Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 384

384 Don’t Fail Me

One would ask, why was Sébastien confident enough to r*pe Mimi without fears of being caught. Well, for starters, he took her as a slut. Even if she wasn’t, he was capable enough to threaten her to silence. Unless she wanted to die, then she should speak.

But now, he was the one unable to speak as Fred and the other party stomped on him mercilessly. Both men didn’t need to ask what happened having seen it clearly with their eyes; he was trying to violate Mimi against her wish.

Grace and Miriam went over to Mimi who broke into a sob, bringing her knees up to her chest. Arianna was concerned about her friend’s safety and tried to check up on her but Mimi glared at her intensely, warning her with her gaze to leave. They didn’t have much time left, nor would her sacrifice be for nothing.

So as much as Arianna cared for her friend, she had no choice but to drag her feet out of there. She had seen a bruise on Mimi’s face, did that animal really hit her? How was she going to explain that to Victor?

But she would worry about that later, Arianna pushed that problem to the back of her mind and focused on the task at hand. The ring wasn’t going to disrupt the signals for long, Winters said it would last for at most ten minutes. There was no more time!

Arianna took the passage leading to the control room, thanking her God that she studied the map properly else she would have been lost already. This place was huge with lots of turns that one could easily lose their way.

Even before she got to the control room, Arianna heard noises and she knew they were battling the reason for the sudden signal disruption. The door was open already and Arianna simply ran inside, her chest heaving with her eyes frantic and her hair disheveled.

Her gaze fell on the two men in the room leaning over a blank monitor and they turned to stare back at her. Clearly, they never expected her here. Then, Arianna performed the award winning acting of the year.

“Sir, you have to help me! No, us!” Arianna threw herself on the foot of the first man sobbing loudly, “It’s one of your guards, Sébastien! He... He tried to rape my friend...oh my God! They are going to kill him!” She looked at them with crazy eyes, “I think my friends are going to kill him... Jesus, they are going to go to prison for murder!”


And that was all they needed to hear before they left the control room in a hurry to go find Sébastien and stop whatever the hell was going on there. It wasn’t enough that they needed to find the reason the cameras suddenly went off, now Sébastien just had to cause trouble. If the boss were to hear of this disorder in his mansion, there would be trouble and someone would have to pay.

Arianna exaggerated the situation by wailing louder, hyping them to move faster and when it was obvious that they could find their way there, she began to slowly lose them by moving back. Neither did any of them notice her action because they were set on seeing what was going on.

Immediately Arianna broke into a sprint making it to the control room without encountering anyone on the way. There was no time to catch her breath, not to mention that she was a bit dizzy from running too much, Arianna went ahead to find the main computer.

“Don’t fail me now,” Arianna muttered once she found it. She then plugged the USB into its port and waited for the magic to happen.

Winters was near the base as well so she was able to hack her into their database easily. She must be with Victor and the others in the car.

According to Winters, she would receive a signal once the USB was successfully plugged into the computer and would do the rest of the work like overriding the passwords and firewalls from over there.

Thankfully, Winters didn’t fail her.

Without laying a hand on the computer, Arianna watched as everything operated on its own. Just how capable was this girl called Winters? Arianna was suddenly scared of her and made a mental note to reconcile with her after this was over. It was not worth fighting over a man – Yeah, girls were supposed to look after each other.

She began to copy the hard drive and what worried Arianna the most was the fact that it was quite slow. Her heart pounded in her chest knowing that it wouldn’t be long before those two idiots found out that she was gone.

Even without them noticing her absence, she had to be gone from here before the cameras resumed their function. Daniel can’t know of their mission else he might make an extreme move like hiding Marcel’s sister in a place where they would never find her.

“Come on, come on!” Arianna tapped her foot impatiently against the floor. It was stuck at ninety-nine percent and wouldn’t make any move. Arianna was highly tempted to just take the USB and get out of here. But she couldn’t, it had to be complete.

Hence, the moment it was complete, Arianna released the breath she didn’t know she had been holding in. Finally, it was done! She pulled it out of the system and turned to leave, only to bump into a man at the entrance.

Arianna took a step back, gulping nervously. It wasn’t the two men from earlier, but another one, what was she going to do now?

The look on the man’s face told her that he had seen what she did hence she couldn’t lie or act.

But then, before she could say a thing, the man stretched his hand, saying, “Give me the USB, I would be able to get it across quickly and as well, save you from further questioning.”

That was when it dawned on Arianna that this was the spy that Marcel planted amongst his father’s men.

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