The 3 B's- Beauty, Brains and Bravery

Chapter 29: You will see her tonight .....

Chapter 29: You will see her tonight .....

Xi Yuan thought about his assistant's words and instantly imagined , what would it be like if that girl would always be by his side ....

A woman whose smile was enough to warm up his heart , he wondered just how much her presence would warm up his life ....

Xi Yuan couldn't help but smile when he imagined his future with her.

Meanwhile , Bei Ming was stunned when he saw his boss smile.

He had never smiled in front of any office staff ever !

Was there actually a lady in his life ?

Did he really developed a liking towards someone ?

This was a big news !

Who was going to be their future lady boss ?

Was it some heiress of a socialite family ?

Or was it any actress from entertainment industry ?

Or was it boss's any childhood friend ?

Just when Bei Ming was thinking of all the possible female candidates for his master , the man said in an assertive tone : "Don't you dare to tell mom or dad about this conversation ! "

"Huh ? "

How did the boss knew that he was planning to tell the Chairman Xi and Madam Xi about what happened today .

"What he means to say is zip your mouth regarding this matter , just like i did. "A voice came from behind him .

"Third master , long time ." , Bei Ming quickly greeted Xi Wei .

Bei Ming was overjoyed to see Xi Wei.

Because even though Xi Yuan was the brain , Xi Wei was basically the life of Xi empire and its employees.

He was the only one who would save the employees from the wrath of big boss if they ever under-performed.

No one would approach the boss directly for a leave , instead , they would ensure that they had the backing of Xi Wei .

The lively man approached and gave a huge bear hug to Bei Ming ; " Uncle Ming ! I missed you so much that i used to cry every night and drink beer in your despair ! "

This was probably the only thing that he hated about the third master .

He always overacted .

Uh !

And what was that whole 'i missed you so much' act ?

It sounded so ambiguous !

Xi Yuan rolled his eyes at the sight of this reunion !

Could you guys just do it outside my office ?

"Let me tell you a secret , Uncle ! " Xi Wei whispered in Bei Ming's ear , " My brother is in love. "

"What ? ! " Bei Ming was stunned .

As expected of boss's reactions from morning !

That's why he had a different charm on his face today !

It was all the game of love !

" Who is it , third master ? "

" Pfft ! " Xi Wei started laughing uncontrollably , "Look brother , you have been single for so long that even Uncle Ming is curious to know about sister-in-law. Ah ! and then there is me. I have been with so many women that no one even cares anymore whom i am with ! "

Bei Ming looked awkwardly at the big boss who simply glanced at him once and indulged himself back into the files in front of him .

He then turned again to face third master , "Who is it , third master ? "

" Why do you think i will tell you , Uncle Ming ? Even though we Xi siblings find you trustworthy , we know very well that your sincerity lies with our parents more than us. And we plan to keep it under wraps until brother successfully proposes sister-in-law and she accepts him ." Xi Wei shrugged his shoulders .

Bei Ming shook his head vigorously , " No third master ! Please trust me ! I won't tell anyone ! Not even the chairman and madam ! "

Even though Bei Ming was extremely mature and sensible , he was still very gossipy when it came to matters related to boss .

He was thirty years old but he was reacting like a kid to know the name of the woman , boss had liked .

Xi Wei called him uncle just because he liked to tease him. This man always had a worried expression on his face , thanks to big boss , so , Xi Wei usually made sure that Bei Ming wouldn't lose his mind by his brother's side.

"Nope ! We don't trust you here ! " Xi Wei crossed his arms .

" Please third master ! What should i do to guarantee my sincerity to you ? " Bei Ming thought he would die from anxiety if he won't be told the name of lady boss .

" I will tell you how you can guarantee your honesty " Xi Wei said as he took out his phone and started the sound recorder " Repeat after me , I , Bei Ming , pledge that i will never disclose any information regarding my future lady boss to the chairman and madam until the great and honorable and brave and handsome third master , Xi Wei commands or allows me to ! "

Was it a prank again !

Third Master , boss's romantic life is not something that can be joked around about !

Bei Ming looked at his boss who was clearly agitated by the useless conversations going on in front of him .

A chill ran down his spine !

Shit !


Xi Yuan thought about it .

He will know sooner or later , so , he said impatiently , "You will see her tonight ! You can leave now ! "

"But bro , he hasn't given the statement of confidentiality ! How can we ..... "

"I would love to see his guts ! " , the man said in a manner like that of a king with traces of challenge and danger in his voice .

Bei Ming gulped .

He obviously wouldn't tell anything to even a corpse !

He had a family to look after !

How could he even think of offending the big boss ?

He would just be happy to see the future lady boss !

It was already the blessings of his ancestors on him that a mere mortal like him worked so closely with a man like Xi Yuan , what more , he could see his lady boss and that too with boss's permission .

"Thank you , boss. I'll leave first , then. " Bei Ming walked cheerfully out of the office.

Uhh okay !

Maybe no guarantee was needed at all !

His brother's piercing gaze was enough indicate Bei Ming what he should and shouldn't do !

The type of man his brother was , obviously no one dared to go against his will.

Also , Bei Ming had worked for him for so many years now that he knew more than anyone how Xi Yuan was like !

Let's wait and see .....

...the reaction of Uncle Ming tonight ...

Xi Wei laughed to himself .....

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