she made this crucial call was because Su Xiangnan could not be reached, and Xue Xue was the last contact person shown in the communication record on Su Lin’s mobile phone. .

So she got the call.

This time, Xue Xue did not call Su Xiangnan’s mobile phone, but directly dialed Chen Rong.

The only reason she has Chen Rong’s number was because Su Xiangnan set Xue XUe as the emergency contact person when filling in his personal data before signing the contract.

It was still early and the company hadn’t started work yet, but according to Su Xiangnan, Chen Rong’s cell phone was turned on 24 hours a day.

She was always someone one can contact if needed.

Once connected, Xue Xue did not waste time and directly explained the cause and effect to Chen Rong.

Chen Rong initially thought it was a prank call coming from somewhere.

In fact, this whole day, because of Su Xiangnan’s matter, she was so busy that she had to deal with too many things, and the instructions given by Gu Xuan were vague. As the main communication bridge between the model and the outside world, almost all the responsibilities fell on her.

She had only slept for less than two hours in the last twenty-four hours. When Xue Xue called, Chen Rong was having breakfast and was preparing to take Su Xiangnan to the company for an impromptu meeting.

The first time she answered the phone, Chen Rong reflexively said the public relations words she had repeated ten or twenty times yesterday.

However, she soon realized something was wrong.

The young female voice who called claimed to be Xue Xue. Chen Rong’s only impression of this name was that of Su Xiangnan’s girlfriend.

Looking up at the boy opposite who was eating fried buns, Chen Rong couldn’t help but frown, and said in a cold voice: “I am, you say.”

Upon hearing this, Su Xiangnan raised his head to look at Chen Rong’s gloomy face, and then lowered his head to continue eating

Su Xiangnan had seen too many similar scenes during this period of time, and was even so bored that he counted the seconds. Usually, Chen Rong’s time on the phone would be within a minute and a half to two minutes, however, this time it ended very quickly.

So fast that Su Xiangnan smelled a trace of unusual flavor.

Almost at the same time that he picked up the tissue on the table and prepared to wipe his mouth, Chen Rong spoke.

Different from the angry tone before, this time, there was a hint of compassion in it.

Bright and clear.

Su Xiangnan immediately realized something was wrong.

“Don’t go to the company now.” Chen Rong said, her voice hoarse due to overuse of her throat. “Let’s go to the hospital first. Your mother… she passed away.”

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