Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 413

413 Damaged Beyond Repair

The darkness lasted for a long time until one day, Winters snapped. She changed. She became an entirely different person; Winters couldn’t take their shit lying down. She was in charge of her life and no one would make her feel inferior.

In one word, Winters became a rebel. She made her first debut in school as a changed person by paying back each and every person who made her life a living hell.

Good with her computers, Winters exposed all of their dirty secrets, ruining their social life or academics. She even went as far as sending one of them to jail – the one who took her virginity. In one word, she framed him. His crime was having possession of cannabis, however, add cocaine to the list. That sounds cute, right?

Then she made a video of her mother’s abuse go viral and the woman was forcibly admitted to the hospital to avoid facing charges. Her father had always known something was wrong with her mother, but he waved it aside, claiming she would come around. Unfortunately, she suffered from her father’s neglect of her mother’s behavior, so Winter decided to take matters into her own hands.

And as for her grandfather, with his overwhelming arrogance, authoritativeness, sexist view, and toxic femininity, it turned out that he wasn’t a saint as he claimed to be. Winters discovered that he took the life of one of his business partners, amongst others he crushed, just to grow his companies. Not to mention him abusing his wife might be the reason she died early due to health complications.

So she threatened him with that. Although the murder crime had passed the statute of limitation and she couldn’t sue him for that, however, all of his crimes were enough to destroy the conglomerate he built over the years.

So she convinced him into making her the number one shareholder in the company. Winters wasn’t interested in inheriting the company, being an heiress was too much work. However, she was going to be richer than her uncle who he already chose as his heir. So in one word, while her uncle worked his ass off taking care of the company, she enjoyed her wealth as the top shareholder without lifting a finger.

Her other female cousins were given a reasonable amount of property as well. Yep, she made her grandfather readjust the will. Winters didn’t care what he gave to his treasured male children, her female cousins would not be left out.

Winters kept her end of the deal and didn’t release the information she dug up on him. As cruel as it was, this was the world and only the strongest survived – everyone in her life taught her that. Moreover, she was his karma. The man had worked hard throughout his life only to hand his resources to the female sex he detested so much.


Aside from that, her grandfather would get his reward in hell. She was sure of that.

A week after their negotiations, her grandfather died and Winters became the richest young daughter in the family. Of course, most of her family members, including her father, didn’t understand how that was possible knowing their grandfather had no regard for his female children, not to talk of grandchildren, however, there was nothing they could do. The will was legit.

At her grandfather’s funeral, Winters had cried the hardest and everyone assumed she loved the old man and missed him, without knowing she didn’t hold even a trace of affection for him – not after everything that happened.

She only wept for the childhood she missed out on, for the normal life she could have had if only her mother did not lied about her gender.

Winters knew her mother had been scared then that she would be chased out of the family for giving birth to a girl child and losing her womb as well. Her mother never had faith in her.

But look where she is now! Winters accomplished what none of them could have done. What they never thought a girl could do. Hence after she was done with high school, she ran away from home. Fuck Harvard! What does she need that for when she was a young billionaire?

So Winters dyed her hair silver to mark a new beginning and though she kept her original name, no one could find her with that because she was too good at what she does, nor does she stay at a place for a long time. What thrilled Winters in this life was a challenge and she found that in the life of crime. She found the underworld to be comfortable, it was the perfect place for people like her – damaged beyond repair

“You really didn’t have to tell her everything,” Winters scowled at Marcel after he narrated almost her life history to his girlfriend, Arianna.

“You really went through all that?” Arianna sniffed, receiving the tissue from Marcel before he handed the box to Victor who snatched a few tissue paper and passed it to Mimi crying as well.

They were currently seated in the bean bag chairs with Arianna sitting properly on Marcel’s laps this time and Mimi wasn’t left out while Winters was alone.

“It is so sad. I thought I had a hard life, but compared to you ....” Mimi blew loudly into the tissue before folding it and giving it to Victor who held it in the air with no idea what to do with it.

“Alright, I don’t need your pity. Don’t feel sorry for me because I am living comfortably well and happy. So can we concentrate on this now?” Winters hated that look in their eyes. She wasn’t weak!

“Please do,” Marcel said, while running his hand soothingly through his girlfriend’s hair to calm her down. She was embarrassing Winters right now. The young girl was stronger than they thought.

She began, “So, I went through the footage last night, and apparently, there’s this young girl they keep locked away. Care to confirm if she’s indeed your sister?” She played footage and handed the laptop over to Marcel.

Arianna made space so Marcel kept the laptop between them and she was able to see the footage clearly as well. The moment she felt Marcel stiffen, Arianna knew the answer to that question.

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