Terminally-Ill Genius Dark Knight

Chapter 146

Chapter 146 – Moonlight Sword [2]

The first half of the Moonlight Sword.

That third super-form is [Moon Split]

It’s a swordsmanship known for its ability to split the moon in the sky, scattering a bright white light. It possesses incredible destructive power and is specialized in breaking barriers. That’s why I’ve decided to master it and use it to destroy this damn water prison.

But there’s a process that must be followed.

Obviously, the first step is acquiring the Moonlight Sword.

The second step is having the innate talent and experience to instantly master the third super-form.

In addition, the third step is more essential.

It requires a level of precise control and immense focus that not even Luna, the current wielder of the Moonlight Sword, possesses.

‘But it’s not impossible. With the Dragon Language Scroll I recently acquired at the auction and the [Light Step] technique I learned from Vernon, it’s possible.’

No matter how low the odds are, it’s not impossible to get through this moment

If I prepare carefully and seize the opportunity in one shot,

I might be able to not only overcome this situation but also significantly extend my pitiful lifespan.

‘If I can intervene in the transmutation circle and destroy the core that forms the water prison from inside, the tide of battle will turn back in our favor, and I’ll be able to escape. I have to do it, no matter what.’

Some might ask,

If you’re going to use [Moon Split] anyway, wouldn’t it have been better if Luna was the one trapped in the water prison instead?

But there’s a reason I chose to be the one trapped instead of Luna.

It’s because the Moonlight Sword that Luna uses, alone cannot destroy this water prison

The problem is her innate mana sensitivity, there is no other reason.

‘Alchemy, after all, is a study that has more relation to magic than swordsmanship. So, if your mana sensitivity isn’t exceptional, it’s impossible to break or tear down that form’

Luna has the [Genius of Swordsmanship and Combat] trait.

But naturally, since she has one genius trait, she can’t have the second genius trait.

That’s the absolute rule of Inner Lunatic I knew

‘But I’m different.’

I’m the only one who has two [Genius] traits.

[Genius of Swordsmanship and Combat] and [Genius of Mana Sensitivity].

With these two [Genius] traits, once I acquire the Moonlight Sword and master the third super-form [Moon Split], I will be able to break this water prison.

From the start, I planned for this and chose to be trapped here.

Even knowing the odds were very low, I had no doubt that this was the best.

Luna also said to me

— Get into position and get ready. I will explain assuming you already have everything needed.

— Then let’s begin. [Moonlight Sword]. I’ll explain the basics of my sword, so listen carefully. You only have one chance.

Luna decided to trust me.

Why, I can’t really say.

Was it because I saved her?

I doubt that the leader of a criminal organization like Luna would be swayed by something like that, so this is completely dismissed

Then, was it because I saved Marin in the past?

There’s a bit more possibility there.

But it’s still hard to call it a clear answer.


It’s because of my usefulness.

That’s the most likely answer

I’m the youngest of the Reinhaver family, born with the best talent and a powerful family.

Is that all?

Swordsmanship is given, I even show prominence in magic. I am doing considerably well as a spy too. In various ways, isn’t this all the reason why she keeps me?

Three reasons.

If I ask whether these are enough reasons for Luna to pass on the only thing her master left her, the Moonlight Sword, to me, I can’t say for sure, but . .

I quickly take out the Dragon Language Scroll from my inventory and tear it open.

This is a situation where I need to save even a little time

Then, I begin to activate the ancient dragon language that has long been forgotten.

‘Every lost dragon language in the past had an activation spell. It was designed so that the artifact absolutely wouldn’t operate without reciting it.’

‘Of course, I’ve memorized the activation spell precisely.’

“rheodmldhkdrnr…dlalwotejalrkehoqjflswodkdrmthrrhrhglEjdhfmsms wlstlfdmf dbdlfgks wlstlfdmf.”

A muffled voice echoes inside the water.

But contrary to that, the strange-sounding words linger clearly in my ears.

[The Hidden Piece is activated.]

[Using the artifact ‘Ancient Dragon Language Scroll.’]

[Upgrade assigned ‘Swordsmanship’ or ‘Magic’ class by one level]

[Please assign the relevant skill]

“I assign [Upper Intermediate Dark family Swordsmanship].”

I reply firmly.

Then as if the system responded to me, something beyond recognition, new knowledge began to fill my mind and sword

[You have successfully used the scroll!]

[Upper Intermediate Dark family Swordsmanship’ has been upgraded to ‘Advanced Dark family Swordsmanship’. Upgraded by 1 level!]

The reason I used the scroll to upgrade my upper intermediate swordsmanship to advanced level was simple.

Moonlight Sword.

To learn this absurd legendary sword, a few prerequisites were necessary.

One of them is precisely

[having at least one swordsmanship skill at advanced level]

Since the highest level of swordsmanship I had was Upper intermediate of [Dark family Swordsmanship], I used the ‘Ancient Dragon Language Scroll’ to meet that minimum requirement.

‘Not only that, I had to master Southern Chaders Swordsmanship too. Characteristic of Moonlight sword is it requires a slashing technique suitable for its name which is to split the moon. This is especially more crucial for using the third super-form.’

Memories of following the best sword build to learn the best sword started coming back to me. Back then, the sword I was trying to master was the Moonlight Sword.

I never imagined I’d get it this early, and in such an unexpected way.

But as expected, this is a surprise element of Inner Lunatic

No, the problem is that I can say this is the reality I’am facing right now?

I set aside my thoughts for a moment, quickly gathering magic throughout my body, gradually changing its form.


It passed through its main element, darkness, and soon became a faintly shimmering white form.

This was absorbed into my body, then infused into Stormbringer, making it hum softly.

As expected, the element [Moonlight] doesn’t suit the sword of the Dark Family’s head.

What I just created was a special element called [Moonlight].

It’s one of the basics necessary to master Luna’s sword.

To get here, I had to put in a lot of effort to become skilled at manipulating magic.

’[Mana Substitution]. Transform the dark element into moonlight.’

Because I had thoroughly prepared to learn the Moonlight Sword, I had no trouble even in this urgent situation.

[Let’s begin.]

[First, you need to stabilize your body as much as possible by surrounding it with magic since you won’t be able to breathe. Then, infuse your sword with your sword energy.]


‘I knew that asking something like “How do I surround my sword with energy?” would be pointless at this moment.’

I just had to do it.

Even though I hadn’t learned it yet, that didn’t matter.

I had to figure it out instinctively somehow.

How did Luna and Theo do it?

Their breathing and sword techniques were different.

But there is one thing in common between these two powerhouses.

‘Both of them synchronized their breathing with their sword. Even if it was just for a moment, every time that moment came their breathing and swordsmanship’s timing were perfectly aligned, therefore their sword didn’t waver’

[The player’s mental strength is being pushed to its limits!]

[You’ve entered a state of trance.]

I ignored all the system messages.

The only thing I heard was Luna’s voice, while giving instructions, cutting through the chimera without any sign of being out of breath

Following Luna’s instructions, I felt my body become stable, and despite still being out of breath, a sense of calm began to settle in my heart.

Luna continued,

[Find the most comfortable position for mana breathing. Then… think of your worst moment. Helplessness, pressure, pain… anything. Just remember the saddest and most miserable moment of your life.]

The leader of Lunatic,

Luna’s sword is not just strong

When I first joined Lunatic.

why did I have to go through a test to resist the [Madness] status effect?

The reason was clear.

It was because of the nature of the leader’s sword that I had to experience up close.

The [Moonlight Sword] of Lunatic’s leader is a kind of swordsmanship that gradually devours player’s consciousness, a form of ‘madness’ itself.

That’s why it’s several times harder to master.

The biggest problem with this swordsmanship is that it affects those around.

Because of this, Luna chose comrades who could withstand her sword’s influence. If someone had the mental strength to endure that, they wouldn’t die easily either.

Luna had no other choice.

So, we need to think a bit differently here.

It’s not just about enduring, but what’s required to actually master the Moonlight Sword?

‘It requires far greater mental strength and resistance.’

That’s why Luna said to me.

To remember despair.

She was indirectly saying that in order to master the Moonlight Sword, I had to be able to hold the sword while recalling the most helpless moment of my life.

In this fleeting moment, I realized all of this.

I think it’s not because I was a veteran in this game

Desperateness, suffering.

I’ve reflected countless times on my weaknesses.

I truly believe I’m ready to move forward.

[Think about it when your despair reaches its limit. Even if you can’t shine on your own, tell yourself that there’s still something you can do. Don’t be consumed by helplessness. Shout it out with all your heart]

Luna said to me, her voice even contains eagerness.

I no longer even heard the sound of flesh being sliced.

Just as Luna told me, I recalled the most difficult.

The most painful moments of my life.

Was it when the doctor first told me I had a terminal illness?

Or was it when I first got possessed inside Inner Lunatic?

Or was it when I realized, deep down, that I could only save the people I chose?

When was it, exactly, that I felt the most pain and tormented?

‘Now I think I realized it’

I finally understood.

The most painful moment was when I deeply felt that I couldn’t shine on my own, when I realized that all I could do was hold in the light.

At that moment, a voice in my head made me smile.

[Player’s trait ‘Genius of Swordsmanship and Combat’ rapidly increases player’s understanding of the Moonlight Sword.]

[You have successfully acquired ‘Beginner Moonlight Sword.’]

Luna also took a deep breath and continued.

[There’s still one more step. The third super-form, ‘Moon Split.’ The way to master it is…]

[No, I think it will be fine even if you didn’t explain it]


I said calmly, placing my hand on my sword hilt.

Next, inside of red blood water

My body, trapped in the water prison, stopped screaming.

[Activating the skill ‘Genius’s Time+.’]

The entire view was painted red by the swirling currents of blood.

But I didn’t care.

I can do this.

‘No, I have to.’

Nox von Reinhaver.

Even though this isn’t my own skill or talent, I know that I can improve alongside him.

Because I know this, I crave more.

It’s not just about seeing the end of my story.

The end of this story.

I will focus to my limit, to reach the end of the second part of Inner Lunatic, which has yet to be updated.

Then I visualize it.

With the first breath, the water that sprays up as it bursts,

With the second breath, the red current which became crimson,

With the third breath, I gaze at Grand Duke Jagan beyond the prison water

I found it.

With a faint smile, I let white light pour into my hand holding the sword.

And within no more than a few seconds.

“I can see it now. The core of transmutation circle”

In the middle of the raging current, I witness the geometric patterns and formulas I have to cut.

There’s no delay.

I put my strength, and cut it through perfectly.

[Moon Split]—-

Luna’s beautiful sounds, like a jade bead rolling. It’s impossible for me to recreate it as of now, but that doesn’t matter

Right now, this fleeting moment is.

Set my stalled present in motion.


With a rough noise, my sword splits the prison of blood in half, and red blood begins to pour down from the sky.

Alongside sword’s whooshing sound, I precisely cleave the water prison in half.

At the same time,

Luna, watching me fall, began charging toward Zagan.

[This… This can’t be! It was supposed to be an unbreakable barrier…]

Jagan’s panicked voice reaches me.

But he cannot afford to be like that

“Regret that you’re messing with a member of Lunatic, Jagan”

Even though she’s still the weakest, you shouldn’t take your eyes off in front of one of the three sword emperors.

Luna’s sword, glimmering in the moonlight, rushes toward Zagan.

A fountain of blood erupts as both of his arms and the newly grown horns, are cleanly severed.

Luna doesn’t stop, and the moment she is about to rush once more to finish him off, I quietly stop her as I arrive at her side.

[Light Step]. A technique that Vernon taught me a few days ago.

Using the first step [Flash], I instantly close the distance to Jagan, even nullifying the instability of my landing.

No matter how I think it, this is an astonishing talent.

even though it’s Nox’s talent. it has become mine now.

And it makes me survive in this moment.

A proud, yet natural, voice escapes my lips.

“I am sorry, Captain, but that bastard is mine.”

At that moment, I see a rare smile on Luna’s lips as she withdraws her sword.

For just a fleeting moment, as the beautiful time created by [Genius’s Time+] hasn’t faded yet, I raise my sword.

Then, once again,

I prepare myself with the same intensity that shattered the water prison.

And as the sword extends forward, I take a breath.

Third super-form of Moonlight Sword.

[Moon Split]


The purple skin, covered in evil eyes [yogan], spewed out black liquid.

[This… No…!! Damn it, the Archduke… Baal will punish you all…!!]

“Tell him to come at me whenever he wants. Just don’t keep hiding behind others.”

I spat out the words I’d been holding back along with a mouthful of blood.

The blood splashed onto the ground, and along with it, I heard the familiar and anticipated system notification in my ear.

[You have defeated one of the 72 demons, Grand Duke Jagan!]

[You have gained 150 days of life!]

[Your remaining lifespan is…]

Without listening to the rest of the message, I collapsed.

My fading consciousness caught on the moonlight.

Now bathed in pure, white moonlight, free of the red hue,

I looked at the moonlight that filled my vision and smiled for a moment.

It really is a fun game.

Even as I collapsed, I couldn’t help but think that.

Of course, I had no idea that my units were seeing some of this scene as wel

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