Terminally-Ill Genius Dark Knight

Chapter 144

Chapter 144 – – Phase 2 [2]


In Inner Lunatic, Alchemy is portrayed quite distinct compared to typical fantasy stories

First, it’s able to coexist with Magic

Second, it’s also more than just potion-making

Third, sometimes its destructive power can be even stronger than Magic or Sword

Most people will find it hard to comprehend.

How is such a thing possible?

Anyway, Alchemy is a study that uses artifacts that possess a medium or transmitter as its foundation. It’s said to create something out of nothing

Only half of these words are correct.

Why ?

‘Even if you call it magic, it’s not much different from Alchemy. In fact, they are almost alike. It would be correct to say only the processes are different’

Magic is also a study that manifests a form through a medium called Mana


In other words, you can tell it apart by just seeing that the power and intensity change depending on whether it goes through a transmitter or not.

Only inherent talent separates between Alchemy and Magic. Or it can be explained by absolute differences in the amount of mana they use

For instance, since magic utilizes mana in physical abilities and the atmosphere, you can pretty much pull it out anytime and anywhere without a hitch

In return, its downside is that the strength isn’t all that strong.

But still, the ease of use overcomes its weakness. A sword technique that relies on mana and magic spreads across the entire region after all

From perspective it can grow with just sense and repetition, its difficulty level isn’t easy to compare which is even more so

But, Alchemist is different

You’ve got to have plenty of energy along with various materials and mediums, including times. Only when everything’s gathered, Alchemy can demonstrate its results properly

There if we’re citing in terms of academics, it demands at least a deep knowledge equal to a doctor’s

For instance, how can we get alchemy to match Jagan’s extraordinary level right now ?

It’s going to take at least tens of thousands of hours

‘It’s all possible because Jagan is a demon famous for his Alchemist. But he didn’t reach this level in the game, how the heck did this bastard manage to level up to this extent ?’

Transmutation circle is an advanced level in Alchemy, and it seems it had gone through ‘amplification’ which is mostly covered in the latter half of the game.

Detonating manifested mana in an instant, that’s precisely what ‘amplification’ is in Alchemy

“Surprised? You lowly humans !”

Jagan blurted out and continued

Before I knew it, his purple skin and both horns had fully healed

As expected, that annoying demonic regeneration is still intact

“You must have thought you’d win for sure! But I also heard the recent rumors about Archduke Paimon’s death. He wasn’t someone who would die at the hands of mere humans! Do you really think I wouldn’t have prepared for this situation? Hahahahaha !”

So that’s how it was.

Now everything makes sense.

Archduke Paimon

He wasn’t supposed to die in Chapter 1, he is a character that will be revived in the latter half, regain his full strength, and emerge as an even greater calamity

This is only natural

Noah was weakened and Luna who had just become a sword emperor weren’t capable of stopping him.

However, the butterfly effect happened.

It’s exactly because I, Nox von Reinhaver ended up killing him.

Jagan became more cautious, and to protect himself he was prepared for the situation like we’re in now

‘But that doesn’t mean I couldn’t stop it’

What if I had stopped there?

I really would’ve ended up seeing a bad ending


Water erupts into the air.

Countless streams of water rise from the collapsed buildings and cracked ground, it’s abnormal. It just keeps spreading, easily exceeding hundreds of tons

While the streams gather in Jagan’s hand, it’s gradually increasing its force

I would’ve been overwhelmed by this sight without even being aware of it if he wasn’t an enemy

My heart pounded like crazy at the sheer amount of mana

But I couldn’t help but wonder how Jagan possessed such immense power like that

After all, a study named Alchemy requires a sacrifice to complete it.

The concept of equivalent exchanges exists for a reason

You can only exchange things that have equal worth with the things you pay

‘However, the mana that guy is using is way beyond no matter how I see it. I need to find out what he sacrificed to stop him’

The moment I made my judgment, it happened


“Wh, what is this ?”

“Damn it! What the hell is happening?! All blood .. on my body is .. completely . .”

The nobles who had been standing on the transmutation circle Jagan had set up earlier, not only nobles, along with many more slaves who couldn’t escape, started to have their life force and blood slowly drained by the ominous red glow of the transmutation circle

As their blood were sucked out by magical reaction, the victims’s bodies shriveled

What surged up next was a massive prison created from a blend of blood and water

While creating a whirlpool, soon becoming a single sphere. Literally, the prison of water began to expand its scale

I am quite familiar with it

This was part of alchemy and magic that emerged later on

‘That’s … a restraining form of alchemy. No one can stop it here’

While looking at the alchemy unfolding before me. I began to calmly collect my thoughts more than ever

The prison is floating above Jagan’s hand.

That’s not an ordinary sphere.

It’s actually an antlion trap that doesn’t stop even after the caster dies, and it wouldn’t vanish until the target is dead.

‘The problem is figuring out how to break that skill’

I thought so

While ruminating over one of the latter half episodes where this water prison is used, I was troubled over how to solve this

First, the water prison.

It’ll keep expanding until it kills everyone in this place.

There’s only one situation where this skill force weakening

Exactly when someone trapped inside

‘But that’s..’

My eyes turn cold

There’s a straightforward way for players to clear this.

And that is precisely . .

the death of a comrade

After forcing one of your comrades to sacrifice themself, you head into the boss raid to wrap this up.

If you do it like that, this water prison’s expansion will halt,

and boss fight will be much easier


Of course it’s not easy to kill a character you had developed with affection.

Some might ask

is there another way ?

However I’d like to tell them this

At least in the 27 times I’ve played this game, no one has ever escaped this water prison without at least sacrificing one person.

This time likely wouldn’t be different as well

But I had to stay calm

I quickly ran through calculations in my head, and began to explore that opening

There might be one way . .

There might be one path that even I, a veteran player haven’t discovered yet.

If not, there is no other way except to create one in this place

‘I have to do this’

Since it wasn’t too different from magic, it wasn’t that impossible. The talent I grant to Nox von Reinhaver can even break through this situation

A talent to immediately understand what technique the opponent uses at first glance.

‘Whether I can stop it is another matter though’

‘I can’t afford to make a mistake here’

“We shouldn’t let him go wild”

Luma seemed to think the same


Jagan didn’t stop there.

To prevent others from interfering, he released the monsters and chimeras from the underground lab, and began to burn his surroundings.

While demonstrating his alchemy to the extreme, he breaks a huge dam and the water tanks that were prepared in advance and creates a massive sphere of mana.

The water prison gradually expands its force.


Luna and I stood back to back, in the darkness where the white moon shattering. We each began to cut through the darkness before our eyes

The dying beasts, chimeras. But that number seems endless

“…. You get out of here, newcomer”

Luna said

It seemed she had realized just how dangerous the situation was.

I hesitated for a moment.

What would happen if I lost a comrade named Luna, the leader of Lunatic ?

Jagan probably will target her with his water prison

If so, then she without a doubt will die

But even If I end up in such situation, I wouldn’t be able to stop Jagan

To deal with all these chimeras around us and still pull that off, I’d have to at least get through the middle part of Inner Lunatic.

I thought to myself.

What is the value of Luna, the leader of Lunatic ?

‘She’s strong, of course, but her efficiency definitely falls short.’

It’s an extremely logical judgment, but it’s not wrong

Compared to other characters I’ve personally raised, Luna is harder to control, and her importance is relatively lower.

Besides, I can’t even tell if she’s my ally or enemy at this point.

Also, in this situation, unless a miracle happens, it’ll be tough for us to kill that demon bastard.

Jagan is strong.

Luna is strong too, but today the opponent already honed his blade in advance


Even so, I shook my head

“No. I am not leaving”

why, though?

As I said that, I looked ahead.

Not to the side, not behind. Just forward

Luna chucked helplessly

“I knew you’d say that, but you really don’t care about your life, do you? You know you’re disobeying a leader’s orders right now, right?”

“That just makes it even more impossible for me to leave, not before we get rid of that trash.”

Cooly sharpened Luna’s [Cold Moon]

And, My Stormbringer that shows its fang

The chill and the damp sweat I felt between our backs were all tangled up together

Next, I can see my comrades in the distance


“Noble Sir! What in the world is going on?!”

“Young master!”

Talia and Paracelsus. Next, I could hear Zitri’s voice

Suddenly their faces came before my eyes.

As expected, these units are as capable as they look, If raise them properly, they’ll bring many victories in future battles.

But not now, not in this battle.

What’s the chance of them winning against Jagan that already getting stronger ?

Close to zero

I understand

In this worst-case scenario caused by an unexpected variable, In the end, we can only go forward and stop the flow with another variable

“You all wait there”

“But you…!”

“Of course, I’m not telling you to just sit still. Do what you can. And…”

I gritted my teeth.

I didn’t play the game complacently, but If only I had done a bit better


The situation might’ve been better.

Even the blood spraying from the beasts in front of me gets sucked into that massive water prison. The purpose of the spell is crystal clear.

To trap someone.

And I knew.

In this situation, where countless chimeras are swarming, can I really take them all down? Even if I use Genius’s time, can I really do it?

No, I can’t.

Huu . . Along with a low sigh, my white hair, matted with blood, gradually absorbed the colors around it.

Turning quite red and stiff

But I act as if it doesn’t bother me at all and say

“Watch closely. Clearly engrave it in your minds. Because one day, I’ll need you. No one else but you all.”

Luna’s eyes narrowed, and then the water prison quickly rushed towards her.

Luna belatedly took a stance with her legs, but it was already too late.

In that fleeting moment, as it always is in battle,

the outcome is decided

“Please stay back.”

After saying that, I pushed Luna away.


A dazed voice echoed in my ears. Naturally, it was Luna’s.

But there was nothing else I could do.

I just looked at Luna,

Imagining the worst possible outcome later

“Let’s just consider this a pass for disobeying orders.”


Boom, boom, boom!

The massive water prison instantly expanded and swallowed me whole.

Along with paint as if my breath stopped, the world flipped upside down

That’s right.

I was trapped in a water prison, unable to even breathe.

In that place where no words or shouts could be heard, I made my first sacrifice since arriving in this world.

It’s foolish. It’s stupid.

Even though I repeated that to myself over and over, I couldn’t help but chuckle.

Am I devastated? No

There is still one method for me

It was just something I thought of a moment ago, an improvised plan.

But it was the only option I could think of.

Of course, whether it would work or not wasn’t up to me.

Along with that, like a filament that couldn’t withstand the heat and burned out, my consciousness briefly flickered and faded.


I thought I heard Luna’s voice faintly echo in my ears.

But it must’ve been my imagination.

Luna, the Luna I know, doesn’t make a voice like that.

At least, the Luna in the game was aloof and beautiful, admired by everyone.

Her refined figure and capabilities when cutting her enemies in an instant without wavering were just natural, she even held the title of the youngest Sword Emperor.

A main character from Myth who lacked nothing.

So, I must’ve imagined it.

Feeling Luna’s voice tremble,

It was just my desperate wish . .

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