Terminally-Ill Genius Dark Knight

Chapter 154

Chapter 154 . Hell Party [2]

In the past, 72 high-ranking demons were sealed away by Solomon. Naturally, their infamous is well-known across various countries.

Calamity. Just the word itself is enough to remember them.

The tragic moments when the barrier between the human world and those demons was shattered. Although three sword emperors and four sages succeeded in stopping this, the impact those demons had across the continent was shocking.

Millions of humans were massacred. Followed by horrifying human experiments and the mass production of demons’ followers and servants, the demonic humans. Demons were truly a calamity on a whole different level.

So, surely what does Nox’s seemingly casual talk in front of his comrades mean?

– I’m going to kill them. And for that, I need you all to be here.

His words made it impossible for anyone to stay calm. How can young master, known as a troublemaker from a noble family, be so confident about exterminating the 72 demons, which is considered the worst calamity? This is a feat not even the most shining heroes, whose names are remembered across the continent, have achieved. He’s barely an adult, a boy who hasn’t fully developed his skills, clearly there are limits to what he can do. Yet, there was not a hint of hesitation in his determination.

His comrades couldn’t help but feel a sense of fear. How far is Nox seeing, and even though he has enough already, why is he throwing himself into such a dangerous endeavor?

It was natural for them to be suspicious of Nox’s true nature.

But among them, only Rona was different. If it was her, who had a connection with his past, she could guess what was going through Nox’s feelings right now and why he made such a decision

‘Madam’s death… That must have been what changed Young Master. There’s no doubt about it.’

It was the death of Nox’s mother, the mistress of the Reinhaver family. That tragic event must have shattered the once warm-hearted young master, planting within him a blind thirst for revenge against the demons. Therefore, this must have slowly broken him, leading to the person he is now.

‘Young master’

Then, what should I do here?

Rona couldn’t help but think. What can she say to young master now to stop him? How can she let him know how futile and meaningless the desire for revenge is? Rona knew she was overstepping, but she couldn’t help but worry since she genuinely cared for him.

“Young master.”

She grasped her skirt tightly and looked at Nox intently. In the past, and even now, he has shown warmth to everyone within his circle. But the current Nox clearly seemed unstable. As if he could slip away like sand through one’s fingers at any moment. From the beginning, he had always drawn a subtle line even with his comrades, not allowing anyone to cross it.

The current Nox was a stranger to her.

After a brief hesitation, Rona spoke with firm resolve, facing his lavender eyes.

“Young master, I’m sorry… but I’m against this. I know I don’t have the right to stop you, but…”

Another moment of silence. Although she was still conflicted, her intention was clear.

“Please, try to understand my feelings and the promise I made to the late Madam. I beg you, could you reconsider just one more time?”

“It’s already decided.”

But Nox’s resolve was firm. Shaking his head, he said,

“It’s inevitable. It’s not for personal reasons, I announced the extermination of the 72 demons for external reasons, and you can’t do anything about it”

Rona’s delicate brow furrowed as her head drooped. She had known from the start that he wouldn’t give her the answer she wanted. Still, she had clung to a tiny bit of hope. Relying on the young master’s warm heart is her own selfishness.

A moment later. She finally asked the last question she couldn’t hold

“Even if…I were to leave your side?”

“I’d make sure you don’t get hurt. Of course, if you really wanted to leave me.”

He spoke with such certainty, as if he was sure Rona couldn’t leave him. Unfortunately, even if he truly thought that, Rona couldn’t deny it.

After all, she couldn’t really leave young master.

They had spent too much time together, and she had to keep the promise she made to the late madam, who had taken her in when she was nothing.

‘That’s not all, but… Anyway, I have to do what I can now.’

Before she knew it, out of nowhere, she had this thought, she wanted to understand why she had to stay by his side, no, why she wanted to.

To do that, she couldn’t help but once again become the good (?) but slightly mischievous maid and look at him as she did before. Even if it meant putting on a persona.

After thinking it through, Rona lifted her head and smiled brightly.

“I’ll follow you. There’s no way I will give up such a good job as being a maid at the Reinhaver family!”

The moment Rona’s cheerful voice echoed.

[A new character trait has been added to ‘Rona de Nero.’]

[Character Viewing System is automatically activated.]

[“Blind Faith” and “Mediocre Acting” traits have been added to this character.]

“Well… I might not know about difficult things, but I’m on your side no matter what, husband!”

In the somewhat tense atmosphere, Erina interrupted with a cheerful grin. May also nodded firmly with a determined expression.

“My life was already doomed in Chaders. There’s no way I wouldn’t follow you now, young master. Besides… it makes me anxious to leave this friend behind.”

May said this as she wrapped her arm around Erina’s shoulder, her tone implying as if she had no other choice, but her actions suggested otherwise. Erina’s face quickly filled with tears, as if she was about to burst.

“May… you care about me that much?”

“Don’t think I said that because you’re such a troublemaker, okay?”

May sighed as she pushed away Erina, who hugged her while rubbing her face against her. Anyway, the two had made their decision to follow Nox until death. Erina, who had become a prisoner of love(?) had no other choice, but May voluntarily chose to stay by Nox’s side.

Before Nox could shift his gaze to the next person, a head of warm red hair moved toward him. Kushan Adrian. He also wanted to voice his opinion.

“Forgive me for saying this, but this is an extremely dangerous and absurd endeavor. Given that we’ve been manipulated by the 72 demons before, your decision sounds even more perilous, and I think that’s the reality”

Kushan paused briefly, seemingly finalizing his thoughts, before continuing.

“However, if you must go forward, if this endeavor has meaning in itself, if it doesn’t matter even if it all falls apart…”

Kushan’s red eyes gleamed intensely.

“We from the East will follow you unconditionally, young master. As long as I’m alive, our dynasty will not forget the hope and grace you’ve given us. I was saved by you”

It was a rather burdensome stance. Naturally, Nox was likely screaming internally at this point. But whether it was due to the [Master of Acting] trait working properly, Nox accepted it with a calm smile.

It almost made the others feel like he had known all along that things would turn out this way. There was only one unable to adapt to this situation, the newly enslaved Prim

‘…Are they crazy? Taking on the 72 demons? No matter how strong that guy is, it’s impossible… Could he really be an amazing person? It seems like I should be careful and resist moderately’

The option of not resisting wasn’t even on the table. Unaware that Nox could read his thoughts completely, Prim made his decision on how to act.

Zitri, watching her young master’s decisions, also decided to respect Nox. Unlike Rona, from the beginning, she saw the Nox that was different from the rumor, so she calmly accepted and decided to follow him.

‘Like everyone here, I’m the same. My life was abandoned, and if it’s young master Nox who is the one who gave me a second chance… I have to trust and follow him.’

The moment Zitri made this resolve.

Nox suddenly looked at everyone and began to speak.

“Now, I’ll explain my plan. I won’t repeat myself, so listen carefully.”


Quite a long time passed. After finished talking with my units. I’m lying quietly on the bed in the Sidus’ Hall room. Sleep won’t come easily. The events I’ve gone through so far flash through my mind like a revolving lantern, piercing through my past. And then, a nagging thought heats up the sides of my temples.

‘… Am I doing well now?’

Did I make the right choice?

After putting the people I’ve brought into my circle in danger. Is this the right choice? If it’s not, am I just sacrificing them for my own safety?

No one knows that I’m Yoochan inside. Only I know that.

So, every time moments like this come, I wonder. What if I were truly Nox?

If I were, could I have formed deeper bonds with my comrades? Instead of forcing sacrifices, could I have entrusted them with my back and moved forward together?

Honestly, I don’t know.

‘… No time to be sentimental. I know what I need to do now.’

Exterminating the demons. Reach the end of the story.

And maybe, the next story that something even I haven’t seen yet, Standing at the start and end of the second chapter.

Countless thoughts crash over me like waves, shaking the boat that is me. My secret that I can’t tell anyone.

The loneliness stemming from it sometimes drags me down into the mire.

“Well, nothing I can do about it.”

I just chuckle bitterly and let it pass. The current situation, and the abnormal relationships I’ve built by deceiving others.

Then, suddenly, a thought intrudes into my mind.

“… At some point, it seems I’ve also been influenced by Nox.”

Inner Lunatic.

I’ve been gradually getting used to being possessed in the body of the worst villain in the game I loved. The biggest proof of this is that I’m starting to see people as tools to be used.

But I can’t give up on my goal of regaining my memories. I need to find out how this game is connected to me.

‘I have to do whatever it takes to achieve that.’

This deep sense of urgency too, it probably because there’s something out there that I don’t know yet. So, right now, the only choice is to keep moving forward.

I stare out the window for a while before finally closing it.

I, who was once an outsider to this story. Now truly feel like I’ve become a part of this game world.


The next day. After finishing the basic academy classes, I met with a person I’ve been anticipating in the private training room. If you were playing the game, you wouldn’t encounter this person at this point. True to her name, one of the strongest characters in Inner Lunatic is standing right in front of me.


A drop of cold sweat ran down my back before I knew it. Even though I anticipated this, encountering an unpredictable variable this early still makes me nervous. Bright orange hair that looks like it’s soaked in the sunset, and vertical pupils in her eyes, a woman with voluptuous body. She stares at me with interest while licking her lips.

Next to her is another one of the strongest characters in the world, Noah von Trinity. Behind them, Professor Lars standing there, dripping with sweat

“If you had told me in advance that someone so important was coming…”

Professor Lars stammers in surprise. But the woman continues to look at me with amusement and asks directly,

“I heard you have my orb.”

Straightforward speech. As expected. If this is Astrid von Kaliud, one of the four sages I know, then this is exactly how she should be. No explanations, just pushing forward at her own pace. Despite the overwhelming pressure of her mana, I pretend to keep my composure, acting as Nox, and reply,

“Nice to meet you.”

“I already know that you know who I am. No need to pretend otherwise.”

“Hihi, didn’t I tell you? This is going to be interesting!”

Noah chimes in playfully from behind. Astrid gives a faint smile.

“I don’t care about that. First, take off your clothes.”


Even I couldn’t help but flinch at that. Sure, she was lazy and did things her own way in the game, but this suddenly?

Astrid looked at me with an unreadable expression, as if it was tiresome. The front of her outfit opens slightly. But her gaze stays fixed on the front, not moving at all. Astrid calmly places her hand on my jaw and says calmly

“You’re going to learn it, no? Magic.”

A faint orange glow lingers in Astrid’s vertical pupils. I had no choice but to nod.

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