The Abandoned Hunter

Chapter 135: The Dark Blacksmith's Last Wish

Chapter 135: The Dark Blacksmith's Last Wish

Jay just kept watching over the boy who was supposedly the skeleton's Apprentice.

The wounds were almost healed but the arms that were ripped apart weren't fixed yet and that was what hurting Jay's eyes the most.

'Sigh, I need to grow stronger...', was what Jay said to himself in his mind.

He too had suffered heavy injuries from them since earlier and now he too was using the skill Heal on himself.

The pain had by no means vansihed but it seemed like it had been definitely reduced thanks to his skill.

While watching over the boy, he could hear the sound of the hammering which was reverberating in his ears.

He waited patiently for the skeleton to try whatever it wanted to do.

Jay periodically took a look at what the skeleton was doing and found that he was indeed working hard. Of course that was common for a master to do for a pupil.

But Jay was surprised. He was wondering about the stamina and strength of the skeleton which suddenly got instilled out of no where.

Though it wasn't bad but it was indeed weird as how active an almost dead skeleton was. But then again that was like a mystery for Jay.

He didn't pry much bout it and just waited patiently. He keptnon remeberinh the few moments that he wasted earlier due to his hesitation.

'Sigh...', he was exhausted too right now but for some reason he felt refreshed at the same time.

It was as if some new power had been awakened inside him. His body was filled with energy, but his mind was out and probably that was why he was feeling this exhaustion.

'Even this time... I was a bit reckless.', he thought.

'I was about to die...'


He had no excuse for himself because he knew what he had done and was reflecting on it when suddenly he heard a voice.

"My lord! It's finally ready!"

Jay immediately turned his gazes towards the skeleton who was holding something in his hand.

Jay dashed right away in order to check what that was and found two pairs of hands lying there.

"This...", Jay was shocked just by looking at it and somehow got an idea about what the skeleton was working on.

There were two arms that were made with metals and various other things which looked like that if a robot and Jay thought that the skeleton wanted to fix or attach these very arms to the boy's body.

'It's like the artificial limbs that is present right now...', Jay thought.

The World Of science was too wide and due to the advancement, the people who lost limbs would get a replaceable ones. But those didn't work as good as the real ones and thus there would often be problem.

Regardless, it was a good strategy to reduce the handicap.

Jay thought that the blacksmith would do something similar and would be able to only replace the arms, but little did he know that the blacksmith wasn't called the greatest for no reason and thus had a plan in his mind.

Soon the skeleton walked close to Jay and bowed in front of him and said, "Master, the Soul Arms are ready..."


Jay was surprised after hearing the name of the arms that the blacksmith has made.

"Soul... arms?", he was curious about the name because there would definitely be a reason for naming it as such.

"Yes master, this will without a doubt work as a replaceable arm but at the same time, it can even be a weapon...", the skeleton said.

"Oh!", Jay was getting excited even more as the time passed by.

He knew that the blacksmith was capable of creating something good, but this was out of the extraordinary.

"Hmm, but you still didn't tell me the reason for keeping its name as - Soul Arms.", Jay asked.

"Ah? Pardon my lord, it's because the arms will work when souls are out inside them.", he said.

"Wha-", Jay was at a loss of words.

His eyes bulged when he heard that. He took a look at the arms which were quite thin but at the same time they were quite heavy.

He understood right away that they couldn't be replaced completely as his arms, but could at least be a good pair right now.

"Good, then attach it...", Jay asked the skeleton to attach the arm right away and he left instantly after bowing to him.

He placed both the arms side by side on the respect places from where the arms had been cut earlier.

It had a small nail like apparatus which the skeleton pierced to the bones of the boy.

Since he was unconscious, he didn't feel any pain. Then the skeleton got up and walked towards Jay.

"My lord, it's done. Now please do the grace and add one souls in each of the arms...", the skeleton asked while bowing yet again.

Jay thought for a second about this and decided to use the A rank Spions' souls that he had since earlier.

He walked towards the boy and then placed his right hand on the right arm that was attached.

Jay closed his eyes for a minute and then opened it. His eyes were now shining with blue light.


That was the only word he told when suddenly a blue coloured orb appeared from the ring, and immediately got absorbed by the right arm.

He did the same to the left arm which also got posed in a matter of few seconds.

After doing that he walked a bit back probably because he wanted to confirm if that was all that he had to do.

"Is that all-", but as soon as he was about to ask, a huge amount of energy wave got generated behind him.

"Huh? What the...", he immediately turned back only to find both the arms having inscriptions in them.

Those inscriptions or marks were shining with whitings purple light which soon disappeared.

The arm which was black earlier as it was made up of a black metal, was now changing its colour slowly.

Jay was surprised to find that the arm was literally getting the same colour as that of a normal humans skin.

"Woah!!! That's...", Jay turned his gazes towards the skeleton in order to express his gratitude.

He wanted to compliment him at the same time too for making such a fine thing, but when he looked towards him, he found the skeleton disappearing slowly.

"H-hey... what's happening to you...", Jay was surprised to see his fingers, hands, skull and slowly the entire body disappearing.

"What the... what's wrong with you now?", Jay was totally confused and baffled.

"My lord... looks like this was how long I could last...", the skeleton said.


"And... while making the arms, I made this too... I suppose you came in order to find this...", the skeleton gave a pendant which had a black gem attached to it.

"This...", for a second Jay wondered what it was but then he came to know after hearing the skeleton say.

"The Soul cage... I hope... I've fulfilled my promise...", the skeleton said.

"Promise?", Jay's Head was becoming a mess now with all the things that was happening so fast due to which his mind was unable to cope up.

"But my lord... can you look after him?", the skeleton asked Jay while looking at the boy.

"He has no one... please keep him with you..."

"...", Jay lowered his gazes and looked at the boy.

"Thank you for everything my lord... may you be well...", after saying this the skeleton suddenly turned into black soil which then disappeared too.

All that Jay could do was extend his hand forward. But that was only for self satisfaction as he knew that it was not in his abilities to save the skeleton anymore.

"You... you were good...", Jay smiled while looking at the locket that was left by him which had the crystal.

"Alright.... I'll consider that as your last wish and look after him.", Jay said.

He ya snow decided that no matter what happened, he would take good care of the boy who was perhaps just one year younger than him.


Jay slowly walked towards the seat of the bed like apparatus that was available and sat on it.

He kept looking at the locket when a drop of tears fell on his thumb.

"It was only for a few hours that I had met him... and no more than a few minutes since I talked to him..."


"But for some reason, it feels like I have lost a dear friend...", he said with a low voice and continued to mourn for a few minute.

He would have continued it for longer, but he could suddenly feel the energy awakening within the boy.

He was slowly opening his eyes and it was perhaps this moment for which Jay had been waiting.

"Ha... he is finally awake...", he said and immediately walked closer to him.

"Wha-what happened...?", that was the first question which the boy asked after sitting upright after opening his eyes.

"Good morning! Did you have a great sleep?", Jay asked.

"Huh? Sir!", all of a sudden the boy raised his hand and saluted him while sitting there.

"Haha, what are you doing?", Jay laughed.

"Uhh...", the boy had no words and was a bit shy because of what he did suddenly but he indeed have a lot of respect for Jay after looking at the fight.

"Ah, by the way, I'm Jay... Jay Down."

The boy looked towards him and said, "I'm Rick Morso, nice to meet you sir!"


"Nice to meet you too..."


To be continued...

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