Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 692

692 I’m A Woman

“You bastard! What were you expecting?! That I would hold your hands and shake them for a job well done after what you did to Arianna?!” Mimi unleashed her fury on Elijah, holding onto his scalp as revenge.

“Hey, Mimi calm down!” Elijah could have easily defeated Mimi, but then she was a woman and he was the guilty party here. And she was holding onto his hair too tightly that he could lose a whole lot more if he retaliated.

“Calm down! Did you just tell me to calm down?” Mimi was enraged because never in history has anyone told to calm down did calm down.

She pulled Elijah’s hair further and Natalie, unable to stand the sour sight anymore said to the guards,

“Get rid of her. ”

“No, don’t touch her,” Elijah pleaded on her behalf even though he was the one being maltreated and was actually in pain. Well, he did deserve it.

The guards looked at Natalie, conflicted about whose order to follow.

“I said take her away from here, now!” She commanded them with much authority and they had no choice but to obey. She was Eric’s woman and an important member of the family. Hence, her authority was stronger.

Her daughter has poor judgment in making friends, Natalie was able to figure out that Mimi had an affiliation with the Luciano family and didn’t like it. She wouldn’t want anyone coming to corrupt or change her daughter’s mind now that she’s beginning to move on.


“Hey, don’t think of it!” Mimi used Elijah’s body as defense, “Don’t you dare lay a hand on me, or else I would end his life.”

Mimi was not capable of that, but they don’t know that at all except Elijah who didn’t panic at the threat – and perhaps Arianna’s mother who disabled her in one move.

With that chance, Mimi began to scream, looking upstairs, “Arianna! Come out! It’s me, Mimi! Come out now!”

“Take her now!” Natalie hastened the guards having seen what the girl was up to. She added, “Or I’ll do it myself.”

Both men came at her and Mimi could only do so much. They got a hold of her on both arms, lifting her off her feet, and were ready to kick her out of the property when Arianna in question stepped down, asking loudly,

“What is going on here?”

Then guards stopped, letting go of Mimi who turned and saw her best friend, tears slipping down her chest.

“Arianna darling,” Natalie was the first to go over to her after she climbed down the stairs and met them in the foyer. She tried to reach for her daughter but Arianna stopped her short with a question.

“What is going on here, is what I asked,” Arianna’s tone was firm and unyielding.

“That woman trespassed into our property and we don’t know how. Until we can figure out how she was able to sneak in here without any of the guards noticing her, I suggest that she goes -”

“That woman is my best friend and she’s not going anywhere,” Arianna was determined. She stood at the same level as her mother and they were both staring each other in the eyes.

“Not unless you want me to leave and I’ll do it. God helps anybody that tries to stop me,” Arianna spat and the two stared each other down until Natalie lowered her gaze and turned to the guards.

“She’s a guest and needs to be treated with the utmost respect,” She commanded them before turning to her daughter, “If she is your friend. I need to know about her as well. Have her settled down in the living room.” In one word, her mother was curious to know what they were going to be talking about. She doesn’t trust Mimi.

Arianna didn’t argue with that. She had nothing to hide anyway. If anything, she was merely happy that she had someone whom she could talk to who understands her.

As usual, Arianna barely acknowledged Elijah whose hair looked like a bird’s nest all thanks to Mimi. She took Mimi’s hand in hers and led her to the living room.

However, on their way, she quickly whispered to her jet friend, “No matter what you discuss today, don’t bring up Marcel or the fact you’re affiliated with any member of the Luciano family. Of course, do not mention that you’re having Victor’s baby as well because my mother is anti-Luciano. She hates Daniel and anyone related to him intensely. She thinks that they are all as dark as him and that nothing good can be found in them. ”

“That’s bullshit!” Mimi could not believe her. She can’t just stereotype the whole family all because of one person’s sin.

“You have no idea,” Arianna sighed heavily, “Natalie might think that you’re a spy while I think you’re my ticket to getting the hell out of here.”

“That’s interesting,” Mimi said as they finally came into the living room and sat down while looking out for when Natalie comes in.

“I thought that you would be ecstatic in spending time with your mother?” She asked out of mere curiosity.

“This is not what I asked for, Mimi. No, I never asked for anything. It was much better when I thought that my mother was dead, at least I didn’t have expectations.”

She went on, “Moreover, I’ve tried to understand her. Her anger towards Daniel is justified, however, it’s becoming a burden to me. Marcel is not Daniel and he can never be his father. If my mother can’t understand that, I would have to take matters into my hands. It’s high time I stopped being miserable and controlled my fate. My mother wants her baby girl, unfortunately, I’m a woman. I’ve grown past her control. ”

“The decision is up to you. However, that woman is coming in her direction,” Mimi said in a sing-song, reminding her that her mother was headed their way.

Even words being said, both girls composed themselves as if they shared a telepathic communication and faced Natalie.

It was time to play nice.

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