The Aftermath of Having Slept with the Villain

Chapter 245 - Her deskmate (14) Part 1

World Eight. Her deskmate (14) Part 1

A seductress.

As the word crossed his mind, it also tore Su Xiangnan’s sanity.

As if longing for something, and eager to prove something, his hand that was originally on the floor stretched suddenly, holding the back of Xue Xue’s head, and before she could react, kissed her beauty bone.

The taste was sweeter than he remembered, and more tender than imagined.

The next thing was a matter of course.

It was like a lightning from the sky stirring up fire on the ground, and making it out of control.

When she fell on the soft bed, Xue Xue’s body automatically remembered the feeling when she first came to this world.

In addition to pain.

“You… um… be gentle…”

The young man was full of energy, and the strength of his hands inevitably lose weight. Xue Yu’s body was delicate, and Xue Xue didn’t want to experience the feeling of being weighed down.

Hearing what she said, Su Xiangnan, who was gnawing on her right neck like a big dog marking his territory, paused.

He raised his eyes and met Xue Xue’s gaze.

At that moment, there seemed to be an invisible current passing through, and there was a crackling sound where the two people’s eyes met.

Enough to shake people’s hearts.

Perhaps it was from this time that there was an invisible tacit understanding between the two.

Su Xiangnan touched Xue Xue’s neck with his hand.

There was still a faint color on the delicate skin.

It was only then that Su Xiangnan remembered that the girl had turned up the collar of her school uniform shirt all day long and buttoned it tightly, as if trying to hide some secret.

Their secret.

This idea gave rise to strange desires, Su Xiangnan knew that he did not reject it.

There was even a secret expectation.

During this brief silence, Xue Xue kept observing the expression on Su Xiangnan’s face.

She saw the Su Xiangnan in Xue Yu’s memory.

The guy who didn’t hesitate to display his predatory instincts in bed.

However, there were some subtle differences.

Before Xue Xue could figure out why, she felt a warm touch on her sensitive skin on the side of her neck, soft but rough, like a gentle caress, but also full of possessive desire.

Her body trembled violently, and she could not help but moan.


The sweet whisper was undoubtedly the greatest encouragement to Su Xiangnan.

His hands traveled on the girl’s waist, and the other hand slid in from the hem of the shirt, lingering around the thigh.

Memories of that night came back again.

The unstoppable pleasure aroused the beast that lurked inside.


Xue Xue, who had already been brought into the rhythm, expressed dissatisfaction with Su Xiangnan’s sudden stop of operations.

She frowned and they stared at each other.

“You…” As soon as Su Xiangnan opened his mouth, he realized that his voice was very hoarse. “We…I…”

Intermittently, until the end, he didn’t even say a complete sentence.

Xue Xue understood.

While Su Xiangnan was still struggling, she threw her arms around the other’s shoulders, and her slender arms were like vine branches, dexterously clinging to the boy’s body.

Like the rose that grows on the pines and cypresses.

The delicate petals blooming gradually.

“Su Xiangnan.” Xue Xue’s voice seemed to come from a very far away place, but it revealed a power that could reach the depths of his heart. “I like you.”

“It’s not because it’s fun, and it’s not for anyone, it’s just you and me.” Xue Xue bit out every word very clearly, and the drawn-out sound was like a small hook, hooking on the tip of Su Xiangnan’s heart. “Su Xiangnan, I like you.”

She repeated it again, like a solemn oath.

Serious and earnest.

“Since we are still young, why not give me a chance, and give yourself a chance?” ”

“Su Xiangnan.” Xue Xue’s lowered tone was full of temptation. “Let’s work hard for the future together, shall we?”

After saying that, without giving Su Xiangnan a chance to refuse, Xue Xue raised her head directly, and sealed the boy’s lips with a kiss, as well as all possible excuses.

At that moment, Su Xiangnan heard the sound of his heart thumping violently.

Xue Xue’s shirt was unbuttoned, and her white body was as perfect as a finely carved work of art.

The flesh-colored bra covered the still-developing roundness, which was cute in shape like a drop of water, like a freshly baked steamed bun, white and tender, especially pleasing to the eyes.

It also became Su Xiangnan’s first target.

He greedily inhaled the faint, almost inaudible fragrance of milk flowing around him like an addict.

The skin around the breasts is very sensitive.

The warm breath hit it, and her nipples stood.

Feeling strange, Su Xiangnan suddenly stuck out his tongue and licked it lightly.

“Hmm.” Xue Xue’s body tensed up. “You…um…don’t lick there…ah…”

After the initial temptation, Su Xiangnan’s movements became bolder.

He was no longer licking cautiously, but sweeping over a large area, stopping occasionally, leaving a mark on it with his teeth and lips.

After a while, the white tender skin was tattooed with large and small, light or deep red marks.

Like a sea of ​​flowers in spring, looking so beautiful.

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