The Aftermath of Having Slept with the Villain

Chapter 262: Her deskmate (25)

Chapter 262: Her deskmate (25)

World Eight. Her deskmate (25)

Seeing this, Xue Xue was about to tease him again, but the proprietress had already asked what they wanted.

So she had no choice but to divert her attention first.

"I want a tuna meatloaf with cheese." After glancing at the signboard, Xue Xue finished ordering, then turned to ask Su Xiangnan, "What about you? What do you want?"

Su Xiangnan was silent for a moment, "Same as you."

"Okay." The proprietress was a happy middle-aged woman with a smile and an amiable appearance. "The baked rice balls are all freshly made. It will take ten to fifteen minutes. You can go to the side and wait for a while."

So Xue Xue pulled Su Xiangnan to stand aside to avoid blocking other people who were ordering.

"What's the matter?" Seeing that he didn't speak, Xue Xue asked in a good voice, "Are you angry?"

Hearing this, Su Xiangnan glanced at her, then shook his head sullenly.

The boy was really cute like this, Xue Xue thought maybe it was due to the contrast brought by Su Xiangnan's good appearance, she couldn't help but want to see him show different emotions, because of her.

Although she knew it was petty to do so, the satisfaction in her heart could not deceive anyone.

Her willow eyebrows curved, Xue Xue's eyes filled with a gentle smile.

She quietly held Su Xiangnan's hand.

Su Xiangnan's body froze, and he flung it away, but Xue Xue relentlessly clasped his knuckles.

Under the cover of the wide sleeves, the people coming and going did not notice this little action between the lovers, but for Su Xiangnan, one of the parties involved, it was enough to stimulate his emotions.

Xue Xue noticed that the roots of his ears were red, which was more obvious against the black scarf.

"Not admitting is not denying." Xue Xue's voice was small. "Besides, it's not long before the college entrance examination. The school is so strictI'm fine, but you have finally cleared up those stigmas. There is only about half a year left. I don't want you to have any more twists and turns." Su Xiangnan listened quietly to Xue Xue.

Logically, he also knew that he shouldn't be angry. What Xue Xue said was correct, and she was still thinking of him. However, emotionally, Su Xiangnan still felt awkward. He just wanted to take a loud speaker to the commander's platform to announce to the whole school, so that the whole school would know that Xue Xue was his girlfriend.

Subconsciously, Su Xiangnan was uneasy.

He has never really anything that he could call his own in his life, and the speed of losing seemed to be faster than the speed of gaining. To a certain extent, he has already resigned to his fate.

But it wasn't until now that Su Xiangnan realized that it was a big mistake.

In the past, he was able to learn to accept loss as part of reality after repeated disappointments, not because he was calm enough, but because those were not what he really desired.

It was different now.

He has what he really longs for.

Can not let go, and must have.

Invisibly, Xue Xue's love became almost a belief in Su Xiangnan's heart.

There was a stubborn soul in his bones, otherwise, Su Xiangnan in his previous life would not have kidnapped people in broad daylight because of Lin Zhi's humiliation to Su Lin before Su Lin died.

"What's wrong?" Noticing Su Xiangnan's gaze, Xue Xue looked up. "Why do you look at me like this?"

The boy's eyes were already extremely deep, but under his focused gaze, his gaze pressed on Xue Xue's heart like a heavy black stone.

Instinctively she felt the danger, but Xue Xue did not let go of his hand.

"If you're really that unhappy, next time"



After interrupting Xue Xue's words, Su Xiangnan's fingers suddenly exerted force. Although the force was quickly removed, Xue Xue still felt his emotions fluctuations.

"I said no." He said, looking away and looking forward. "I'm not unhappy, you are right, I'll listen to you."

Xue Xue wondered why he suddenly became so agreeable, and heard the next sentence from the boy: "Anyway, you are my girlfriend, and no one can take it away."

The day before the spring break began, their school canceled the evening self-study.

Xue Xue and Su Xiangnan went to the hospital to see Su Lin.

When they arrived, the doctor just came to round the ward. He obviously had something to say to Su Xiangnan, Xue Xue took the initiative to stay with Su Lin in the ward, and the two went outside the ward to talk.

After the door was closed, Xue Xue looked up.

Finally she saw Su Lin.

This woman who almost influenced Su Xiangnan's life.

In Xue Yu's memory, Su Lin was pale and thin, with a haggard appearance, and only her brows and eyes remained the color of her youthful glory. Even if she had lost the love of the years, she was living.

Especially the pair of eyes, which seemed to be filled with endless melancholy, and Xue Xue could see the exhaustion in the blink of an eye.

But when she smiled it was different.

It was clearly an old face, but it gave off a bit of a young girl's charm.

Very inconsistent.

"Are you Xue Xue?" She said, her voice hoarse. "I heard Xiang Nan mentioning you, although it was only once, but at that time I was thinking, when we meet someday, I must thank you well."

World Eight. Her Deskmate World Seven. Stand-in Lover World Six. Stepmother's Son World Five. Childhood Sweetheart as Ex-Husband World Four. Little Lover's Brother World Three. BFF's Boyfriend World Two. Overbearing Presidents Father World One. Villainous Film Emperor

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