Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 329

329 The Future Seemed Bleak

Arianna hid successfully – In Victor’s walk-in closet. She figured out that Victor’s place was hardly frequented by Marcel and for very good reasons. Who in the world loves all? Him, Victor.

Hence, she hid in his closet for over an hour and came upon a piece of disturbing news in the end.

“How could you be so easily tricked?” Victor laughed at her.

He stumbled upon her hidden behind one of the cabinets in his closet after she nearly gave him a heart attack. And right now, they were seated in his room, and by ‘they, she means Mimi’s part of the party.

“Marcel tricked you,” He confessed.


And yes, that was the disturbing news.

“H-how? W-why... How could he do that to me? Did you know I was frightened? How much my heart skipped a beat when I thought of him finding me and keeping true to his threat!” Arianna was flustered, her hands on her chest.

Her heart had never stopped pounding the entire time she was hiding out in the closet and in the end, it was all for nothing? It was surely an expensive joke and Arianna was greatly annoyed by that. What if she had a heart attack or something?


But Victor asked her instead, “Haven’t you wondered why Marcel doesn’t have any friends?”

She rose up angrily, “What has that got to do with the fact that I’m mad and you are the only reason I haven’t gone down there to give him a piece of my mind!”

Yep, she was very mad.

“Do you want me to tell you or not?” Victor asked with a bored tone, unbothered by her outburst.

“Do tell,” Arianna plopped back down on the seat, eager to hear this thing on Marcel. The more she knew about him, the better for her – and she could use it against him in the future. You never know.

“Well, indeed, Marcel didn’t have a normal childhood, however, he still had the chance to make friends with the children of the soldiers. They do come around sometimes and of course, with other members of our dysfunctional family. But Marcel had a little problem. ”

At this point of the story which was the climax, Arianna would do anything in the world to hear what Victor had to say. Hence, it wasn’t surprising she listened to him with rapt attention.

“He was extremely covetous and possessive. It became a norm in our family to hide your things from the greedy gray-eyed monster. Although none of them could say that to his face neither could Marcel prove they referred to him as such, since most of the Luciano’s have gray eyes.

“What am I trying to say? When Marcel liked what you have, he made sure he had it to himself. And I’m not going to lie, uncle Daniel did encourage the behavior. According to him, his son was going to be the leader of the Luciano family in the future and deserved to have whatever he wanted.

“His mother was solely against it and tried to reform him to the best of her ability. Unfortunately, bad behaviors are far easier to catch on. Soon enough, his possessiveness extended to not only objects, but to people as well, to me.

“If I was to hang out with Marcel, I couldn’t play with other family members. What could I do? I was a child and loved my cousin far better than any of my other second cousins who were honestly assholes. Marcel might have acted mean, but they had a hand in provoking him.” He explained.

“So, what is the point of the story? ” Arianna asked. As much as it was interesting and gave her more insight into why Marcel behaves the way he does, sometimes, it didn’t relate to why he tricked her.

“Marcel might have outgrown his childish behavior, however, some things never change. He has a massive crush on you and you just won a fight against him, what do you think would happen after the match ended?”

Mimi inputted immediately, “Massive high fives and hugs from good looking men, including the gay ones, in a place saturated with testosterone,” She took a deep breath,” Marcel just denied you a savory experience.”

“Oh,” So that was the problem, Arianna finally figured it out. Marcel was jealous.

“Nonetheless, congratulations on winning the bet even though you played dirty....”

“A win is a win,” Arianna stood her ground. The rule of the fight was to successfully hit him three times and she did that. Creatively.

“Neither am I complaining, which means the initial plan of saving Chloe would go as planned and I can sleep much better today knowing there’s a much better chance of success now.” Victor complimented her.

“Yeah,” Arianna breathed, “I can’t wait to start.”

“No,” Mimi corrected her, “You mean we can’t wait to start.”

Her back stood straight as Arianna gave her friend a confusing look, “What do you mean by that?”

“Yeah, what do you mean by that?” Victor was surprised as well. He had not seen that one coming at all.

Mimi looked at Arianna as if she had developed two heads, saying, “You probably didn’t think that I would let you go there all by yourself, right?” She hoped for a positive answer.

But Arianna was dumbfounded, and no words could come out of her mouth. When the shock finally wore off, she said to Mimi, “No, you can’t do this, it’s dangerous.”

“And you’re the one who can do this dangerous job, huh? What are you, supergirl? Hunk girl? Immune to danger, is that it? We are going to have to come up with a superb name for you and of course, your costume if that’s your superpower, honey.” Mimi didn’t hold back with her tongue.

Arianna sighed, rubbing her head. She hated when Mimi was being this way – sarcastic and unreasonable – because she wouldn’t know how to handle her then.

“You don’t get it -”

“Then make me get it”

“I’m the only one with a skill here and capable enough to go in there and do the job cleanly, and we both know that.” She argued.

“Yeah, stealing and getting yourself in trouble, Arianna, those are quite your strong suit. I wonder if you remember who gave you the idea on how to win your deal hours ago? I wonder how you’d seduce the guards to leave their post with your zero charm points?” She laughed dryly, “I guess I’m useless after all,”

“I didn’t say that,” Arianna defended.

Victor came in, “Babe come on, perhaps we could -”

“Don’t babe me if you’re not ready to support me!” Mimi warned him fiercely, poking him in the chest.

“Okay,” Victor gave up because he was just about to discourage her from going.

So this was how it felt for Marcel when Arianna offered to go? Victor was sick and worried about Mimi’s safety right now. He didn’t want her to go, he wanted her where he could see and protect her.

Mimi was not done with Arianna, and went on, “I guess all that promise about being there for each other was just talks, blah, blah, nonsense.”

She rolled her eyes heavenward,

“Just like fake promises made to a woman in the middle of sex, you just said those words to satisfy me?! And in the end, you became the badass female ninja who could climb over walls and break into Daniel’s residence and do whatever they want you to do without the help of your bitchy best friend who wouldn’t stop whining her mouth until you give her a good reason she shouldn’t – ”

“Okay! Fine, you win! You would come along with me, Jesus!” Arianna gave in to her request, trying to catch her breath. She always knew Mimi was a handful but this? She was too much.

“Thank you, my bestie!” Mimi threw herself on Arianna, tackling the both of them to the ground as they fell off the sofa while Victor’s hand hung uselessly in the air.

He was just about to ask if he gets a vote in the matter as well, but it seems the election has been concluded already. Yep decision made, Mimi was going.

“Get off me, you wild pig!” Arianna complained when Mimi wouldn’t let go of her.

“No, I’m so happy right now that we would be together in this exciting adventure and since you don’t have a boyfriend yet, all I can do is show you my gratitude with a kiss!”

“What?! Eww, no!” Arianna tried to escape her but Mimi was on top of her and in a more advantageous position. So she smooched her on the face like some dog.

And while both women were playing around, Victor could only fear for this upcoming mission because this wasn’t an exciting adventure like Mimi thought, it was a life and death situation. He wondered if any of them knew that.

Maybe Marcel was not entirely wrong about not wanting Arianna’s involvement in this, not to talk of Mimi. He bet his cousin would go bananas when he heard Mimi was joining her.

No, Victor was currently going bananas watching both women play around, it didn’t give him hope. At this rate, the future of this mission seemed bleak.

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