The Abandoned Hunter

Chapter 130: Meeting With The Dark Blacksmith - Part 2

Chapter 130: Meeting With The Dark Blacksmith - Part 2

Jay was sure that he had heard the voice somewhere but he wasn't able to remember the place or the time.

'He...', for an instance it was as if he actually knew the skeleton and his heart was also beating quite fast, but he had no idea of who or what he was.

He thought that it was the best to undo the stealth and ask him directly. Even if there was some difficulty, he would be able to take care of it right away because he was no more the same weak Jay as before.

'Deactivate Stealth...'

Suddenly his presence was spread which was being concealed earlier. His entire body as became visible.

"Huh?", the boy was constantly hammering suddenly turned his gazes towards his left only to find Jay standing.

"W-who are you!!? How did you get here!?", he shouted all of a sudden.

Jay could feel the nervousness in his voice but he had no idea as what would be the best to tell him right now.

The skeleton too felt a weird presence but for some reason he too felt as if it was quite familiar.

"D-do I know you!?", that was the first thing what the skeleton asked.

It could hardly even raise its body and was in the same half slept posture.

He seemed quite weak but one thing seemed different and that was his right hand.

In his right hand he was holding a hammer which was completely black in colour.

It did have some purple linings which were like the markings of the Nine generals and the pillars.

That was the only thing that it was holding in its hand. That didn't mean that he was able to lift the hammer, in reality the hammer was actually on the ground.

It was just that he was gripping it tightly despite the absence of flesh or anything else on his fist.

The boy who was scared of Jay and was actually stepping back each and every second paused the moment he heard the skeleton ask the question.

Jay too was shocked when he heard the question. He too was feeling the familiarity which the skeleton was sensing.

"I don't think so...", was what Jay said.

"...", the skeleton didn't say anything after he heard that.

There was complete silence for a while which was making Jay think that the time was being wasted so without waiting for any further he initiated the talk.

"I came here in search of someone...", Jay said.

"...", the skeleton still didn't say anything.

For a second Jay thought that the skeleton had lost the ability to speak all of a sudden but then again he was proved wrong when the skeleton spoke.

"Someone...? Who?", the skeleton asked.

"The...", Jay was about to tell even before which the skeleton ended up telling something which literally shocked Jay.

"Is it the dark blacksmith?", the skeleton asked.

Jay had no words to describe the feeling that he had at the moment. For a second he even thought that the skeleton could actually read his mind even though it wasn't true.


"How did you know that!?", Jay asked.

All of a sudden it was quite again. The little scorching heat and the sound of the flame burning was already audible at the moment:

Jay was about to repeat what he asked when suddenly the boy spoke.


"Why do you sorcerers come again and again!?"

"Aren't you satisfied yet!?", the boy shouted with tears in his eyes.

"Huh?", Jay was totally confused.

He could t follow up with what the boy was speaking.

"What do you mean?", Jay ended up asking that as he wasn't aware of the topic.

The very word sorcerer was new to him and it was probably the first time he had actually thought about it.

"Don't feign innocence! You sorcerers are really bad! Just because my Master didn't agree to make 'THAT' for you, you ended up doing this to him!", he shouted yet again.


No matter what the boy said, Jay kept on getting puzzled again and again.

"Wait a second... what sorcerer? Who?", Jay asked.

"You!!! You are one of them! Aren't you a sorcerer!?", the boy asked with fierce eyes which were also filled with tears.

His face which had some black dust that was due to him wiping his face while working looked quite stern which was more than enough to make Jay walk a step back.

"I don't know what...", Jay was about to deny again because he didn't actually knew the situation when all of a sudden the skeleton started to say something.

"Eli... he isn't a sorcerer... not yet... he does have those abilities but he hasn't become a sorcerer yet...", was what the skeleton said.

"...", Jay paused for a moment.

He just recalled what he had read in the stone slabs of the sky dungeon and the reward that he had got from the mission.

'Come to think of it... wasn't sorcerer or something an ability that I received?', he thought.

"Is that so master...?", the boy asked the skeleton.

"Then... why? Why has he come here?", the boy asked the skeleton yet again.

"I'm afraid the answer to that question can only be given by him...", was what the skeleton said.

The boy immediately turned towards Jay and asked, "Tell us, why have you come here if you aren't a sorcerer and if you aren't after 'THAT'!"

Jay lowered his gazes for a moment and then said, "I want the dark blacksmith to craft an item for me..."

"...", the skeleton was a bit shocked.

'If he doesn't 'THAT' then what else would he want me to make?', the skeleton thought.

"Ha? You want Master to make something for you!?", the boy asked.

"Huh? Master...? You mean to say...", Jay's eyes kept bulging as he said that.

"Yes, my Master who is now in this condition is none other than the Dark Blacksmith!!!", the boy said proudly after seeing Jay shocked.

The skeleton too seemed a bit happy which was seen by the small weird smile on its face which was due to the collision of the two jaws.

"You... in this condition?", Jay was shocked even now.

"Ya... this is all those sorcerers doing! So it's best if you leave cause my Master is in no condition to make anything for you...", the boy said.

"...", Jay remained quiet and stood there with his gazes lowered.


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