Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 638

638 All Clear

“I’m done, boss,” The make-up artist said, stepping away as Marcel finally opened his eyes and stared at the large wall mirror right in front of him.

Wonderful was the first word that came to his mind when he stared at his reflection in the mirror. It wasn’t him, yet at the same time, it was him. The mask was so hyper-realistic that not even Arianna could recognize him without being told that it was him.

Marcel felt invincible, protected. He was hiding under layers of skin that no one could predict that it was him. He couldn’t help but wonder if that was the same way Elijah felt. Because his identity was protected, did he feel so powerful enough that he thought he was invincible and could do whatever he wanted without the fear of being caught, because it sure felt like one.

Hiding beneath this mask gave some sort of power that Marcel too was tempted to use. However, that was the huge difference between him and Elijah. While the asshole was too cowardly to show his face and own up to his actions, Marcel was not ashamed of his identity, nor would he run like a coward. Once this was over, he was getting rid of this mask. It was not like him.

The figure sleeping by the side drew his attention and he found out that it was no other than Nahid himself. The artist must have brought him here to proof check his work and looking at him now, there was no difference between the both of them facially. The artist did quite a great work – if only Marcel knew that Elijah does his makeup by himself.

However, based on statute and body weight, Marcel was taller and while Nahid was lean, Marcel was ripped and bulkier. But then, no one should bother him much since he was merely an art curator and many much more important personalities should be at the party. Nahid had been away for a year and must have gained weight by then, that was the story. Marcel knew the person he should avoid at all costs was Reina who knows him to an extent.

“Keep him safe,” Marcel spoke only to be startled at how his voice turned out, only to remember that he was wearing Winter’s voice alterer beneath his clothes. In one word, anything he says would sound like Nahid as far as he wore the device around his neck, which he did.

Marcel had substituted his typical white button-up for a turtle neck to up his style game and as well hide the device. That means no dancing for him since any woman can feel the device around his neck, not that he intended to dance with any woman except the need comes up. Arianna would surely interrogate him once this was over and he still needed his balls to function after this.

In one word, Marcel looked super dapper in his black turtleneck and camel-colored cross-hatched suit while also being incredibly cozy and comfortable. He didn’t have to wear a tie that he would tug at relentlessly throughout the night, nor does he have to tuck in his shirt which also means not having to wear a belt.


In one word, whether in a mask or not, Marcel looked simple yet classic and elegant, he pulled off the turtleneck exquisitely. There was just this air around that people couldn’t resist and hopefully, all of the women tonight leaves him alone.

“Make sure no harm comes to him,” Marcel told the guard he had kept in charge of Nahid and at the same time, testing the device. Once he was done with his role-playing tonight and got what he wanted, he would return safely to his family.

He then left the property and entered the car where the old man was waiting for him, “Let’s go, Fetus,” Marcel said and they entered the car and left.

Fetus was one of the oldest members in the gang, having served his grandfather when he was quite a young boy, and has been royal to every chosen don since then. Although he has retired, the man likes to get into action every and now.

And do not estimate the man because of his age, he was a badass driver when it comes to getaways – whenever he’s in the mood. Marcel just hopes he was right in entrusting his life in his hands. He heard the man has problems with his eyesight.

However, that was the reason why Marcel was nervous. He had gotten feedback from Winters who had arrived at the party before him to assume her role of babysitter. She has confirmed that his sister was at the party and even sent a photo of her as proof.

Marcel couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw the photo. It was just months since he laid his eyes on her but his baby sister had grown quite tall, she was almost a woman now. It was all his fault and he would make it up to her when he gets her back.

That was another reason why Marcel couldn’t fuck this mission up, this was his one chance to get his sister back without meeting face-to-face with Sakuzi and Niklaus. By the time they would realize what was going on, he would be gone with his sister and there was nothing they could do.

“Do not make any move, Winters. Leave her to me.” Marcel had instructed her. He was the only one that could Chloe to return home with him and any other attempt from other people might complicate things.

It took Marcel an hour to arrive at the venue and he took a deep breath once they came at the gate where Sakuzi’s men stood guard.

“Invitation?” One ordered and Fetus handed the card over to him while the others checked him and his car.

Marcel stayed calm and did not show any sign of nervousness and a minute later, he heard,

“All clear,”

They let them pass through.

Marcel released the breath he had been holding in. They were in.

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