Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 339

339 I Will Have You

However, as the heat built on, Arianna let go of his finger and screamed out, “I can’t do this anymore!”

Marcel didn’t complain and let her be, a smirk tugging his lips to the side. In the end, he won against her. His pride was stroked.

Arianna cried out her moan, pulling him closer than he could possibly get. She wanted more. They should create a fire, but right now, it seemed as if Marcel was rubbing two stones together and all it produced were sparks. But then, even though the spark was not enough, she still wanted it. She would make do with it at the moment.

“Fuck!” Arianna growled, clenching and unclenching his suit with the rhythm of the torrent of pleasure attacking her with no care that it would be rumpled later. Each of his movements scraped against her clit and almost drove her crazy.

“Don’t worry, love, we would fuck sooner than you think.” He promised her with a grin full of teeth, looking like a shark at that moment. A shark that got its prey.

“What?” Arianna asked with her dazed expression when he suddenly increased his pace and the pleasure reached a crescendo.

Arianna couldn’t describe it, but you could say that she was close to floating, but just as the climax was about to wash over her, Marcel stopped.

Her eyes popped open.

What the hell, she imagined clubbing Marcel to death at that moment, but her imagination could wait. Seeing that the asshole was proving his assholeness – if the word was possible – at that time, Arianna began to push her hips, trying to relieve herself by bucking off his thigh, but he pulled back his leg.


“What the hell are you doing?!” Arianna was close to chewing off his head. How could he stop now? When she was close... so close to heaven. She could still feel the throbbing in between her legs, the pleasure had nearly exploded.


Nearly was not enough.

While Arianna tried to catch her own breath, she watched as Marcel’s eyes raked over her with satisfaction. He liked the fact that he left her in this condition and the thought of it made her hands form into fists. The cocky grin made her realize that this was the reaction he wanted from her. She had unintentionally given him control over her. Over her body.

He chuckled mockingly, “And you say you don’t like me?”

“There’s a huge difference between love and lust, Marcel,” She sneered, turning all the frustration on him, “Get that into your brain.”

But he grinned mischievously, “In that case, I hope love satisfies that longing in between your legs.”

And with that, he turned on his heels, intending to leave her like that when Arianna reached behind her with anger and picked the first thing she could get her hands on and hurled it at him.

Marcel thanked his lucky stars that he had good instincts and ducked on time else the knife that clattered on the floor after hitting the wall could have been lodged in his back.

He turned slowly to meet Arianna who had a palm on her mouth and looked shocked as well. She had acted without thinking and thought she hurled one of the ingredients at him or something.

“Damn woman, you are so feral. So because you can’t have me, no other woman can, is that it? I never thought I would die in a crime of passion,” He still was in the mood to joke around.

But unlike him who thought carelessly about his life, Arianna was petrified. Her hands couldn’t help but shake and her heart was pounding hard in her chest. She didn’t like this place, it was bringing out the worst in her.

“Hey,” She didn’t even know when Marcel got to her, lifting her chin so she could look him in the eyes, “It’s okay,” He said.

“I almost killed you.” She told him.

“Isn’t that good news? You’d be free, then,” He laughed and she pushed him away.

But she couldn’t understand the reason for her anger. All she had ever wanted to do since she came here was to hurt him and now she got the opportunity of doing so, why was she feeling guilty.

“Don’t worry, I’m not easy to kill.” Like an annoying octopus, Marcel was back to her side again and this time, pulled her to him by the waist.

“What are you doing?” She looked at him alarmed yet a thrill still went through her. But then, she has learned from the first lesson and would not repeat the same mistake.

“Compensation,” He said, just before he shoved her against the counter and crushed his lips to her in a hungry kiss.

Arianna put up a fight at first, it was an attempt to grasp hold of her sanity. However, she soon gave in to the moment and kissed him back with the same urgency. Marcel devoured her mouth like he was at war against it and she tugged at his hair, trying to keep up with his pace.

But he suddenly pulled away and Arianna chased after him causing him to chuckle. Even though she kept denying it, her feelings were obvious and he would make do with that for now. She would fall for him with time, he was that confident.

He kissed her once again and just like the “compensation” he called it, Marcel was a lot gentler this time. It was slower, almost to the point of being called lazy, yet deeper. His tongue slipped inside her mouth and he swallowed the sweet sound of pleasure she made.

Marcel kissed her as if he wanted to remember the shape of her lips, and the taste of her skin and they broke apart in the end. But he leaned his forehead against hers for a few minutes before whispering into her ears, “When I have you, of which I would surely have you, I would make sure, you beg for it.” He promised her.

A thrill went through Arianna at the prospect of that happening, however, she pushed the feelings away and replied boldly, “Keep on dreaming.”

“Sorry, honey, but I don’t dream. Instead, I turn them into reality,” He declared, “And speaking of dreams, do remember to have one about me slipping inside of you with my big, fat cock and stretching your virgin walls till I’m settled fully and then fucking the breath out of you.”

By the time Marcel was through with the explicit details, Arianna had gone tomato red in the face and she screamed, “Get out, you filthy son of a biscuit”

“Gladly,” Marcel told her, but not without snatching a short kiss from her lips and taking off before the cleaver landed on his head.

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