Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 661

661 I Hope We Never See Again

The trip was eerily silent except that once in a while, Daniel would start up a conversation with her, but when she doesn’t respond, he keeps quiet in the end. So most of the journey was silent except that Natalie was hyper-aware of Daniel’s hands on hers.

He took her hand in his and would not let go since the journey began, making it harder for her to think of an escape plan. If Daniel dared to lean closer, he could hear the sound of her heart pounding in her chest. Yes, she was as nervous as hell.

Natalie started a mental countdown, it was the only way for her not to break down and panic knowing that all of her plans had gone awry. Her gaze landed on the bulge behind Daniel’s waistband knowing that was where he kept his guns – habits were hard to break. If only she could get her hands on that weapon, then it would be game over.

Before Daniel could catch her gaze, she looked away, acting natural. All she needed now was a sign from heaven to get this over with. Natalie was stuck in between Daniel and his second in command. This was to make sure that she doesn’t escape. But today, she was done being babysitted because the sign from heaven came.

The instant the car came to a halt, Natalie acted in the twinkle of an eye. With the element of surprise on her side, Natalie slipped out the knife hidden on her thighs and stabbed his second in command at the same time, she elbowed Daniel and snatched the gun from his waistband.

Daniel had never taught her a single defensive move since the day he captured her. Unfortunately, he forgot that she was a brilliant lady and he should have known better than to let her watch his men practice every day. Some moves didn’t need teaching, she simply picked them up.

None of them had seen her coming, Natalie fired at Daniel but it caught him in the arms and he managed to escape out of the car before she could really murder him. Natalie on the other hand opened the car on the other end and pushed his second-in-command out of the way, not caring whether he died or not.

He was the one always bullying her and calling her Daniel’s slut and payback was a bitch. Ever since that night Natalie first took a life, killing came naturally to her. She guess it was true when they said once you took a life, it chips away at the soul.

Natalie couldn’t recognize herself anymore. She was once a sweet harmless dove who would never take a life but rather save it, to a cold-blooded mother who would do everything to escape this monster and avenge her loved ones.


Unfortunately, Daniel didn’t come alone, because as soon as she made it out of the car, a bullet whizzed past her, narrowly missing her by mere inches.

“Don’t shoot! You’re going to kill her! Don’t fucking shoot! I need her alive, idiots!” She could hear Daniel command his men from the other side of the car.

Well, it was to her benefit!

As soon as they ceased fire, Natalie darted out of the hiding position and started to run. It was time to get out of here. It was late at night and they were at a seaport. If only there was a ship loading right now, it would be a miracle. Unfortunately, there was none and there should be security here... Unless Daniel paid them off. Annoying Mafia scum!

Natalie planned to hide the night away if she couldn’t escape since the seaport was large with the night providing enough cover. Unfortunately, Daniel and his men were like bed bugs that wouldn’t die that easily and they eventually caught up to her.

It was a dead end.

Natalie was on the deck of the ship and she was surrounded. Daniel must have called for reinforcement to have cut her off this easily. But then, she wouldn’t give up without a fight.

“Don’t come any closer!” Natalie threatened them with the gun when she felt them boxing her in.

They stepped back at once before Daniel ordered them, “Don’t take another step, I’ll handle her.” He would not let them harm his precious woman.

Daniel took a step and she faced him, saying through gritted teeth, “Don’t dare me, Daniel, or do you think that I can’t kill you?”

He smiled, “That’s my gun, and I know how many rounds there are in there. You have just one bullet left, Natalie, are you going to waste it on me?”

There was a furrow on Natalie’s face, what could she do with one bullet? The cards are stacked against her because even if she killed Daniel – that is if she really did – Natalie could not escape his men. They would kill her and he knew that.

He took another step closer while Natalie took one back. She doesn’t trust him or what he would do.

Daniel stretched his hand towards her, “Just give me the gun, Natalie and I’ll forgive you. It’s not worth it anyway. We are going to start all over, again, Natalie. Don’t you want that?”

“Never!” She yelled at him. “I’m so sick and tired of this that all I want is to end this cursed fate between the both of us,” Tears spilled down her eyes, having made up her mind already. So this was how it all ended, anyway.

“I hope I never see you in my next life!” Natalie swore.

“What?” Daniel didn’t understand what she was talking about until she pressed the gun to her stomach and it clicked in his head.

“No!” Daniel shouted, but it was too late.

Natalie pulled the trigger and shot herself in the stomach, the momentum made her lose her bearing and she fell right into the dark waters, missing Daniel’s hands by mere inches.

“No!” Daniel wanted to go after her, but his men got a hand on him and wouldn’t let him go after her. It was too dark and they couldn’t afford to lose him too. Daniel was their leader.

All that surrounded Natalie was darkness and she gave in to it.

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