Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 428

428 Her Warrior Lord

Arianna and Marcel lay in bed together exhausted after their “activity” in the bathroom. Marcel had proven over and over again his sexual prowess and she was too tired to find out more of what he had in store for her. So she snuggled up to his side, running her hand through his hair while he enjoyed the soothing sensation.

Marcel had to admit that Arianna provided the kind of peace he longed for and wouldn’t mind returning to for the rest of her life. He was just afraid that... no, he wouldn’t go there. He would enjoy this moment between them as much as he can and as long as it lasts. The future Marcel would worry about his future problems.

“So, are you going to tell me what happened to you now?” She urged him, her hand brushing across that wound on his face.

“Gang war,” It was the same as the information he provided earlier.

“I need more information,” She said to him, their gaze meeting.

Marcel sighed, “You’re not going to like it.”

“I’m dating a criminal overload, I wasn’t expecting roses and rainbows,” Arianna retorted firmly, letting him know that she didn’t view this world in just black and white, nor was she holier than thou. Just months ago, she was treating criminals like him in Ruth’s illegal clinic. Arianna wasn’t that innocent and she didn’t even know what she was capable of when pushed to the wall.

“It’s a struggle for territory,” He gave up withholding information from her, “As you know my family runs a part of this city, with each criminal family taking firm hold of different regions. But even as the top shark, we still get challenges and that’s what I do, answer them. We protect our territory, hence the gang war and rivalry. ”

“In one word, you go out and fight them?”


“Yes,” Marcel answered as if it wasn’t a big deal, however, Arianna looked at him as if he had grown two heads and that made him feel funny.

“What?” He asked, unable to understand the look on her face.

“It’s just that...” Arianna licked her lower lips, a gesture Marcel was quick to notice yet chided himself to behave. They had enough rounds already in the bathroom and he should be satiated, but the bastard down there thought otherwise.

“You have enough men, I just thought that you give the order and they fight the war.” She shrugged.

Then Marcel shifted on his side, his head propped up on his arms as he asked, “Then where’s the honor?”

“Huh?” She blinked at him, unable to come up with a response.

“My men respect me because I provide and protect them. I’m the king of my kingdom, and no brave king sends his soldiers to war without leading them. Moreover, I’m a Luciano, we don’t run from a war, rather we stare death in the face and fight for our honor, our place,” He said with a ferocity that told Arianna that this man was willing to die for his family, for his clan. He was brave, fierce, and loyal.

This wasn’t what she signed up for, however, this was Marcel’s life, all he ever knew and all he would ever know and there’s no changing that. Hence, she didn’t bother preaching to him about pursuing other prospects in life that didn’t involve bloodshed and violence just because she was afraid of losing him. This is who Marcelo Xavier Luciano is and she couldn’t change him into someone he isn’t.

Moreover, Marcel was much safer as the Mafia Lord compared to when he stepped down because his enemies would be upon him like sharks in the ocean. Aside from the enemies from the outside, the then Mafia Lord would never be comfortable with Marcel’s presence and would view him as a potential threat – what if he decides to claim his power.

Hence, he would surely find ways to get rid of him, and consolidate his position. That was why all Mafia dons had to be careful when choosing an heir and most preferred their blood on the seat of power. Because even as crazy as Daniel was, Marcel didn’t have the heart to take his father’s life.

“Fine,” Arianna drew closer to him, burying her nose in the crook of his neck, relieving the heat from his body and breathing in his musky scent, “Do whatever you want, but just be careful, my warrior lord,” She spoke against his cousin sending a thrill through his body.

Marcel didn’t know which one affected him most, the heat of her mouth upon his skin or the fact she called him her warrior lord? One thing was for sure though, his head was swelling with pride. Maybe, he should reward her a little.

And as he thought, his hand was caressing her flat stomach, rubbing circles that made her breath hitch and her breathing changed, turned on by his gesture. His hand traveled down to her waistband planning to slip his hand into her moist heat when a banging came on their door and they broke apart at once.

“I know you both are there! Stop fooling around and join us at the party at once! The party’s waiting for no one and no rain check to go frolic like rabbits,” Mimi thundered from the outside and Arianna relaxed into the bed. This friend of hers does have bad timing.

However, to avoid incurring Mimi’s great anger, Arianna broke away from Marcel’s arm and bed to go and change. Mimi was gone by the time she went out, but she knew her friend, the annoying girl, would be back to cause havoc worse than the first.

Arianna dressed in a sexy backless red dress, brighter than the color of her previous hair since the hair dye hadn’t come off yet and she was left as a brunette. The hem of the dress stopped at her toned thighs while she put on stiletto heels, adding more height to her already tall structure. In one word, Arianna was party ready and had transformed from the redhead next door to a provocative model on a red carpet. Tonight’s party was all about her and Mimi, and she was going to rise to the occasion, by blowing everyone’s mind – especially a certain Mafia lord

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